Special Counsel John Durham keeps naming names in his investigation of the so-called “Steele Dossier” and its Russia-related allegations about Donald Trump, and a longtime conservative activist says he is not surprised the now-discredited allegations lead back to the infamous Clinton political machine.
Democrats and their media allies eagerly accepted the claims that Trump was a blackmailed stooge of Russia and its president, and hence then-President Trump posed a literal national security threat to our nation. But that claim has fallen apart after Durham has charged key people behind the allegations for lying to the FBI about what they alleged and who they were working for when they met with FBI agents.
How bad is the backtracking? The Washington Post has gone back in time and edited numerous anti-Trump stories from 2017 and 2019 related to the Steele dossier, The Washington Examiner points out in a Nov. 12 story.
According to the Examiner, the Post erased its past stories after the Dept. of Justice announced charges against Igor Danchenko, who is allegedly a key source behind some of the most salacious allegations about Trump and Russian prostitutes. Those sordid details are included in the “dossier” that was described by the media as a reliable intelligence briefing by Christopher Steele, a British citizen and former spy.
Danchenko, who told Steele about the prostitute story, worked closely with Charles H. Dolan, a longtime Clinton loyalist who allegedly fed rumors and innuendo to Dancheko. Both Dolan and Danchenko have been charged in recent weeks for lying to the FBI, and those charges came after the DOJ announced in September a grand jury had indicted attorney John Sussmann for lying to the FBI, too.
Sussmann worked for the powerful D.C.-based law firm Perkins Coie, where Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign was a client.
Thanks to Durham’s investigations, “another vital piece of the puzzle has been filled in,” legal analyst Gregg Jarrett writes in a Fox News op-ed. “It wasn’t a Russian insider, but a Hillary crony who furnished material for some of the dossier’s deceitful claims.”
Geoff Dickens of the Media Research Center tells AFN the Post “scrubbed” its past stories because Sally Buzbee, the executive editor, admitted in an “extensive” correction that the newspaper could not defend the accuracy of its reporting over the last three years.
“And then [the correction] talks about all the things that came from the Steele Dossier they can no longer stand by,” Dickens points out.
Gary Bauer, chairman of the Campaign for Working Families, tells American Family News the American public now knows this was a complete and total lie that leads back to the Clintons.
“What we do know for sure,” he says, “is this is the biggest dirty trick in American politics.”
During the 1990s, Americans learned that dirty tricks and proclamations of innocence were routine during the Bill Clinton presidency, when a ruthless and calculating Hillary Clinton was lurking in the background. Back then, President Clinton and the First Lady escaped scandal after scandal, too, while others resigned or, worse, were led away in handcuffs.
“It’s hard to conceive of anyone more duplicitous and despicable,” Jarrett concludes in his op-ed, “than Hillary Clinton.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
supported by Clinton News Network and MSLSD and all the kool aide drinking dems/liberals
SO WHEN WILL charges be coming to HER!!! If ever at all.
Nothing is going to happen to hillary, until she dies, then judgement will be applied for eternity. On that day, it will suck to be her.
She has already hired MIchael Jackson’s dance coach to enable her to moon walk on the lake of fire. Michael should have learned what was coming when his hair caught on fire. Hillary still thinks all the good she did WITH OTHER PEOPLE’s Money will buy her a free ticket to eternity. You do have to hand it to her that she learned her lessons well from her Husband on how to impeach a President which she used but underhandedly failed by going after Trump
Can we WAIT til then though, to see justice finally done??
We either destroy this treasonous, dishonorable, dishonest, socialist Democrat Party or it will destroy US.
Fascism : A way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.
To fully advance the Demonic, Lying Socialist Democrat Party’s destructive agendas is to; dividing our citizens with hate, open borders, gun control, radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, the LGBTQ lifestyle, unfettered sexual identity, transgender “gay marriage” and the like, the pagan Liberal left Democrats must do away with our Constitution, GOD, common sense, morality, Christian values and free religious exercise altogether. Christian values and free religious exercise altogether.
Under the guise of “anti-discrimination.”
YOu know who’s in power, by who you are NOT Allowed to criticized.
“What we do know for sure,” he says, “is this is the biggest dirty trick in American politics.”
As we had individually concluded. And what will now happen to the political superstar, Hillary Clinton? The same thing that happened to Comey and McCabe? Will she have to make a televised national apology to the American people—to Donald Trump? Will there be any legal repercussions for her?
No—she will go down in the Democrat Hall of Fame —maybe even get an award—maybe even get a statue erected in her “honor”. The Bonnie & Clyde of DC—Bill & Hillary Clinton—charlatans extraordinaire.
The Nobel Peace Prize for certain.
I certainly HOPE there are.
Talk on hil: biden has gone to senate to find out how to get rid of harris then put clinton in her place and the biden will be stepping down. Scary !!!!!!!