The Bulls had a good run, but the rats are unstoppable.
Chicago has been rated number one on Orkin’s Top 50 Rattiest Cities List for the seventh straight year. That’s likely an unwanted honor for the city also known for its Michael Jordan-led basketball team’s six NBA championship wins over an eight-year period.
The pest-control company’s rankings were based on the number of new residential and commercial rodent treatments it performed between Sept. 15, 2020, and Sept. 15, 2021.
Orkin calls the past year an unprecedented stretch of rodent visibility brought on by the pandemic, which “forced rodents to find new food sources” while restaurants and businesses were closed. The company also said it experienced rats “scavenging new areas and exhibiting unusual or aggressive behavior.”
Los Angeles finished second on Orkin’s listing of rat infestation, followed by New York City at number three. Washington, D.C., and San Francisco round out the top five.
“As urban residents started to return to their city homes after the mass exodus following the outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020, so did rat populations,” Orkin explained in its rundown.
Orkin entomologist Ben Hottel added that rats are resilient and suggested humans aren’t the only ones who have learned to work from home.
“After a year of depleted resources, residential properties offer the ideal habitat for rodents, and once they’ve settled in, they’re capable of reproducing rapidly and in large quantities,” Hottel said.
Orkin warns that rat infestation is dangerous not only because of the damage they can do to homes, but because of harmful pathogens they carry. The 120-year-old organization notes that there are ways to keep rats at bay, including keeping food contained, clearing out clutter indoors and outdoors, and inspecting dwellings for entry points.
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Both in animals and politicians.
MOST if not all o those rats, are TWO LEGGED ONES!
Any city run by a democrat if not presently will eventually be infested with rats of the animal and human kind. Birds of a feather!!
Basically the Chicago rat population is divided into two general types. There are the Brown Rat, also known as the Norway rat. These are common in almost any city, New York is a prime example. Then there are the more common Democ Rat which comprises about 75% of the overall rat population in many large city’s, New York and Los Angeles are prime examples. The prime rat infestation of national concern is not actually the Brown Rat, but rather the Democ Rat populations which are getting out of control and threatening to overrun the entire country. Controlling the spread of and perhaps eradication of these ever more common rats should be our number one national priority.
Maybe we need to release a few thousand stray cats into Chicago, to purge that rat population.. I think a few hundred panthers, a few hundred cheetas, a few hundred lions, and a few hundred tigers would work…
I beg to differ… Sodom & Gamorrah D.C. has ten times more rats… there called Regressive Liberal Socialist DemoRATS.
Dam, you fellas all beat me to it in regards to the two legged rats from Chicago. Seems there’s an unlimited supply of ’em.