Fully vaccinated Americans can now breathe easy outside without a mask, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky announced.
“Over the past year, we have spent a lot of time telling Americans what they cannot do, what they should not do. Today, I’m going to tell you some of the things you can do if you are fully vaccinated,” Walensky said in a Tuesday press briefing.
Vaccinated people can safely go maskless during outdoor activities and recreation and attend small to medium gatherings with other vaccinated and unvaccinated people, according to new CDC guidance published Tuesday.
Other safe activities that vaccinated people can do without a mask include walking, running, biking and outdoor dining with friends from multiple households.
Vaccinated and unvaccinated people should still wear a mask at a crowded outdoor event like a concert or parade, according to the guidance.
“Generally, for vaccinated people, outdoor activities without a mask are safe,” Walensky said, later adding, “I hope this message is encouraging for you. It shows just how powerful these vaccines are in our efforts to end this pandemic.”
Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people should continue to wear a mask for many indoor activities such as taking public transportation, getting a haircut, visiting a crowded shopping center and going to the gym.
Walensky said only 10% of coronavirus transmission occurs outdoors and increased vaccination rates along with stabilized COVID trends informed the updated guidance.
The seven-day average number of COVID cases in the United States is about 54,400 a day, a decrease of 21% from the prior seven-day average.
The seven-day average of hospitalizations has gone down 9% to 5,100 and seven-day average of daily deaths has decreased 6% to 660.
President Biden, in a Tuesday press conference said the new CDC recommendations serve as yet another reason to get vaccinated, calling it our “patriotic duty.”
Biden said he will soon have some updates to share about Independence Day, which he has stuck to as a day to celebrate independence from coronavirus and get back to normal.
“Don’t let up now, keep following the guidance. Go get your vaccination now. It’s free and it’s convenient,” Biden said.
The updated CDC guidance comes on the same day Gov. Charlie Baker announced the outdoor mask mandate in Massachusetts will be lifted on April 30 and several industries will begin to reopen at greater capacity.
Then there was this.
We're expecting updated guidelines today from the federal government about who should be wearing masks and when.@HHSGov Secretary @XavierBecerra joins us with more on the new guidance. pic.twitter.com/7V1hJ0XJwh
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) April 27, 2021
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the all mighty government has spoken and given there blessing to not wear a mask.
tyranny at its finest is rampant in every form of power uhh i mean government.
WE the kings, give you permission, to do something YOU ALREADY SHOULD BE DOING.
All ready did it except when talking to a demonrat…….then you need a mask, maybe two or? Maybe a can of bs repellent too
Pity no one can make a can of “BS repellant” There would be one hell of a market for it!
Like a doctor stated on Fox News, about 33% of the people in our Country have had the disease, as a result they have antibodies to the disease and they have developed herd immunity. Plus, there are those that have gotten the shots. So the CDC and Dr. Fauci can take their masks (indoors and outdoors) and shove them. Why doesn’t the CDC and Dr. Fauci’s NIAID move out of our Country and merge with the communist run World Health Organization! They are perfect for each other.
AND if the left’s so harping on masks, WHY HAVE THEY NEVER HARPED on all the bloody BLM RIOTS to mask the hell up!?
“Vaccinated people may… Unvaccinated people may not….” What next, separate water fountains and restrooms? Vaccine Jim Crow, anyone?
That certainly seems to be how they are TRYING TO make things.
“GET FIRED from your job if you don’t get vaccinated.
YOU can’t go shopping till you get vaccinated
You can’t leave your home till you get vaccinated.
You can’t live till you get your vaccine..
NOW SHUT UP SLAVE and get your shot!
Guess what Joe, I’ve NOT worn a mask outside since this pandemic started!! Inside YES, outside WHY!!
I’ve only put mine on, to go into stores that require it, AND AS SOON as i exit, i take the bloody thing off.
“Today, I’m going to tell you some of the things you can do if………”
I don’t need your permission, thanks.
That “you may do” list is pretty darned short.
I have a suggestion for what CDC and Cho Bai Din can do with their list.
Will masks , become the next pollution problem? What’s going to happen with the Trillion masks out there, just wondering.
Already picking them off the street in front of my driveway.
They’ll just go into our garbage dumps…
I live in Florida, and have never worn a mask outdoors. Only while shopping, Post Office, Dr app’ts, etc. And my favorite bars and restaurants haven’t required them since last Summer. Schools opened in late Summer as the always do. I had lunch and several beers at my favorite bar yesterday. Nobody, customers or staff was masked.
And Florida’s doing just fine, than you. That’s why half the Northeast wants to move here.
As long as they don’t bring their moronic dem-rat ideas with them, it’ll be fine.
TOO bad, as history has always shown, YES THEY DO BRING their libtard insanities with them, when they relocate. JUST look to colorado, areas of texas, ohio etc…
Hey Pedo Joe nobody listens to you traitor we are going to remove you from the White House , go F yourself. I have never wore a mask and never will if anybody tells me to wear one it won’t be very pretty let’s just say that.