In the aftermath of the four phenomenal years of the Trump Presidency, and the abhorrent 2020 leftist Democrat election theft, a major upheaval is unfolding within the Republican Party. It holds the potential to completely redefine the party. Of course the GOP “Establishment” is fanatically determined to restore its long standing game of “business as usual” by which it could play opposition party, pretending to counter the Democrat agenda, while never actually accomplishing anything. For years, this had worked well for fundraising letters and to keep incumbents in office. But that game is up.
The stunning accomplishments of President Trump, from his major progress at securing the border, to the flourishing Trump economy, to the amazing peace accords in the Middle-East, proved that real conservative policy could be implemented, if the intent was to actually do so. Needless to say, leftist Democrats were outraged. But so were many supposed “Republicans” who had never embraced real conservatism, despite engaging in shameless charades of being such. Among the worst of these was Wyoming RINO Congresswoman Liz Cheney.
Faced with the prospect of supporting the pro-America Trump agenda or siding with leftist Democrats, Cheney not only took the Democrat position on a host of issues, she loudly castigated the President while giving faux “credence” to despicable Democrat policy that can only come from the endorsement of a RINO collaborator. Her treachery even included extremely enthusiastic support for the criminal and unconstitutional “impeachment” sham, perpetrated against President Trump by the leftist Democrats after he was no longer in the White House.
Conservative Americans are outraged, and particularly in the very “red” State of Wyoming where Cheney was elected to the Congress as the textbook out-of-state “carpet-bagger.” Wyomingites have had enough. In an unprecedented move Cheney was summarily censured by the Wyoming Republican Party. Best of all, conservatives across the Cowboy State have called for the duplicitous Cheney to be challenged in the 2022 Wyoming Primary.
Answering this call is Anthony Bouchard, an unshakable conservative bulldog serving his second term in the Wyoming State Senate. Prior to his election in 2016, Bouchard was heavily involved in grassroots advocacy of defining conservative causes, involving everything from the preservation of religious freedom, to the sanctity of life for the unborn, to the establishment of pro-Second Amendment legislation that truly upholds the letter and spirit of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Grassroots support for Bouchard has been enormous, which of course means the GOP “Establishment” will be on the warpath against him.
His political savvy as a genuine Conservative is profound and extensive. He has a keen eye for spotting political sleights of hand, intended to impress voters while actually accomplishing nothing. To the dismay of the entrenched, self-serving political class, he refuses to play that game. Having fought so hard “in the trenches” for real pro-Second Amendment legislation before assuming office, he was absolutely unwilling to support a bill that claimed to be pro-gun, but had been severely watered down during the legislative process. Posturing politicians are still holding their grudges against him over that one. In so many ways, the opposition Bouchard faces from Wyoming’s GOP “Insiders” mirrors the attacks President Trump has had to endure from Beltway Republicans, and for the same reason.
No doubt, the strategy of the Cheney camp will be to bring in big money from out of state special interests, none of whom have any loyalty to Wyoming or the conservative agenda, in hopes of dazzling the voters with huge campaign ad buys. Concurrent with this will be a major effort to get several “conservative” wannabes to run in the primary, thus drastically splitting the vote. A little dirty trick, implemented years ago by the Wyoming GOP “Establishment,” would redound totally in Cheney’s favor at that point. According to Wyoming law, Democrats can go to the polling place on election day, register as “Republicans,” vote for the most pro liberal/Democrat candidate in the field (which of course would be Cheney), then re-register as Democrats once they were finished voting.
Cheney’s political “career” has been advanced from the start through just such political insider ploys. Having done her best to “legitimize” and enable the leftist Democrats after last November’s election heist, she has since openly stated her absolute refusal to support President Trump, were he to run in 2024. It is beyond naive to expect anything else from her. If the GOP is ever to stand for anything better than its current hapless caricature of a political party, such turncoats need to be expunged from it. Conversely, if Cheney were to win through such chicanery, it is guaranteed that the GOP “Establishment” will loudly proclaim her victory as “proof” that Conservative America has moved past the Trump era and returned to the insipid and feckless ways of the former GOP.
It is a sad irony that while so many Americans are totally fed up with the current ineptitude of the Republican Party, many are apprehensive over the prospect of electing a candidate who will be deemed “controversial” by the political swamp. Now is not the time for such timidity. The political structure that gave us Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Mitt Romney is no friend of real conservatism. If Wyoming Conservatives want an actual departure from the mire of “Business as usual” and seek a political course that would truly oppose the leftist onslaught while offering real remedies to it, this is their opportunity to make that change. And Senator Bouchard is just the political warrior to accomplish it.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for years. His recently released book Rules for Defeating Radicals, subtitled Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture, is the “Go To” guide for effectively overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.
When Bush was President we all knew Cheny was the real decider, and while war in Afghanistan to get Bin Laden was justified, took us into war in Iraq to protect his Petroleum Company interests in the region. Now the same establishment people of BOTH parties seek to undermine American Petroleum production to the benefit of the middle east countries and Iran. Follow the money and you will find the dirt and the need to rid this nation of systemic antidisestablishmentarianism, where the new Church of worship is the Chursh of the American Establisment, that coninues to receive government patronage, run by members of BOTH Parties.
GO Anthony Bouchard.. KICK that rino out of congress.!!!!
Christopher Adamo, Great column on the filth of the Republicans In Name Only, like the New World Order establishment, open borders traitor, Cheney.
Ditto. And it’s not just Wyoming. These RINOs need to be expelled in other states as well. They simply cannot be counted on to support the major issues impacting the country as a whole. People should pay attention to the issues supported by these candidates, and not just swing towards the Republican who has the most money to promote themselves.
Sites like this, newsmax, oann and civil deadline, need to keep a LIST ON THEIR main page, showing ALL THE RINOS and what state they are from, so we all know, who the hell needs to get voted out!
How do you change— change the U.S. from a capitalist system’,
Into a Socialistic Democrat Party government controlled system. ??
1. Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people.
2. Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
3. Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children and young people learn in schools and colleges.
4. Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
5. Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take from the wealthy and give to poor. Until there are only the poor.
6. Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level.
7. Gun Control — Remove the ability for the people to defend themselves from the Government. (“Socialist Democrat Party State”)
8. Poverty — Increase the poverty level as high as possible. Poor people are easier to control and will keep socialists in power if they are providing everything for them to live. Encourage, protect and support multi-millions of illegal immigrants who are poor, uneducated and disease ridden.
9. Allow illegal immigrants to vote and hold government positions.
RINO-Republicans in name only, DIRT-Democrats in Republican trousers.
Do these look like the tactics of the Democrat Party??
“If Wyoming Conservatives want an actual departure from the mire of “Business as usual” and seek a political course that would truly oppose the leftist onslaught while offering real remedies to it,” they will have to start a new party. STOP blaming voters for the rigged system that is the Republican party! American needs a party that has rules that exclude politicians from political office not regular Americans. But it’s going to take a lot of work which most of the “conservative” pundits I’ve heard aren’t willing to do. If you aren’t willing to do the work, stop complaining that the “voters” aren’t voting the way you want. They CAN’T.
Well, “Eagle”, why start a whole new party (an enormously expensive , long and convoluted task) when there’s a perfectly good one currently available for the taking [over]?
Especially when its NOT THE ENTIRE GOP that is rotten, just a good chunk of it.
The Republican Party was the political supported of small government.
All that changed. Today the party leadership is selling the false idea that big government is a good thing and that it can and will be managed to the benefit of We, the People. Such an assertion is a horrific LIE. The ONLY good government is a very limited, very small, very strictly managed one. The Executive Branch should consist exclusively of the Dept of State and the Defense Dept; nothing else, nothing more. Thus, activate the Tenth Amendment and make your local county commissioner primarily responsible for governmental functions. If your commissioner does well, re-elect but if not, toss him / her out with the rest of your garbage. State government should be limited to setting the overall framework to rein in excesses of the counties. The federal government must be prohibited from any influence whatsoever over domestic issues &/or funding.
Anyone failing to embrace this concept of limited government is either a Democrat or a RINO, unworthy of your primary vote.
Exactly. IF THE Federal dept is NOT EXPRESSLY Called for in our constitution, it NEEDS TO GET ELIMINATED.