Break up Big Tech — or regulate it so that major platforms cannot discriminate by viewpoint, Republicans said Wednesday.
Former President Donald Trump’s allies in Congress vowed to strike back after Facebook’s decision to uphold its ban on Trump’s account — especially when the political tide turns, perhaps as soon as 2022.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) accused Facebook of “acting like a Democrat Super PAC” and wrote, “A House Republican majority will rein in big tech power over our speech.”
– Read more at the NY Post
Trump slams Facebook ban as ‘total disgrace,’ says Big Tech companies ‘must pay a political price’
Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday slammed the Facebook Oversight Board’s decision to uphold his ban from Facebook and Instagram as a “total disgrace,” saying Big Tech companies “must pay a political price.”
The board on Wednesday upheld Trump’s ban from Facebook and Instagram but said it was “not appropriate” for Facebook to impose the “indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension.”
The board gave Facebook six months to review the “arbitrary” indefinite ban, saying in a tweet that the company “violated its own rules.”
– Read more at Fox News
‘From the Desk of Donald J. Trump’ is ready
President Trump has launched a new website to deliver the latest updates from his office to the American people.
The website is called: From the Desk of Donald J. Trump. The President has posted statements and opinions on the state of U.S. affairs to advance his ‘Save America’ program.
President Trump said the website will develop as “the beacon of free speech,” although it doesn’t appear to work as a social media platform as of now.
– Source is One America News
Visit the new site at From the Desk of Donald J. Trump.
The House Democrats are in the majority, so anyone who thinks the Democrats will go after Big Tech is a fool, as big Tech only practices censorship against Conservatives. Secondly, with a Democrat in the White House, even if the Republicans take the House and Senate, they will not be able to override any veto by Biden, with regard to breaking up Big Tech. So the censorship by Big Tech, will continue through the Biden Administration.
True, we’d need to get 66% percent on BOTH houses to override the veto of joe.
Facebook is a platform, nothing more. They are not a publisher.
“Section 230 generally provides immunity for website platforms from third-party content. At its core, Section 230(c)(1) provides immunity from liability for providers and users of an “interactive computer service” who publish information provided by third-party users:
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.”
They should lose their protection against being sued for liable they use to say they were not editors so they should be excempt from lawsuits. I can find dozens of comments by democrat politicians that are way worse than anything president Trump wrote. They also have gone out of their way to prevent parlor and rumbler from doing business. The time has come to break them up and lose their protection and tax credits. This will be a great thing for the country one of the best things this country ever did was break up Ma Bell. This will allow for everyone to be treated equally and prevent facebook and twitter from trying to interfere in our election again. Lets face it almost everyone in the country will agree that both the owner of facebook and twitter are two of the nastiest human beings in the world. They are bad people if you haven’t seen the movie about facebook watch it this was long before Trump it shows you how bad the owner of facebook is he is a creep. The owner of twitter looks like a hippie but that’s as far as hippie persona goes he does more things to hurt the enviroment in 1 year than the whole country combined. He is listed as one of the most hated bosses actually these two take turns going from number 1 to number 2 Let end the reign of two horrfic people.
It wouldn’t bother me in the least if Twitter and Facebook both went out of business tomorrow. I’ve never “tweeted” nor posted 1 word on Facebook in my life, nor do I have any intention of doing so in the future.
Break them up as the dem-rat, biased monopolies they are, just like they did with AT&T in ’84.
I’d CELEBRATE if an asteroid flew in, and DEMOLISHED every HQ that Big tech has… PERIOD.
WHY Was this ‘advisory board’, formed to make LEGAL RULINGS on people’s banning, STOCKED WITH professors/college morons? WHAT DO THEY KNOW about the bloody law!
“Break Them Up”. That ability already exists – it’s called capitalism or the free market. You don’t like something – don’t buy it, don’t use it, find another vendor. Very, very SIMPLE. We don’t need the clowns in DC to this.
Exactly what sites exist that are comparable?? Yes some do, but are NO where near as big, popular or user friendly.
And the sooner, the better.
“A House Republican majority will rein in big tech power over our speech”………. SUUUUURRRRRE you will…… until you’re not getting invited to the best parties and the next sweetheart deal comes along…
Yeah right..
DO not talk about it unless you’re really going to try even in a minority situation!!!!
Denocrats need big tech to be their everpresent, everpervasive mouthpiece to the country. It’s better for them than actually hiring a publc relations firm to spread their lies.
Big tech, is literally one of the only things, KEEPING THEM in power.
The republicans can yell and scream about big tech all they want, but the reality is that there isn’t anything they can do about it until they gain control of the white house, the senate and the house of reps. The midterm election next year won’t accomplish that so the best they can hope for is 2024. Sadly there’s no telling how much damage to this country the liberal democrats can do before then.
AND that even assumes we CAN win back the white house in 2024.
Stop waiting for others to “do something”. We are the folks who are supposed to understand the power of free markets, so lets USE the power of free markets and insist on only using Facebook / Twitter / Google alternatives. C-Net conveniently just came out with a very informative article detailing exactly what you need to do:
Completely delete your Facebook account, loose ends and all
Deleting your Facebook account isn’t as simple as clicking a button. Here’s everything you need to know.
Did you know Instagram is a Facebook property? Delete your Facebook account completely!
Facebook is a filthy racist company , that is all that need be said !