House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy came out swinging in his speech, accusing Democratic lawmakers of ignoring rising crime, decrying restrictions on parental rights, and promising to repeal the recent expansion to the Internal Revenue Service.

The agenda includes a slate of general policy recommendations in four broad categories: “An Economy That’s Strong;” “A Nation That’s Safe;” “A Future That’s Built on Freedom;” and “A Government That’s Accountable.”

“We want an economy that is strong. That means you can fill up your tank. You can buy the groceries. You have enough money left over to go to Disneyland and save for a future — that the paychecks grow, they no longer shrink,” McCarthy told the crowd, laying out what Republicans say they will do if they gain the House majority.

– Read more at Fox News


Here’s what Republicans will deliver when we take back the House

When you buy groceries or pay your electricity bill, you might wonder, “Can I afford this?” Millions of Americans are asking that question because Democrats’ reckless government spending has led to record inflation and driven us into a recession.

When you watch the local news, you may feel less safe in your community. You aren’t alone. Under the Biden administration, we’ve experienced the deadliest years for violent crime and drug overdoses.

Just as we see the rule of law breaking down in our cities, we’re seeing it break down on our border. This week, President Joe Biden broke the record for the most illegal border crossings in a fiscal year: more than 2 million encounters at the southern border in 11 months.

– House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthey via the NY Post

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