Black Lives Matter has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize — a pitch that lauds the movement’s fight against racial injustice but takes little note of the decidedly non-peaceful violence and property damage that has been committed in its name.
The pol, Petter Eide, a member of Norway’s Parliament, brushed aside questions of the movement’s occasions of violence on Friday.
“Studies have shown that most of the demonstrations organised by Black Lives Matter have been peaceful,” Eide said.
_ Read more at the New York Post.
Remember this from Minnesota? Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon!
The nobel peace prize lost all respect and credibility when they awarded it to barry sotero.
Not to mention his top economic advisor Paul Krugman getting the Nobel Prize for Economics. which kept our economy stagnant for 8 years. It’s is past time America cut Europe loose to Nobly defend itself from its own lack of oil and own plethoria of stupidity. Giving a Nobel PEace Prize to BLM is like giving Jack the Ripper the Nobel Prize for peaceful demonstrations and champion of women’s Rights. Socialism, where bad becomes good and all good things become bad, and we are all created in the images of god vultures and Hyena’s designed to worship at the feet of Bidenlike Pharaohs and Harris Queens of Denial.
Next they will issue Biden a Nobel prize for research on Brain aged cognition decline.
Great analogy there with the Ripper, you just made my day!
WHo could they get to give that award?? Another dunce like Turtleneck mcconnel?
They gave that to odumdum because he was the first, and only, president that hates this country and that fits in with how most other countries in the world feel about the United States. That is until they need more money, or to provide them with military forces to keep them from being overthrown. Trump, not worrying about being a politician, called them out on their greedy demands, and the worthless politicians running those countries.
Can’t forget that.
They lost all credibility waaaaay before that…like around the mid 90s, when they awarded Yassar Arafat said “Peace Prize.”
While there were likely many stupid awards, that one really sent the message home.
Even before that when it was awarded to Yasser Arafat.
Yeah, the affirmative action baboon was escalated to esteem by the kosher morons who hijacked this country and who are in power behind the scenes. Their goal all along was to destroy White Christian America and give more power to its minority population. Nowhere in the world is their another country that gives more power to its minorities over the native population. This country was founded and intended to be the new and/or second home for Europeans, a Melting Pot of Europeans, not the **** Stew the democRATs have turned the country into.
Nobel peace prize has been a sick joke for years. It just gets worse with time. It has no meaning and totally irrelevant.
Leave us not forget Yasser Arafat
Yep, blm gets nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for looting buildings, stealing, destroying property, burning buildings, burning Churches, assaulting police officers, killing police officers, assaulting innocent people. “Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon”. Evil is good and good is evil. “Petter Eide, a member of Norway’s Parliament, brushed aside questions of the movement’s occasions of violence”, obviously a liberal. Petter, you condone violence, murder, crime and the destruction of property. You, Petter, are a disgrace as a human being!
Yup, you covered all of what BLM really is about: Burn Loot Murder.
Black Lies Manipulate
Are their categories for Nobel prizes for TOP STUPUDITY, TOP IDIOTS, TOP CORRUPT?
Certainly seems like it Ridge..
Petter Eide, a member of Norway’s Parliament,
definitely has the mentality and character of a U.S. Congressional Democrat.
By the way the most degrading insult one can use. Is to call someone a “Democrat”.
Communists hide behind the word “Democrat” until they have enough power to do away with elections.
give them time, i am sure they’re already working at that..
Is it because of their peaceful protest last Summer? Bahahaaaaaaaaa!
Which study would she be referring to that says the protests were peaceful. What is peaceful about burning and looting and 45 people dying,
When they lie, they always leave the facts out, like what studies were that stupid or political? Name them so we know who more of the enemies of truth are.
never try to talk about logic with a liberal/socialists, `they refuse to listen to facts because they don’t want to become confused. It won’t be long now where our country will be dictated to by those peaceful blm and antifa criminals. We are allowing 13% of the population to control what the other 87% can think, act, and do. Talk about a country ready to explode with another civil/race war, or even a second American Revolution to clean out the old politicians and replace them with others more in line with the real American way.
There were no studies and they know it, it would be more honest if they just said from their casual observation as seen on CNN.
To the left, looting and arson ARE peaceful>…
The sooner the better for this civil war, these Leftist Tyrants need to be cleaned out !!
1984 is now.
War is peace, etc.
Protesting is insurrection.. Rioting is peaceful.
Democrats/Leftists live COMPLETELY in clinical insanity OPPOSITES land… Bad is good, up is down, sky is purple, PEACE IS MURDER AND LOOTING ….Etc, Etc
Surely you jest!
BLM nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize? Took me 20 minutes to stop laughing.
Easily the most absurd thing I’ve heard in quite some time, ranks right up there with Babbling Joe Biden winning a “fair & honest” election.
NOT TO WORRY! They will probably be beat out by the CCP for ridding the planet of millions of CO2 producers, thus playing a major role in thwarting “climate change.” What a useless and meaningless award! It ranks right up there with the Pulitzer prize and Time’s Person of the Year.
I don’t think the nobel prize has meant anything in decades… Certainly not in the past 12 years, after they gave it to Obozo..
It hasn’t from the beginning. Think out it, Nobel who invented dynamite creates a peace prize? Definintely a Democrat Socialist.
Antifa should also be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize since it assisted Black Lives Matter in conducting many of the “mostly peaceful” protests that involved widespread violence, looting, and arson in many U.S. cities last summer.
I suggest they change the award to……Nobel Mostly Peaceful Prize
Don’t you DARE give them the suggestion, to also award one to Antifa!
The Nobel Peace Prize no longer has relevance in my book. A disgrace!
Now known as “noble piece prize” because those who make that decision are getting a big piece of taxpayer funds to do so.
The Nobel peace prize lost all credibilty after they gave it to Obamao.
Let’s not forget about Arafat.
Only socialists and communists ever get “peace” prizes…. Alfred Nobel was a socialist.
There are code words for communists and “peace” is one of them. Every organization with the word “peace” in it was run by communists manipulating useful idiot followers. “Peaceniks” argued for unilateral disarmament of solely the USA, never the USSR or Red China, giving their game away.
Peace in the jive double-talk double-think of to days establishment is Code for surrender.
The communist terrorist group, BLM/Antifa, is guilty of riots, arson, looting, property destruction, vandalism, injury to thousands of citizens and police, murder, destroying historical landmarks and demeaning our fundamental protection of rule of law by demanding defunding of police. No peace prize. 25 years in prison is far more appropriate.
That would be JUSTICE !!!!!
Don’t forget to jail ALL THOSE IN OFFICE who funded them!!!!
Just like Obama, Black Jive Matters
While defenders of the Constitution are hunted down like mad dogs, constant praise and awards are heaped on radical communist organizations such as BLM in our new communist world—that’s how it works, folks. The sooner the “old” values of America fade to black (pun intended) the happier the commucrats and China will be.
How absurd our World has become, when a Terrorist Organization, run by Marxists, responsible for Burning down building, Looting Companies, threatening people, and committing violence is considered for a “Nobel Peace Prize” ! I feel like I am now living in “The Twilight Zone” !
We should be so lucky, at least the Twilight Zone was only an hour long and you knew it wasn’t reality!
What we are seeing is the whole world gone mad, or an attempt to twist a narrative to suit an agenda. A globalist agenda that has no use for concepts such as freedom, liberty or Rights, any Right being only that which is allowed you by the state!
As such, they seek to blur reality, to control the narrative, thus controlling the people and control is the ultimate power.
LOl.. PLUS there were funny episodes of the Twilight zone.
I SEE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING funny about what we’re now being forced to live in.
No, we have actually been living in a 4 year “COUP”
you are.
I knew without a doubt when they gave a prize to obama for, “sitting on his thumb?” that this was a compromised organization. I knew without a doubt when they did not give the prize to Trump for really doing something, that they were compromised. But now it is a fact, they have just desecrated every prize legitimately given to every person or organization in history. A peace prize to a MARXIST ORGANIZATION who burns, loots and destroys, is a freaking joke. The pathetic “woke” idiots have taken over another institution.
We know who nominated president trump. Who nominated BLM?
Hell, hasn’t trump been nominated for FOUR awards, all for peace in the mid east (with israel)??
Think like a communist now, BLM is not violent, they are peaceful, not communists
but fruit for love fests. Live the lie and be thankful for it, oh! joy. The Nobel peace prize
is wonderful, just what foolies want and need, feeling fooled yet, oh yes and our
fake president has given us a new motto——Come on man!!! We live in such a blessed
time in America with numerous gifts from leftist, communist, socialist, jihadist in
charge of our government via a stolen election. It is written, “thou shall not steal”,
God will not be happy and Nobel may stand for Babel………….William
Guess they mean the Nobel “Pieces” prize as it’s been given to Palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat and now the violent group that INCITED $2 B destruction of private and public property is nominated. Black LIES Matter claimed systemic racial oppression in the country giving them the most opportunity bar none if they’d only seize it instead of wailing for money from innocent whites like eternal children.
Slavery was universal among races. Whites were the only ones who decided it was inhumane and stopped the industrial slave trade using British and American firepower. Where’s the universal gratitude instead of scapegoating?
Do they need my glasses ??? I have glaucoma and even I can see who did “chaz” in Seattle and it wasn’t white supremacist. It was antifa and blm terrorists that’s who. Did anyone not see them attacking police stations and some city halls ???
No they didn’t.. AS they kept their eyes shut!
BLM doesn’t even know what the word peace means!
Peace Prize? Peace? Please, the movement showed us that the LAST thing they want or work for is peace.
Strictly left wing political movement. Just to name 3 of the most ridiculous, Yasser Arafat, Jimmy Carter, and Last, possibly least, Barack Obama. Makes me want to barf. If it ever had any significance, that is long gone.