Late-night comedian Bill Maher roasted the Democratic presidential lineup as a bunch of “losers” during Tuesday night’s primary debate in South Carolina.

“While the world burns, melts and gets sick these children and opportunists running for president talk about a dirty joke from the 80s. What’s the emoji for Losers?” Mr. Maher tweeted to his 11 million followers.

The HBO host was referring to the moment during the CBS debate when Michael Bloomberg was questioned about allegations of sexism, which he claimed stemmed from jokes he made decades ago that made some women uncomfortable.

While Mr. Maher appeared to offer a mild defense for Mr. Bloomberg, he ultimately criticized the debate layout and said the candidates would benefit from performing in front of conservatives once in a while.

“Also, I despise the media and their single minded focus on making every debate a cockfight,” he tweeted. “And Dems wld be better served in having their debates in front of a crowd that included conservatives. Who will be voting in November.

“And please god all of you stop saying ‘I’m the only one up here who…’. Cuz I bet I’m not the only one down here who’s sick of hearing that,” he added.

Mr. Maher was presumably talking about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, who touted himself as “the only one” who got something done three times during the debate, or Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who said it twice.

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