Ready or not, here they come. Thanks to Joe Biden, America the Weary will soon open its doors to another 62,500 low-skilled foreigners from the Third World. The sovereign citizens in neighborhoods across our nation where these newcomers will be dumped will have no say in these decisions. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Open borders judges made sure that the wants and needs of ordinary Americans would be subordinated to those of the refugee resettlement racket. There is no recourse under U.S. law to reestablish local control of the process.
Instead, the United Nations, the U.S. State Department and their globalist partners in the “faith” community (who rake in billions of dollars in tax subsidies off the backs of refugees and at the expense of voiceless citizens) will dictate who gets in and who moves where. It will be mostly young low-skilled Americans forced to compete with the influx of 22,000 Africans, 6,000 East Asians, 4,000 Europeans and Central Asians, 5,000 Latin Americans and Caribbean nationals, 13,000 Near Easterners and South Asians, and another 12,500 refugees from unspecified countries. (Hint: Look for a “Green New Dealer” to ram a bunch of future Democratic-voting “climate refugees” into the mix.)
The numbers don’t lie. Replacement theory isn’t a theory. It’s a grim reality.
Reminder: Long-term unemployment for young Americans has remained more than double that of adults during the global pandemic chaos. Current Bureau of Labor Statistics show the unemployment rate at 10.3% among 20- to 24-year-olds and 13.3% among 18- to 19-year-olds (compared with the 5.3% unemployment among those 25 and older). Nearly a quarter of all unemployed Americans have been out of a job for over a year.
So, why is the importation of 62,500 refugees “justified by grave humanitarian concern” and “in the national interest” as Biden proclaimed Monday. Wasn’t this the same champion of the forgotten who decried the “worst pandemic in a century” and the “worst economic crisis since the Great Depression”? Wasn’t this the same savior who promised Americans “jobs, jobs, jobs” — especially for those with less than a college education?
The refugee resettlement racketeers have gaslit American citizens into believing that putting our own economic, cultural and demographic interests is un-American. In Biden’s refugee admissions announcement, he insisted that “it’s a statement about who we are, and who we want to be.” Subsidizing the permanent refugee pipeline of generations of welfare recipients and job-takers, we are brainwashed to believe, represents “American leadership and American values.”
This is self-defeating hogwash. What is “American” about subverting American control and bullying citizens into financially supporting waves of refugees competing with their own hard-hit progeny? According to the Center for Immigration Studies, the average estimated refugee’s lifetime fiscal cost, expressed as a net present value, is $60,000, with those entering as adults (ages 25 to 64) costing $133,000 each. Only one-third of those adult refugees have completed more than a sixth-grade education before landing in the U.S. They are granted immediate access to government welfare programs including Medicaid, housing, food stamps and cash assistance. Once they land (and the refugee resettlement contractors collect their paychecks), many of the dumpees often relocate to ethnic enclaves to join friends and family where they take low-wage, low-skilled jobs in manufacturing, meatpacking, retail and the trades — exactly the kind of jobs the Beltway politicians promise they are creating for Americans first.
If the swamp creatures were truly committed to protecting Americans while serving “humanitarian” interests, they’d spare us all the globalist expenses of virtue signaling and help refugees back in their home countries. CIS research director Steven Camarota concluded that for “what it costs to resettle one Middle Eastern refugee in the United States for five years, about 12 refugees can be helped in the Middle East for five years, or 61 refugees can be helped for one year.”
We have enough of a manufactured crisis here at home without throwing open the doors to the rest of the world’s wretched refuse. I can hear the cries of “nativist” ululating as I type — to which I say: You’re damned right. “Nativist” is simply the “America last” gaslighters’ euphemism for “America first.”
Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected]. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
Michelle Malkin, Great column! You are the best. The New World Order open borders United Nations globalists. Make America Last Again, except for Trump, the Bushes, Clintons, Obama and Biden have all betrayed the American people, along with the House and the Senate. If Washington DC went into the sewer, it would be no loss to the United States.
EVERY CITIZEN should have a voice in HOW MANY illegal invaders are accepted, and WHERE THEY GO… Otherwise we are not citizens, but mere servants…
Historians have traditionally attributed the sudden collapse of the extensive and powerful Roman Empire in the late Fifth Century A.D. to the invasion of barbaric armies or various internal social weaknesses. More recently, English historian Peter Heather has claimed that Rome was overcome by uncontrolled immigration by Germanic tribes that had no interest in assimilating into Roman society and perpetuating its legal and cultural traditions.
Move forward approximately 1,500 years and the world’s most powerful nation is ruled by a political party that has opened the borders to unrestricted, illegal immigration by many individuals who have no interest in embracing American values or contributing to its economic prosperity. Even worse, some of these illegals are committed to waging war against America in the name of religion. If this unacceptable situation continues much longer, will America suffer the same fate as Rome? Only time will tell but those who love our country need to push back hard against the left’s destructive immigration policies or I fear future historians will be writing about the fall of America.
Our history class, back in the uk during the 80s, had it MORE CAUSE OF internal stryfe DUE TO IMMIGRATION being uncontrolled..
Of course it is the Decline and Fall of the US Empire while we sit and watch. You can be positive about it and look forward to finally getting an affordable housekeeper and an affordable gardener…maybe or maybe not. Those folks may ultimately live better than you while you work for less wages and pay more taxes and higher prices gifted to you by the commie democrats – are you willing to sit and watch that happen? Evidently America is more than willing as long they have fast food on the corner, a cellphone, Netflix, free day care, some kind of a vehicle and at least a tent to sleep in. Apparently our politicians understand that if people are willing to travel on foot some 1500 miles in bad conditions for a welfare check, housing aid, SNAP cards and obamaphones, the rest of us will settle for that lifestyle as well, and keep voting for Democrats and their commie lifestyle promise.