Joe Biden may still hold the office of President of the United States, but the media are treating him like he’s anything but a newsmaker. For much of Biden’s presidency, reporters were much more energized to cover the apparent menace of Donald Trump than agitate the officials that were always hiding Biden. Now he seems invisible.
On Dec. 15, the president spoke to a Democratic National Committee holiday party. Any reporter would expect a pep talk, with all the echoes of “we’ll get them next time.” Biden simply lied about the state of the country. In discussing PolitiFact’s latest Trump-trashing “Lie of the Year” campaign, Matt Kittle of The Federalist re-racked this doozy:
“One thing I’ve always believed about public service, especially about the presidency, is the importance of asking yourself, ‘Have we left the country in better shape than we found it?’ Today, I can say without, with every fiber of my being, with all my heart, the answer to the question is a resounding yes,” Biden said.
That sounds like dementia, not truth. Yes, the pandemic ended … and all of Biden’s policy failures began. A few sentences later, he added, “I fully believe that America is better positioned, because of all of you, to lead the world today than [at] any point in the last 50 years of my career … Again, not hyperbole!”
None of the broadcast networks covered this oratorical face-plant on air — ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS or NPR. It came on a Sunday, a slow day. But published what sounded like a sterile press release from Michelle Stoddart. She repeated this blatantly false quote — that Biden left the country in better shape — and helpfully added, “Biden did try to make the pitch that many of the benefits of his actions in office won’t be fully felt by Americans for some time.” Keep hope alive, Joe.
In all my searching, I couldn’t find an Associated Press dispatch on these remarks. The Monday papers didn’t have it — not The New York Times, The Washington Post or USA Today. But the Post and USA Today both quoted from Biden’s self-defense the previous Tuesday at the Brookings Institution. Both must have been written before Sunday’s DNC speech.
In his “Biden touts his legacy” piece, Post reporter Cleve R. Wootson captured this similar claim 19 paragraphs deep in his dispatch:
“I know it’s been hard for many Americans to see, and I understand it. They’re just trying to figure out how to put three squares on the table,” Biden said at Brookings. “But I believe it was the right thing to do, not only to lift Americans out of economic crisis caused by a pandemic, but set America on a stronger course for the future. And we did that.”
Like Carter-style inflation never happened? “Many Americans” are blind to reason?
Wootson added that Biden recounted an insanely supportive quote from Time magazine: “President-elect Trump is receiving the strongest economy in modern history, which is the envy of the world.” That came in a November 14 piece, headlined “Don’t Give Trump Credit for the Success of the Biden Economy.” It was an opinion piece by Yale officials Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Stephen Henriques. Fun fact: Sonnenfeld donated $2,800 to Biden in 2019.
This piece also mangled the facts, as they claimed under Biden, “prices continue to fall as wages rise.” Prices haven’t fallen. The rate of inflation has, but not prices.
The American electorate rejected Biden’s policies at the polls. The distraught Democrat reporters would rather forget that happened. So Biden can lie about his legacy without consequence.
Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog To find out more about Tim Graham and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
The question is, which politicians who have committed crimes against the American people and the United States of America face any “consequences”. Answer: none. The criminal elitist politicians, like Biden, never go to jail. That is why the criminal enterprises / corruption of the communist uni – party in Washington, keeps going on and on, with the American people ending up being the victims of this criminality / corruption. All one ever hears from supposed Conservative politicians is “that we have to hold these corrupt / criminal politicians “accountable” by firing them. These so called “Conservatives” never talk about throwing these communist criminal traitors into a prison!!!
Many men like Joe Biden want you to see themselves as the Rose, when deep down in performance all you really got was the Pryck. His personal state of brain age depletion made him the perfect President for the Democrat party apparatchik establishment of political puppet masters whose similarly prevaricating media, elevated the greatest Lying deceiving wooden headed prevaricating Pinocchio Presidential puppet to date. They actually thought they could sneak him past us for another term, but their greatest fear that Trump would get elected and expose their frauds has come to pass, and now the truth tellers, not the liberal media will get to write the history books when the crimes of their unelected political pogroms of prevaricating fooling get exposed, perhaps too little and a little too late to undo the harm they have already accomplished to make America mediocre again. This true lesson they taught and WE THE PEOPLE abused have learned about the threats to America of ever turning to secular socialism by the American people, in the economic and criminal pain received from this criminal law ignoring administration should continue to degrade a once great, once AMERICAN Democrat party now gone foreign mad to its ultimate destruction, having used a mad man like Biden, as their poster child President elected leader, who only turned out to be a follower of the worst extremists of their now pathological Trump obsessed and Trump deranged party. Treason is indeed their reason.
WHEN FORMER democrat President, Barack H. Obama, was President and Joe Biden was his Vice President, he said this about Joe Biden” Never underestimate Joe Bidens ability to FUxk things up.” THIS IS WHAT THE PRESIDENT, BARACK H. OBAMA THOUGHT About his Vice PRESIDENT.
IF only the GOP had a spine, to do something about that.
Democrat Pesident, Joe Biden, Gives Medal To ( RINO). Liz Cheny.
HILLARY CLINTON ON Good MORNING AMERICA SAID ” If you find A TU’RTLE On A Fence POST IT DIDN’T GET THERE BY ACCIDENT…”Describing A person Who IS A POST TURTLE, ”You know he didn’t get there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, he’s elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what Kind of dumb *** put him up there to begin with.” doesn’t THIS SOUND LIKE HILLARY CLINTON IS DESCRIBING JOE BIDEN//
HEADLINES,”THE DEMOCRAT BRAND IS IN THE TOILET…”Thanks to Democrat PRESIDENT Joe Biden and his Vice President, Kamala HARRIS and her running mate, WALTZ, running for office, I somehow always thought of James Carville when thinking about democrats, KAMALA HARRIS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT and her pick for Vice PRESIDENT, WALTZ, and of course democrat PRESIDENT, Joe Biden, James Carville and his quote, ” WHEN YOUR OPPONENT IS DROWNING, throw the son of a ***** an ANVIL.”
Democrat President, Joe Biden makes one Recall former PRESIDENT, Like Richard M. Nixon and his comment, Like, This might be Joe Bidens Creed,” I didn’t do anything wrongand I promise To Never Do It Again.
Az Quotes.
This Treasonous, dishonest, destructive, DEI, woke, immoral, Socialist Democrat Party cult and their Democrat RINO’s objective is to deliberately lie, cheat and steal. To disregard the U.S. Constitution and our laws, in order to take total control of the American people by restricting U.S. citizens their constitutional rights and freedoms, including freedom of speech. Stopping oil production, increase Spending, Taxes and the inflation cost of everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees and to promote Socialism, enforced by their corrupt political Dept. of Justice, their FBI Gestapo and IRS.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
No matter the costs to the people, the government, or the nation.
This treasonous, destructive, immoral, unethical, lying, woke, socialist Democrat Party, their Democrat RINOs have become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
Every corrupt City and States are ruled by Democrats, So Why do People Vote For The Corrupt Democrats???? 🙁 🙁 🙁
There once was A T.V. SHOW, CALLED ” TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES,” Democrat President, JOE BIDEN, Should Face ” TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES.” Of his Actions.