For starters, we need to always remind ourselves that while Joe Biden was once again put forth as the sock puppet of the current presidential charade, he is not personally responsible for a single stance or policy being inflicted on America by the Cabal in the White House. It is beyond reason to play along with the pretense that he had any other genuine input into the vile message he delivered on September 1. Nobody with even a modicum of sense believes he determined a particular course of action, or oversaw a single syllable of how his address was crafted.
It does no good to direct our outrage at Ol’ Joe for the obscenity we witnessed, while the noxious players who put forth the entire event remain in obscurity and thus avoid culpability. Real America was subjected to a venomous attack that was intended to stoke anger against it and marginalize those who reject both the sham “election” that put this Cabal into power, and the legitimacy of their consistently disastrous policies that have ensued ever since. And from the raging inflation, to the shortages of basic commodities, to the needless death and suffering from the lockdown lunacy, to the treasonous betrayal of Americans in the Afghanistan debacle, if the perpetrators are ever to be held to account, the spotlight of guilt will have to reach far beyond Biden.
The same goes for the abhorrent effort to instigate a war of suppression against Middle America last Thursday. It did not come from that mindless pallid specter at the podium but from those who manipulate him to their own personal ends. The scripted ranting and raging was all their doing. The words of attack and divisiveness are their standard operating procedure, and the means by which they have amassed power among the lowest, most gullible, and most pernicious members of society. It’s who leftists are, and how they operate.
Of course all of this was predictably couched in the unfettered arrogance and presumptions of inherent superiority that completely define them. While hurling alarmist accusations at people who honorably go to work, plant the crops, raise their children, and mine the resources to keep the Nation thriving, the Biden speech asserted that it is the American left who uphold the Constitution, the rule of law, and the “will of the people.”
Throughout the seething tirade, the consistent underlying message sought to establish official condemnation of those who reject the “legitimacy” of the stolen 2020 presidential election. Americans who refuse to ignore the flagrant vote manipulation and cheating that was plainly evident on election night, and has only been further bolstered by amassed evidence ever since, are now deemed to be working to “undermine democracy itself.” Translation: Those who believe their own eyes over and above the leftist narrative are enemies of the state. This is not a script from some cheap dystopian movie thriller. It is right out of the playbook of tinhorn despots.
Despite the efforts of the leftist Democrat/Fake News media axis to portray the event as the work of an impassioned and principled national leader, valiantly fighting for his country to rally and unify it around a worthy cause, the episode has proven to be a total fiasco, in every respect, for those who concocted it. From the intensity of the screed being spewed by Biden, to his pathetic, rehearsed gesticulation, to the attempt at creating a mood of fierce national purpose and resolve with the bizarre lighting and Marines (who undoubtedly were acting under orders) immovably standing guard behind “Herr Leader,” the real effect was one of a poorly contrived parody, were its implications not so grave for the Country.
Public reaction was anything but that desired by those who perpetrated the affair. Expectations by the left that those who were attacked in the speech would be humiliated and intimidated into silence were naively short sighted. Rather than shaming or scaring Americans into acquiescence to the “New Order,” it has steeled the resolve of Patriots across the land in a manner that has rarely been seen outside of foreign surprise attacks, such as Pearl Harbor and 9-11. Americans are making their voices unmistakably heard, loudly condemning it as further proof of just how unhinged and dangerous leftist Democrats have become.
The Biden Cabal, much to their dismay, immediately found themselves in “damage control” mode, hardly carrying their expected momentum forward to crush the MAGA movement as they had planned to do, in the wake of the speech. Rather, in the face of enormous backlash from “We the People,” they are frantically trying to defend themselves from righteous denunciations by decent Americans, for their insidious attempts to establish themselves as dominant beyond accountability. They even put forth Ol’ Joe himself, early the next day, to essentially recant and deny what he had spoken so plainly only a few hours earlier. And the backtracking has not ceased ever since.
The most profound aspect of this abominable spectacle has yet to receive the coverage that it deserves. While the intent of the Cabal was clearly to portray its impregnable strength and dictatorial power over the Nation, it actually revealed the exact opposite. This was not the behavior of a leadership that believed itself to be spearheading a grand movement for America. This was not the behavior of a government that is confident in deriving its authority by “the consent of the governed.”
Rather, its behavior embodies the total desperation and paranoia of a failed regime. Having not been genuinely brought to power, and proving from day one to be miserably inept in all of its policies, both foreign and domestic, the Biden Cabal faces the serious prospect of an electoral drubbing this November, barring even more massive cheating than was perpetrated to steal the White House in 2020. And people are watching much more closely this time.
So while the Nation is right to be outraged and affronted by the disgusting pretense of power last week, the real message that needs to be gleaned is that the American people are not yet subjugated to this evil onslaught. We still have a voice, and the vicious but flailing efforts of leftist Democrats to snuff out the lamp of liberty are not yet fulfilled. Now is the time to speak truth to the leftist enemy, more loudly than ever.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for years. His recently released book Rules for Defeating Radicals, subtitled Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture, is the “Go To” guide for effectively overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.
I hope MAGA kicks his a** in the mid-terms and in 2024.
“we need to always remind ourselves that while Joe Biden was once again put forth as the sock puppet of the current presidential charade, he is not personally responsible for a single stance or policy being inflicted on America by the Cabal in the White House.”
This corrupt, demented, puppet, president was put in the White House so that he would obediently obey his masters.
This Joe Biden does not know what day of the week it is or where he is at, The treasonous, destructive, unethical, immoral, socialist Democrat Party’s elite, manipulated the election in order to put this puppet Biden fool in the White House to take the blame for their orders and they would stay unaccountable for their treasonous, destructive orders to their obedient sock puppet president.
This treasonous, hateful, destructive, immoral, socialist Democrat Party cult and their corrupt, demented puppet president IS our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
The corrupt, treasonous Democrat elite and the Democrat Party never take responsibility or are held accountable for their own treasonous, unlawful, destructive, dishonorable, immoral actions and agendas. Democrats always Lie and blame someone or something else for their own actions and policies. Even if the Democrats are caught “red handed”.
the Democratic Party across the aisle is gone. the center left advocates for working people and middle class Americans has slipped into a sewer. most of those of us who always voted democrat have fled to be independents or republicans. this fake presidency and bizarro world administration, whatever else they are they are not socialists. they’re criminals. they have no ideology. they have paymasters. whomever can stuff their pockets and their flabby craws can buy them. of course they want to destroy this Constitutional Republic. representative government means debate and votes and a federal government that is checked and balanced continually and Constitutionally. all sorts of pesky interference. the model is the banana republic. an ignorant, illiterate mob populace provides a good base for these guys. a large percentage of freshmen entering what is laffingly referred to as higher education cannot even read. they have no frame of reference and nothing with which to measure whatever they are told by whomever is telling it. the criminal enterprise itself is no different than the drug cartels or ms-13. and 74% of A,merica knows it.
Samuel Johnson, said in 1775 that “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”. I’m sure Samuel had in mind that Politics, when abused in the form of false Presidential patriotism is exactly what he had in mind. Biden himself vainly attempts to pre-empt MAGA true patriotism in some spooky rendition of a oratorical speech from a Democrat red lighted Boogey land of hell using American Marines as a red shaded theatrical prop threat to frighten and subliminally warn THE PEOPLE of his power to send forth a “March of the Wooden Solders” against THE PEOPLE of our American Toyland, instead of the Cave and basement dwelling Boogeymen of his own party that are the ones who he actually leads. Joe’s idea of responding to a Democrat party crisis when his things never rise at the top, is to just go out and get more hair transplants. What a complete loser, unfit to lead of Great Self-governing American People who he would socially diminish with lies, into submission to he and his criminal power and wealth stealing party. THE PEOPLE are getting tired of his nursery Rhymes that have no worthwhile lessons. Joe is to America what Barnaby was to Toyland.
OUR scorrn should be directed to his masters/controllers.. BUT HE IS STILL NOT clean of any blame.
Biden was not responsible for “the vile message he delivered on September 1”?????? Joe Biden is just as responsible for his September 1st speech, as his puppet masters are!!!!!!! The sad thing is, the RINOS in the Senate are silent and most of the RINOS in the House are silent.
BECAUSE they are utter cowards….
Joe Biden doesn’t write his speeches and doesn’t have a full understanding of what he’s saying. That doesn’t mean I feel sorry for him. It’s simply fact. He is not controlling this presidency.
Susan Rice answers to Barack Obama and who does he answer to? George Soros? Someone in China?
I wonder what they give Biden to get him so juiced up before he goes out to read the teleprompter when he’s delivering hate speech?
Jill Biden should be prosecuted for elder abuse.
While our representatives may not have millions to spend we have one thing better come November – our votes. Let’s all go and vote and stick around cause there’s some ornery folks who own mules.
The above article and all of the comments made are spot on. The only thing left out of the article and the comments is the person or persons that are totally responsible for our country being on the road to becoming the socialist states of America. The man at the top is none other than George Soros who hates America and Americans and has a goal to turn our country into a socialist nation. Soros is the person who put millions of dollars into electing DA’s and judges in at least 31 major cities in the US who all are soft on criminals and are guilty of turning criminals back out on the streets to commit more crimes. Check it out if you do not believe it. One of the Soros minions was just recalled in an election in California for turning criminals out of jail as fast as they were arrested.
Soros then passes his instructions to Obama who gives directions to Biden’s handlers and they put things in place, such as the Thursday night speech which back fired on the cabal.