President Biden lashed out at a federal appeals court on Wednesday, after it ruled the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was illegally implemented by the Obama administration.
In a statement, the president called the decision “unlawful” and urged Congress to make permanent legislative protections to help more than 600,000 immigrants currently protected by DACA.
“I am disappointed in today’s Fifth Circuit decision holding that DACA is unlawful. The court’s stay provides a temporary reprieve for DACA recipients, but one thing remains clear: the lives of Dreamers remain in limbo,” Biden said.
— Read more at Fox News
Federal Court Rules DACA Unlawful but Preserves Policy for Current Recipients
A federal appeals court on Wednesday ruled that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy is unlawful but agreed to preserve the program for existing recipients.
A three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a July 2021 decision from Texas federal judge Andrew Hanen, who said the Obama administration had no authority to impose DACA, according to a court filing obtained by Axios. The court blocked the Biden administration from enrolling new illegal immigrants, which would provide them with work permits and shield them from deportation, but said current beneficiaries could stay and that immigration officials could process DACA renewals.
— Read more at National Review
Federal judge says DACA program is illegal, blocks new applications
A federal judge in Texas ruled in favor of blocking new applications to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program on Friday, stating that former President Barack Obama did not have the legal authority to offer protections to undocumented children brought to the U.S. from being deported.
“To be clear, the order does not require [the Department of Homeland Security] or the Department of Justice to take any immigration, deportation or criminal action against any DACA recipient, applicant, or any other individual that it would not otherwise take,” he wrote in the ruling.
— Read more at the NY Post
“A federal appeals court on Wednesday ruled that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy is unlawful but agreed to preserve the program for existing recipients.”,,,,thus legalizing criminal law breaking Democrat President executive orders and dictations and paves the way and permission to do just about everything illegal Party political power preserving Presidents want now before elections, who ask for forgiveness later after the damage has been done, Trillions of tax dollars misspent and the criminals still safe and secure in office, while our social programs designed for legal Americans are depleted to levels of bankruptcy. Why even waste your time in appeals, just lay down and let them drive over your dead, robbed or molested bodies.
PITY The court didn’t say “OH AND THOSE ON DACA already, are hereby REMOVED.. No more protection for them!
soooo when have the demoncrats ever give a dam what the courts say?
Unfortunately, like with MOST things, they only CARE when the courts rule IN THEIR favor..
Otherwise they IGNORE THEM, because they know the iNJUSTICE dept won’t do jack squat about it.
President Biden lashed out at a federal appeals court on Wednesday, after it ruled the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA) program was illegally implemented by the Obama/Biden administration.
This Treasonous, dishonest, destructive, Socialist Democrat Party’s objective is to deliberately lie, cheat. To disregard the U.S. Constitution and laws, in order to take total control of the American people and their illegal immigrants by their restricting U.S. citizens their constitutional rights, stopping oil production, increase Taxes and the inflation cost of everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees and to promote Socialism, enforced by their political DOJ and police gestapo the FBI and IRS.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
No matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
This treasonous, hateful, destructive, immoral, socialist Democrat Party and their corrupt, demented puppet president has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
F J B!!
Obama did, by executive order, something that usurped the powers delegated to Congress. Clearly, the Congress, representing the will of the people , did not want this to happen. The court ruling merely affirms, in part, the roles of the other two branches of Government.
It’s funny to hear Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the like, proclaim the rule of law when the law happens to co-incide with their own policies, and then cry foul when the courts, who interpret the law, rule against them.
When the courts ruled against Trump for imposing the travel ban from hostile countries, didn’t these same Libs rejoice and praise the judicial system? Now that the shoe is on the other foot, and their pet project is on ice, they’re howling and calling a court decision “unlawful”. Peak hypocrisy!
The only people that should be getting any sort of DREAMer “hall pass” are the children of illegals who joined the military and served honorably. Everyone else needs to go home!
I’ve often wondered though, HOW CAN Illegals SERVE in the military, since they SHOULD NOT BE PASSING the backround/clearance checks they need…
As crooked as the Biden family is, Biden’s dastardly remark against the Circuit Court’s ruling on DACA is hypocritical, at best! Hunter Biden is ‘unlawful’! Biden’s trips to Ukraine to save Hunter’s arse were ‘unlawful’! Pelosi’s fanatical attacks on President Trump are ‘unlawful’! The Biden administration’s use of the IRS to raid President Trump’s home is ‘unlawful’! The entire Democratic leadership in DC is ‘unlawful’ and Biden dares denounce a Circuit Court decision as being ‘unlawful’!
What we need is a law that requires every executive order put forth by the president be proactively approved by the supreme court before it goes into effect. State laws should also be ruled on in the same way. I know that CA has many unconstitutional laws on the books because they have to challenged after the fact. Let’s be proactive, not reactive.
IF our founders ever thought EO’s would even be a thing, they would have addressed it.. Unfortunately EO’s didn’t start happening till much later.
The best way to take care of this is to use the most reliable weapon we have: our vote. Let’s get those that care for our constitution, our country, our citizens elected so we can have our laws enforced not just ignored as they are now.
BUT remember. ITS not who you vote for that matters. ITS who counts the votes!
Maybe I missed it. Can anyone find the part in the article where Biden Scolds ‘MAGA Republicans’? Why put that in the headline then cut it from the story?
Follow the link.
Of the dreamer Executive order is illegal ? Then you can’t keep people on that list. Give the list of dreamers to ICE.
WITH ice following his orders though, to NOT deport illegals, what good is it to GIVE them that list?
Criminals by definition ignore laws; the Democrat Mob ignore laws that do not suit their agendas, thus confirming the Democrat Party is in fact a Criminal Organization.