If the Babylon Bee had been asked to write a “National Gender Strategy” to be posted on the White House’s website, it wouldn’t look any different than the document the Biden administration actually released last Friday.
The “fact sheet” contains every buzzword and policy that you would expect to hear from a progressive activist with a degree in gender studies.
– Read reaction at The Washington Examiner
FACT SHEET: National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality
The Biden-Harris Administration issues first-ever national gender strategy to advance the full participation of all people – including women and girls – in the United States and around the world.
President Biden and Vice President Harris believe that advancing gender equity and equality is fundamental to every individual’s economic security, safety, health, and ability to exercise their most basic rights. It is also essential to economic growth and development, democracy and political stability, and the security of nations across the globe. Ensuring that all people, regardless of gender, have the opportunity to realize their full potential is, therefore, both a moral and strategic imperative.
Yet no country in the world has achieved gender equality–and we are at an inflection point. The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled a health crisis, an economic crisis, and a caregiving crisis that have magnified the challenges that women and girls, especially women and girls of color, have long faced. It has also exacerbated a “shadow pandemic” of gender-based violence in the United States and around the world. These overlapping crises have underscored that, for far too long, the status quo has left too many behind.
This moment demands that we build back better. It requires that we acknowledge and address longstanding gender discrimination and the systemic barriers to full participation that have held back women and girls. And it requires that we bring the talent and potential of all people to bear to face the challenges of our time. That’s why the Biden-Harris Administration established the White House Gender Policy Council, charged with leading the development of the first-ever National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality, which sets forth an aspirational vision and a comprehensive agenda to advance gender equity and equality in domestic and foreign policy–and demonstrates that families, communities, and nations around the world stand to benefit.
The strategy identifies ten interconnected priorities: 1) economic security; 2) gender-based violence; 3) health; 4) education; 5) justice and immigration; 6) human rights and equality under the law; 7) security and humanitarian relief; 8) climate change; 9) science and technology; and 10) democracy, participation, and leadership. These priorities are inherently linked and must be tackled in concert.
The strategy also adopts an intersectional approach that considers the barriers and challenges faced by those who experience intersecting and compounding forms of discrimination and bias related to gender, race, and other factors, including sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability, age, and socioeconomic status. This includes addressing discrimination and bias faced by Black, Latino, and Indigenous and Native American people, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, and other people of color.
Strategic priorities include:
Improving economic security. As we recover from the pandemic, we have the opportunity to build an economy that works for women and their families. To build back better, we will:
* Ensure that people have equal access to good jobs, including by addressing persistent gender discrimination and systemic barriers to full workforce participation.
* Invest in care infrastructure and care workers to help rebuild the economy and lower costs for working families.
* Dismantle the barriers to equal opportunity in education that undermine the ability to compete on a level playing field, recognizing that education affects future economy security. Preventing and responding to gender-based violence. Gender-based violence is endemic in homes, schools, workplaces, the military, communities, and online–and far too often a hallmark of conflict and humanitarian crises. It exacts tremendous costs on the safety, health and economic security of survivors and their families. To prevent and response to gender-based violence, we will:
* Work to eliminate gender-based violence wherever it occurs by developing and strengthening national and global laws and policies, investing in comprehensive services for survivors, and increasing prevention efforts.
* Address sexual violence in conflict settings; the elevated risk of violence facing women human rights defenders, activists, and politicians; human trafficking both at home and abroad; and the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous people.
* Promote the safety and fair treatment of all people in the justice and immigration systems. Increasing access to health care. Health care is a right–not a privilege. All people deserve access to high-quality, affordable health care, regardless of their zip code, income, ethnicity, race, or any other factor. To protect, improve, and expand access to health care, we will:
* Build on the historic work of the Affordable Care Act and continue to expand and improve health care globally.
* Defend the constitutional right to safe and legal abortion in the United States, established in Roe v. Wade, and promote access to sexual and reproductive health and rights both at home and abroad.
* Address the pernicious effects of health inequity, including by addressing the maternal mortality crisis in the United States, which has a disproportionate impact on Black and Native American women, and by reducing maternal mortality and morbidity abroad. Advancing democracy, rights and full participation. Supporting women’s and girls’ full participation in social, economic, civic, and political life–and ensuring they are represented at the tables where decisions are made–is essential to progress in every other area and a precondition to advancing strong and sustainable democracies. To advance democracy, rights, and full participation, we will:
* Work to advance gender equity and equality in the law and ensure that rights on paper are fully implemented in practice.
* Work towards gender parity and diversity in leadership roles, including in peace processes, national security and defense, global health and humanitarian efforts, and in the private sector.
* Promote the leadership of women and girls in addressing the challenge of climate change and seek to close gender gaps in STEM fields so that women and girls can shape the workforce of the future.
Realizing this bold vision is a government-wide responsibility that cuts across the work of the Biden-Harris Administration in both domestic and foreign affairs. Implementing this strategy will require the leadership of every White House office and executive agency. This strategy is not just words on paper; it is a roadmap to deliver results for the American people and our partners around the world.
And it builds on the work the Biden-Harris Administration has already done to advance gender equity and equality at home and abroad. Through the American Rescue Plan, we have provided immediate relief to women and families, fully vaccinating over two-thirds of eligible Americans, reopening schools, providing direct payments to individuals, investing in domestic violence and sexual assault prevention and services, and helping child care providers keep their doors open. The American Rescue Plan also expanded the Child Tax Credit, distributing monthly payments to tens of millions of American families covering over 60 million children.
Building on the American Rescue Plan, the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and Build Back Better Agenda are once-in-a-generation investments to support America’s working families to rebuild the economy and support women and families. Among its many transformative investments, the budget framework calls for: cutting taxes for middle class families with children, investing in the care economy and the care workforce, and lowering health care costs. To advance economic security for women and girls globally, we have established a Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund, which supports efforts to address the impact that COVID-19, climate change, conflict, and crisis have on the economic security of women and their families. And we have restored America’s leadership on the rights of women and girls on the world stage.
We have also taken action to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, including through the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the Military and by directing the Department of Education to review Title IX regulations, guidance, and policies to ensure students receive an education free from sexual violence. We continue working with Congress on meaningful legislative action, including through championing the landmark Violence Against Women Act, which passed the House in March with bipartisan support, and signing into law the Amendments to the Victims of Crime Act, which passed in the Senate 100-0. And we have committed to updating and strengthening our strategy to combat gender-based violence around the world.
To advance women’s health around the world, the Biden-Harris Administration has revoked the Global Gag Rule and reinstated funding to the UNFPA. In the United States, the Administration has called for historic investments to respond to the maternal mortality crisis. The President also launched a whole-of-government effort to respond to the recent Texas law which blatantly violates women’s constitutional right to a safe and legal abortion under Roe v. Wade.
To inform our ongoing and future efforts to advance gender equity and equality at home and abroad, the strategy calls for continued accountability, consultation, and engagement as we work towards our collective vision for gender equity and equality at home and abroad. Its implementation will guide strategic planning and budgeting, policy and program development, measurement and data, and management and training. We look forward to partnering with Congress, local, state, Tribal, and territorial governments, civil society, the private sector, foreign governments, and multilateral institutions to drive progress towards the objectives outlined in this strategy. In doing so, we will advance economic growth, health and safety, and the security of our nation and the world.
Copyright (c) 2021 Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc.
This content is published through a licensing agreement with Acquire Media using its NewsEdge technology.
Biden, like all liberals, does not know what “gender” he is. Thus, the airspace between liberals ears is 100% mental illness.
SINCE he’s supposed to be representing WE AMERICANS, why the hell is he concerned with a GLOBAL PRESENCE?!?
OR IS HE finally admitting, HE WAS PUT INTO OFFICE by foreigners..
yada yada yada… notice all the “global” references … in other words…distribute all the treasury wealth our great great great children’s grandchildren will be paying through 65% taxes through out the world…while giving themselves raises to offset the Constitutional assault. Evil… just EVIL
The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled a health crisis, an economic crisis, and a caregiving crisis that have magnified the challenges that women and girls, especially women and girls of color, have long faced.
World to end tommorrow, women and minotities hardest hit.
That certainly seems to be how they always are.. NO MATTER WHAT THE PROBLEM IS, it always seems to “HIT women and minorities hardest”…
NO MATTER what the facts actually say.
“When their eloquence escapes me—their logic ties me up and rapes me,
Da-do-do-do—da-da-da-da—is all I want to say to you”—The Police
They immerse themselves in garbage such as this while we face real and serious problems as a nation as a whole—not just fantasyland gender nonsense:
Southern border invasion
Supply chain disruptions
Companies going on strike
Increase in crime; decrease in police presence
Higher prices for groceries and gasoline—goods and services in general
Escalating military threats
Destruction of our educational system
But no—we are supposed to put on our rose-colored glasses and skip happily down the yellow brick road until we arrive before the Grand Wizard—Biden, Harris, and their administration—where we drink their potion of gullibility, deceit, and lies—and all of our worries and problems will go away.
On the Democrat Road the bricks are brown!!! The lower two feet of the exterior walls are yellow.
Don’t forget the RUINATION OF OUR Military!!!
Just more liberal attempts by the human weak to neuter human strength and turn all American stallions into gelded lilies of the Ledbetter, no longer a race of humans in search of excellence but in search of an unnatural forced faux herd of imagined safety for all who fail to measure up to life’s challenges to hide within the center of. This equity offered is NOT a human condition and humanity will wither as a race if embraced for a one- way ticket to extinction. When given a choice of making the sacrifices to raise us all to a point of equality in greatness, or slouching to the debased equity of their in lower human existence, they default to the later every time, in a socially imagined equity that lowers human people to a new standard of mediocrity instead of raising us all to a higher plane of human existence. It is our very excellence they make war upon, being too lazy, inept, or outright rebellious to exert the energy to compete on a level playing field, hence they steal (Socially redistribute) our protecting personal property like they eventually are forced to steal our elections.
Like Franklin said, “Well done is better than Well said”. With Democrats well done is when they can stick a fork in it, and a bender is better than a gender. We need to just plug our ears with the same wax Ulysses used to get past the Sirens intent on crashing his ship, like the Siren Songs of the Democrats who seek to similarly sink our American ship of State.
This is why Biden can say his plan will cost Zero dollars…Talk is cheap.
Make a speech and call it “job done”.
“* Work to advance gender equity and equality”
First these delusional, destructive, dishonest, socialist Democrats must first define THEIR definition of “Gender”.
1. either of the two sexes (male and female)
Gender is the state of being male or female in relation to the social and cultural roles that are considered appropriate for men and women.
Based on the sole criterion of production of reproductive cells, there are two and only two sexes: the female sex, capable of producing large gametes (ovules), and the male sex, which produces small gametes (spermatozoa).
But to Democrats, Truth, Facts, Reality and History are all irrelevant,
If the Democrats do not WANT to believe them.
Democrats will just make up their own Truth, Facts, Reality, History or voter tally to fit what they WANT to believe or fits into the Con or Deception that they are running at the time.
To fully advance the Demonic, Dishonorable Socialist Democrat Party’s destructive agendas; dividing our citizens with hate, open borders, gun control, radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, the LGBTQ lifestyle, unfettered sexual identity, transgender “gay marriage” and the like, the pagan Liberal left Democrats must do away with our Constitution, GOD, common sense, morality, Christian values and free religious exercise altogether.
Under the guise of “anti-discrimination.”
YET, when it comes to ACTUAL RAPES of women (such as in prisons, cause of transgender men being allowed in them, or because of all the rapefugees we brought in), they are SILENT!!!
If you are confused about what sex you are, you are probably mentally ill! Just saying!
AND if you are that mental,
A) YOU shouldn’t be allowed to vote
B ) you most definitely shouldn’t be allowed to RUN for political office
and C) You probably should be locked up in a padded room with a straight jacket on.
Gender based violence in The United States and around the world got a huge boost through Biden’s abandoning Afghanistan to Muslim organizations and his wholesale importing of un-vetted Afghans and the millions of illegals streaming across the open southern border.
Is there any wonder that there has been an increase in violence against women when so many immigrants come from countries that consider that it is right and proper and their duty to Allah to stone women who aren’t completely wrapped up out of sight except for their eyes?
Hell, we’ve STILL NOT HEARD about what charges (IF ANY) Will be getting levied, against those five MUDSLIME Rapefugees, that were brought in from Afganistan, and RAPED AMERICANS (including one child) on the base they were housed at….. LET ALONE IF THOSE rapists will be getting DEPORTED…
I can’t stomach reading that whole ‘initiative’.
However, as an intelligent woman I’ll give the administration a few suggestions to give women and girls a fair shake. First of all, stop with the myth that men/boys can be women/girls. The males can dress like females, they can wear thier hair long, they can get stuff added, they can take things off BUT they cannot become women. Women have babies, women menstruate, women have a different physiology than men. The male’s DNA is XY, a female’s XX. It is impossible to change.
If you want to pander to males who feel like females then stop calling if boys/mens sports and girls/womens sports and simply identify sports as XX or XY. Whatever your DNA matches is the division you play in no matter what you look like or what clothes you wear.
Secondly, stop allowing the state sanctioned killing of unborn females. All the ‘equality’ or ‘equity’ in the world isn’t going to matter if you don’t allow the females to be born. (that goes for minorities too by the way)
Where to even start? Not one word of this “initiative” is based in reality or truth. If this ridiculous screed doesn’t convince you that democraps are mentally ill, then you are a democrap yourself.
AND if you are that mental, you SHOULD
A) NOT BE allowed to RUN For political office, let alone hold it
B) NOT be allowed to vote!!!!