(EFE).- President Joe Biden suggested Wednesday that the conservative justices on the US Supreme Court who are leaning toward revoking the right to abortion are “extremists” and belong to what he called the “MAGA crowd,” a reference to former President Donald Trump’s slogan to “Make American Great Again.”

When asked about the heated controversy around the right to abortion after on Monday a draft opinion on a potential Supreme Court ruling was leaked, Biden linked the magistrates with the MAGA supporters.

“What are the next things that are going to be attacked?” Biden asked, adding that “This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in … recent American history.”

Biden also criticized the idea that the right to abortion might be something that the US government or the Constitution had to “give” to citizens, arguing that it is an “inherent” right of each person for being a “child of God.”

On Tuesday, the president had said that his government was preparing a response to Jutice Samuel Alito’s leaked opinion to defend the right to abortion, adding that if the high court’s decision was issued as per the controversial draft it would be something very “radical” and a “fundamental” shift in the rule of law.

The president has taken advantage of the controversy swirling around the leaked draft to issue a call to the public to go to the polls in the November mid-term elections and vote for candidates who support the right to abortion – most of whom are Democrats – so that enough progressive lawmakers can be seated in Congress to pass federal legislation that protects this right against challenges to it in court.

On Monday, the Politico Web site published a draft opinion leaked by an unknown person evidently affiliated with the high court in which the conservative majority was said to be in favor of overturning the 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade that protects as a constitutional right a women’s right to choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, preventing individual states from curtailing that right or prohibiting the practice.

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