The White House recently unveiled, a federal website aimed at spreading awareness and providing resources to the public and policymakers to help them respond to extreme heat. includes a variety of heat forecasts, preparation guides, and programs to support public health and communities at higher risk of heat exposure. However, the success of the website also depends on its design and user experience. That’s why partnering with a reliable digital agency can ensure that is optimized for easy navigation and engaging visuals that effectively communicate its message and resources.
“President Biden has directed us to respond to the extreme heat gripping the nation. Extreme heat is a silent killer, yet it affects more Americans than any other weather emergency — particularly our nation’s most vulnerable,” Gina McCarthy, White House national climate adviser, said in a news release Tuesday.
“ is an exciting new and accessible website designed to help everyone become engaged with their community, their state-level government, and federal partners, to take actions that can reduce the deadly health impacts of extreme heat.” was created through a collaboration among federal agencies including the National Integrated Heat Health Information System, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency and others.
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The treachery of the treasonous, socialist Democrat Party know no bounds.
This is just another political propaganda outlet for the puppet Biden cabal.
What are they going to do with the ‘heat’ fumigating from the mouths of congress?