Back during the spring of 2020, in the earliest dark days of the Wuhan “pandemic,” astute data analysts noticed a significant pattern that might offer hope of stemming the threat posed by the disease. While the virus was rampant and spreading rapidly throughout the world’s most advanced cultures, it was not nearly as prolific in the third world, particularly in subtropical and tropical regions where Malaria is widespread. It didn’t take them long to establish a strong causal relation between usage of the anti-parasitic drug Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and a resistance to contracting the virus, as well as rapid, nearly miraculous cures of those who had been infected.
These findings were proclaimed with great expectations of relief and appreciation from the medical community and governing officials who were being daily confronted by massive and increasing deaths, along with the devastation of entire national economies worldwide. To the amazement of every intellectually honest observer, the reaction of those in authority was precisely the opposite, and to a monstrous degree.
In every leftist Democrat dominated jurisdiction across America, authorities were not merely disparaging and dismissive of the effects of HCQ, they were openly venomous and hostile, to the point of actively suppressing its use, and threatening legal action against any medical professional who dared prescribe it. On cue, the leftist Fake News crowd immediately jumped on board, parroting the attacks in a coordinated effort to denigrate any mention of HCQ and the stunning results being reported by doctors worldwide.
Every effort was made to instill fear and mistrust of the drug, despite it being easily and safely used for seven decades with no acute side effects. Meanwhile, leftist Democrat Governors Cuomo of New York, Inslee of Washington and Whitmer of Michigan instituted abhorrent policies that senselessly increased Covid fatalities. Official actions were taken to intensify the spread of the disease, resulting in literally thousands of fully preventable new infections and deaths, with the most worthwhile treatment regimen being forbidden. Clearly, somebody in a powerful position stood to benefit from the “pandemic” crisis, and did not want the upheaval, suffering and death to end.
Amazingly and despicably, it’s all happening again! As Real America has grown tired of the excessive and medically worthless masks and lockdowns, people are doing their utmost to return to a sense of normality. New calls for restrictions on personal liberty no longer resonate with Americans. The latest lockdown efforts are ostensibly being ordered as a consequence of the dreaded “Delta Variant” (a supposed mutation of the virus that is as selective in its victims as the Obama/Biden DOJ). And the ultimate onslaught is now the leftist/statist demands that Americans submit themselves and their children to multiple vaccine injections of dubious “effectiveness.” But this is all ringing completely hollow. The pro-vax crowd has zero credibility left, given their abysmal track record of alarmism and hypocrisy during the past 20 months.
Moreover, at this crucial impasse, another miracle drug, Ivermectin has surfaced and is showing great promise in treating Covid cases. Much like HCQ, Ivermectin is time tested, widely available, and safe/easy to use. It is also establishing a strong track record of success against the virus. So of course the leftists are once again on the attack!
Predictably, their tactics are textbook Alinsky. Given that the drug is to readily available, and leftists are wary of the “hair-trigger” mood of Americans who have grown thoroughly enraged by their lawless actions of the past year and a half, they aren’t as aggressive or directly confrontational in their efforts to ban usage of Ivermectin. Yet they still clearly intend to disparage and suppress it, in the hope that many will remain unaware of its amazing effectiveness.
Once again however, with even a little effort and observance, it becomes apparent that leftists are tipping their hand. Derisive reports of Ivermectin, universally mocking it as “horse medicine” have been far too extensive, immediate, and universal to not be orchestrated and agenda driven. When the entire leftist Fake News world uses the exact same phraseology, it is clear that somebody has delivered them talking points which they parrot mindlessly and dutifully. And of course their premise is as baseless as it is contemptible.
If Ivermectin can be derided as “horse medicine” then so can penicillin and a host of other medications that are well known for their healing powers in humans, but have also been widely administered by veterinarians to treat their feline, canine, and equine patients. And in the case of Ivermectin, its incredible benefits to humanity in fighting infectious diseases resulted in it receiving the Nobel Prize in 2015. It was the first pharmaceutical to be awarded on that basis since 1952! Somehow, this is something the leftist Fake News crowd never mentions.
Instead, in typical leftist propagandist fashion, the Associated Press bogusly reported on August 23 that 70% of calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center involved Ivermectin. When called out on their totally misleading story, the AP recanted. But while some presume this to be a “black eye” for the AP, the ruse ultimately worked. The amount of coverage given to the original alarmist rant vastly eclipses their quiet retraction. And whenever the original hyped and fraudulent “report” shows up on social media, you can be sure those leftie “fact checkers” will somehow entirely overlook it. Mission accomplished.
Add this to the total lunacy and concocted hysteria that now surrounds every aspect of the “pandemic,” and the situation just keeps getting more absurd by the day. The vaccinated are ostensibly contracting the disease from the unvaccinated. Meanwhile, the many widespread incidents of severe adverse reactions to the vaccines, including sudden deaths, are making the rounds through every avenue of communication in America except the leftist “mainstream” Fake News.
In light of all this, it has become impossible to trust those who insist we must trust the vaccines. Every conceivable reason is being speculated as to their real purpose, other than halting the spread of the virus, which they clearly are not accomplishing. Statistically, those who got the shot are reaping no benefits of immunity. Whether this is all part of some extremely sinister medical motive, or a dubious scam to institute domestic “passports” to further monitor/control the movement and behavior of citizens, one thing has become inescapably clear. None of what we are witnessing is about public health or safety.
The loudest proponents of blind compliance and submission to the system have destroyed their credibility. If they ever had even the slightest genuine concern for the well-being of their fellow citizens, they would all have been loudly trumpeting the beneficial effects of HCQ and Ivermectin.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for years. His recently released book Rules for Defeating Radicals, subtitled Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture, is the “Go To” guide for effectively overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.
“Official actions were taken to intensify the spread of the disease, resulting in literally thousands of fully preventable new infections and deaths, with the most worthwhile treatment regimen being forbidden. Clearly, somebody in a powerful position stood to benefit from the “pandemic” crisis, and did not want the upheaval, suffering and death to end.”
Clearly it was the Democrat Party, with the upcoming presidential election and their unaccountable mail in voting and vote counting manipulations, the pandemic was the Democrat Party’s excuse for their treason and they got away with it.
The Dishonorable, Socialist Democrat Party game plan is to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to take total control of the American people, increase Taxes on everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
As always, FOLLOW the money!
“Moreover, at this crucial impasse, another miracle drug, Ivermectin has surfaced and is showing great promise in treating Covid cases. Much like HCQ, Ivermectin is time tested, widely available, and safe/easy to use. It is also establishing a strong track record of success against the virus. So of course the leftists are once again on the attack!”
Sounds like a bunch of Lefties stand to profit big time from the approved vaccines—there is evidently some cushy relationships between Big Pharma and and the Big Guy and his crowd. But not only that, you hear very little about natural supplements that you can take to boost your immune system—a number of which repel viruses or diminish their impact.
ANYTHING that threatens their monopoly on vaccines, must ‘be crushed’, in the name of “PUBIC safety!”.
YOU Will comply.
I want simply one question answered. Why have none of the geriatric criminals within congress, the executive branch and judicial branch contracted their (made in a lab disease) or come down with it and died from it ? Every person I know including my own daughter who died from this two weeks ago were good people. There is no way their criminal vaccine (which I believe they created years ago) is protecting them… Personally I believe what once was the people’s government has gone over to Satan for they surely do not serve the people of this nation anymore. In fact I can’t even get my congressional representative to even answer me ! Yes he calls himself a republican. If the US still had a congress with ANY courage fauci would have been gone long ago ! joe biden would never even been allowed to visit Wash. district of corruption. Nor would 99 % of the rest of those who reside there. Our govt. makes Al Capone look like an amateur.
There’s been quite a few congressional cretins, who contracted it.. OR tested positive for it.
As a Virologist myself, I have wondered why some of the better antivirals have not been used at the very beginning. Drugs such as Ivermectin especially because of its ready availability and almost unrestricted supply. Yes, we need a real vaccine, specific for the lab constructed disease, but the ivermectin would have slowed the spread of the disease dramatically.
I guess the problem with that is it would have lessened the distraction factor of the epidemic for the Democrats to hide behind while corrupting and subverting the election, making them more vulnerable to discovery.
Come On Man!! (As the Big Guy Says), follow the science!! mask, vaccinations, fast food and no exercise helps fight off COVID!! I did an about face in March 2020 and knew after owning and operating a Medical Clinic for 20 years that this was a Scam!! If you listen to the virologist Vincent Racaniello from Columbia University he even says that Variants are less lethal, “The Big Guy”, Big Pharma, the Evil Gates and the little twerp Fraudi need too keep up the Big Money Narrative for as long as they can!! I treated patients, exercise 5 days a week, eat well and take 2K Vitamin C everyday for 45 years and did not get sick. Don’t let a tragedy and fake media narrative go to waste!!
ANd this is why, everyone who keeps saying “just listen to your doctors”, is being As foolish, as saying “Listen to the CDC”.. THE DOCTORS ARE WORKING FOR THE bloody CDC.
DO what’s best for YOU, and your family. TO smeck with the CDC, Fauci etc…
This has been an obvious deadly scam from the beginning. At no time did the so called government medical experts step up and say this is what we know about strengthening your immune system to avoid getting sick. In fact, they did the exact opposite and down played, even to the point of making it illegal to take safe proven drugs, that helped immune response to keep it from becoming deadly pneumonia. The problem is injection, injection, injection, injection with laboratory gene altering drugs may be a step into the abyss for mankind.