Not so long ago, Democrats seemed the party of the future.
“Inevitable!” predicted some pundits, for demography is destiny.
Moreover, in 2020, Democrats, who had won the popular vote six times in seven presidential elections, swept the popular vote again, by 6 million ballots. And they captured both houses of Congress.
The future did seem to be theirs.
Progressives dominated the major culture-forming institutions of society — academia, the media, Hollywood — not to mention the vast bureaucracy of America’s national administrative state.
Their core constituencies — women, the young, Blacks, Hispanics — were growing as a share of the electorate, while the core Republican constituencies — white males, seniors — were shrinking.
One sensed a confidence among Democrats that one or two more elections and the nation, like the California of Ronald Reagan, would turn irretrievably blue.
What happened to the dream?
First, President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, after 20 years of war, had about it the aspect of Saigon ’75.
The rout of our Afghan allies and humiliation of our departure delivered an irretrievable blow to Biden’s reputation for competence.
There followed the visible failure of the administration to defend and secure America’s southern border as 2 million migrants from all over the world poured across in Biden’s first year.
Then came a surge in crimes of violence, shootings and murders in major cities. And people recalled that our media and political elites who had cheered on the Black Lives Matter protests and excused the riots after George Floyd’s death had echoed the BLM-antifa calls to “defund the police!”
Also, suddenly, an inflation rate not seen in 40 years was back, driving up the price of gasoline and groceries and everything else at a rate of 7.5%.
Then came news that the U.S. trade deficit, which helped to propel former President Donald Trump into the White House, was at an all-time record of over $1 trillion, and the national debt had crossed the $30 trillion mark, exceeding the entire U.S. GDP.
Late in Biden’s first year, COVID-19 reached its omicron stage with infections, hospitalizations and deaths suddenly exploding again to record numbers in a pandemic deep into its second year.
Then, there were the manifestations of cognitive decline in the president, seemingly with each new televised appearance.
Unable to defend America’s borders, control the surge in violent crime or cope with an inflation unseen in 40 years, Biden began a steady slide in the polls to where, currently, all have him underwater and some put his approval below 40%.
That a crisis for the party may be in the cards for this fall has not been lost on Democratic leaders. Fully 30 members of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s majority in the House have announced that they will be retiring and will not run again in 2022.
The latest bad news came out of the Golden State, where three progressives on San Francisco’s school board were recalled in an election where more than 7 in 10 voters cast ballots to be rid of them.
The problem for Democrats is that the issues for which the three were recalled are the issues dividing communities all across America:
Are America’s elite schools whose student bodies are chosen by academic performance and test scores consistent with the progressives’ concept of racial equity? Or should student bodies of those elite schools be mandated to mirror the ethnic and racial composition of the communities they serve?
How are issues of race, morality, sexuality and history to be taught in the public schools? Who decides what is to be taught?
The issue was elevated in Virginia last fall when former Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a favorite for reelection, blurted out during a debate with Republican Glenn Youngkin, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Virginia’s parents buried McAuliffe’s hopes.
The San Francisco school board also plunged into the culture wars by attempting to re-name 44 high schools, while purging the names of all four presidents on Mount Rushmore — George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt — as well as Paul Revere and Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
San Francisco’s Lowell High School is one of the elite high schools that selects its student body on academic performance and test scores. And that student body has been heavily Asian American, who make up a far higher share of the student population than of the city itself.
This issue of Asians being overrepresented in elite high schools is replicated at Northern Virginia’s Thomas Jefferson High, and in New York City at Stuyvesant and the Bronx School of Science.
Who gets into these schools and who does not and who decides pits the leaders of Black communities against those of Asian American communities and divides the Democratic Party on the lines of ethnicity and race.
Among other issues that have gone national are critical race theory, which teaches that, due to the systemic racism in American society, all whites are born oppressors, while Black Americans are from birth among the oppressed.
Critical race theory, too, divides the Democrats.
Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.” To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at
Let’s hope so—so long as they stop kicking away the country’s future.
That’s the thing. THEY DIDN’T WIN anything..
Their FRAUD MACHINE won it for them.
This treasonous, dishonest, corrupt, unethical, immoral, socialist Democrat Party has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
So why are people still voting for Democrats to lead them down the path to their own slather?
The Socialist Democrat Party are willing to destroy themselves and everyone around them before they will agree to compromise their failed policies and their destructive self-fabricated lies and beliefs.
For a true Democrat Party Operative, “Better to rule in hell than serve in an American Heaven” ,,,,In other words, better to serve themselves than THE PEOPLE entrusted to their care, who only get served by a Democrat when it also first serves the Democrat. Genuine Christain sacrifice like Trump not taking a salary while in office is never considered an option, in spite of guys like Biden who use political office to get family enriched by the millions.
Because they are too BRAINWASHED, to think anything else…
Voter fraud took away Trump and as a result, Joe communist Biden and his communist Democrats took over the Country.
Nathaniel Grigsby curses Democrats from 120-year-old grave. Inscribed on his tombstone is:
“Through this inscription I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic Party. I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation have come to it through this so called Democrat Party. Therefore, beware of this party of treason.” The Democrat Party’s treason has been from its beginning.
Since its founding the Democrat Party and the Democrat Party’s traitorous and treason character was apparent and is very apparent today.
Republicans are notorious for winning Presidential races based on the Electoral college rather than the popular vote. Our first President, Abe Lincoln did not even get 40 %, but went on to be great while others well educated who ran the table of vote majority turned out to be Casper Milktoast failures, The best are usually the God-sent Self-educated ones Like Lincoln, who dare to think out of the box, not the over educated and over degree’d who feel more safe in the friendly confines of their basements and Ivy walled Universities who fail to understand that doing the same failing things and over again expecting to get a different result is defined insanity. Electing the same politicians or same crime families over and over again just results in the same old privileged families doing all they can to protect their power base while the people get sold down the river sleep, until the pain of their oppression or deprivation of the oxygen of denied ability to breathe free awakens the sleeping American giants into action. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the same old Democrat Progressive failed game plan are the proven failed, the regression back to the past of the 60s, not the out of the box creative thinkers like Trump and DeSantis. Democrats are the American Putin’s, doing everything they can to keep the delusion alive, act like the failed promises were kept, but always keeping the power within the family and party. Their proffered proven pain will ultimately prove their undoing.
AND this is why, since trump won, the left’s been hell bent on OVERTURNING the electoral college, and just going to a ‘popular vote’.. BECAUSE
A) they control the leftist mob
B) they control the voting machines..
I spent part of the summer of ’79 on a CG cutter. Morale was rock bottom on that boat. Both gas turbine engines were broken, so no high speed sailing. The engineers complained they couldn’t get spare parts – not in the budget. There was open dope smoking. Some of the senior enlisted were on food stamps, because the pay sucked so bad. And while traveling to the ship, there were lines to fill up the car at the gas station, and you could only fill up on even/odd days depending on your plate number. That fall, the Iranians took their hostages. A year later. the Peanut Farmer in Chief was chased out of the White House by Ronald Regan. It’s gonna happen again folks – no one wants to suffer through 4 more years of this ****!
“Late in Biden’s first year, COVID-19 reached its omicron stage with infections, hospitalizations and deaths suddenly exploding again to record numbers in a pandemic deep into its second year.”
It seems odd that in South Africa, where omicron first appeared, they reported ONE hospital death “with” the virus, not because of the virus. Why is it so deadly here?
Surely they wouldn’t massage the numbers, to make it appear more scary, would they?
Wake up time. The Biden (BHO, Soros, Gates) administration lies about everything to push their agendas. Dr Fauci a total disgrace to all the CCP Virus information given out to us.
That’s something i want to know too…
WHY IS IT that such a virus, IN A NATION NOT KNOWN for great health care, killed just ONE PERSON..
BUT we’ve had hundreds here… supposedly.