A Pennsylvania state appeals court has ruled that the state’s 2019 mail-in voting law is unconstitutional in a decision that will likely be appealed to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
The original law, known as Act 77, passed with bipartisan support in 2019, but Republicans turned on the law after the 2020 presidential election, in which President Joe Biden edged out former President Donald Trump in state voting and nationally.
The law, which allowed no-excuse mail-in voting, was not approved by the state’s cumbersome constitutional amendment process but enacted by statute, the appeals court ruled in a 49-page opinion.
Trump supporters have tried to delegitimize mail-in votes in the presidential election in Pennsylvania and other states.
Pennsylvania Senate Minority Leader Jay Costa said the ruling will be appealed to the Supreme Court, which has repeatedly sided with Democrats in other voting challenges during and after the 2020 election.
“This is just a continuation of attacking and undermining our electoral process,” Costa said, according to the New York Times.”
He added that an appeal would be filed by the end of the day, predicting that “Act 77 will ultimately be deemed to be constitutional.”
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Since Amazon’s Bezos now owns the Post office and can ship most of his goods for free, why would anyone THESE days put the trust of a clean election into the hands of Post Office planted Woke Postal workers on a mission to select whose Mail-in ballot actually gets to where it is supposed to go? No ID no ballot accepted,,,, Case closed.
See, Schumer—us Conservatives are working on true voter integrity laws.
WE NEED TO make it permanent and country wide!
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is communist, so voter fraud in Pennsylvania will continue, as the Supreme Court will overturn the State Appeals Court decision. So in essence, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court (communists) will ignore the Pennsylvania Constitution and make up their own laws.
That is why ANY JUDGE< who willfully ignores the constitution like this, SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLY 'kicked off the bench and disbarred.
Keep in mind there is a difference between “mail in voting” and “absentee voting’. 😯
Absentee ballots and mail-in ballots are not the same;
absentee requires proof of identity, mail-in doesn’t.
Mail in voting can send multiple voter ballots to one address
and one person can vote on multiple ballots.
This is exactly why the treasonous, dishonest Democrat Party wants to use mail in voting. 🙁
Proper identification, being alive and voter registration is not required. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Democrats even allow, Democrat Party supported illegal immigrants to vote. 🙁 🙁 🙁
IF I ihad my way, there wouldn’t BE ABSENTEE VOTING.. Unless
A) You were military stationed ou of state/country
OR B), you are too disabled to GET To a polling place… AND YOU NEED TO PROVIDE PROOF of that, when asking for your absentee ballot.
OTHER THAN those 2, GET YOUR LAZY butt to the booth and vote.. OR if you are too Lazy to do that, then GUESS YOU are not going to vote.
What about those who will be living in a state other than their home state on election day? Do they have to forfeit their vote? Asking for a friend. Or is that “fiend”?
IF they live in another state, WHY ARE THEY NOT REGISTERED THERE!
You can only register in one state. The state in which you live for six months and a day is your home state. Let’s say a person claims their home state as Florida (lower taxes, no state income tax, etc). They have a second home (or rent one), in Tennessee. They go to Tennessee in October, catch the fall tree colors, maybe a little snow. In January, with winter coming on strong, they move back to Florida. Why should they give up their right to vote, which they would under your proposal?
What’s stopping them voting DOWN IN FLORIDA where they are registered?
>> What’s stopping them voting DOWN IN FLORIDA where they are registered? <<
You're stopping them, Ituser. They won't be in Florida, and you said they can't vote absentee. Keep up.
What’s stopping them DRIVING THE hell back home to vote?! Other than laziness?
Post office was a clean decent place now that affirmative action has taken hold it can be and has been bought. Some people are attracted to shiney things and money gets them those things.
In November we must locate these ballot drop boxes and have Americans monitor and video these boxes 24/7.
WITH ALL The video evidence we had from 2020, SHOWING DEMS FRAUD STUFF, and courts STILL REFUSED TO even SEE that evidence, it wouldn’t IMO matter how many videos we have, THEY WON’T look at it.
In November we must locate these ballot drop boxes in every state and have Americans monitor and video these boxes 24/7.