House Democrats took to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday to denounce a GOP bill on parental rights, saying the bill was fascist and would lead to book bans.
In a series of floor speeches on Thursday afternoon, House Democrats accused their Republican colleagues of wanting to ban books and prevent children from learning about the holocaust and gay and transgender issues as the House began a heated floor debate on HR 5, the Parents Bill of Rights.
The bill, which was sponsored by Rep. Julia Letlow (R-LA), would require all public school districts to disclose their curriculum materials to parents, mandate parental consent for participation in student surveys, and prohibit schools from selling student information “for commercial or financial gain.”
— Read more at the Washington Examiner
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries: "[Republicans don't want children to read] "a book describing in very personal terms the experience of a trans girl beginning to understand her identity… Extreme MAGA Republicans don't want your child to learn about the LGBTQ+ experience."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 23, 2023
AOC roasted over calling Republican parents’ rights bill ‘fascism:’ ‘Clown show every time she talks’
U.S. House Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., was criticized by conservatives on social media Thursday after she alleged that the Republican-sponsored Parents Bill of Rights being considered in Congress is “fascist.” The bill seeks to strengthen parents’ knowledge of and involvement in their children’s education.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy described the purpose of the bill as follows: “The Parents Bill of Rights has 5 pillars to ensure parents have the right to have a voice in their kids’ education: Right to know what’s being taught in schools and to see reading material; Right to be heard; Right to see school budget and spending; Right to protect their child’s privacy; [and] Right to be updated on any violent activity at school.”
Ocasio-Cortez, however, slammed it as targeting LGBT youth and censoring racial content, telling Republicans to “keep the culture wars out of classrooms.”
— Read more at Fox News
“AOC Cries ‘Fascism’ As Republicans Advance Parents Bill Of Rights”
“The Parents Bill of Rights has 5 pillars to ensure parents have the right to have a voice in their kids’ education: Right to know what’s being taught in schools and to see reading material; Right to be heard; Right to see school budget and spending; Right to protect their child’s privacy; [and] Right to be updated on any violent activity at school.”
So according to this bartender bimbo U.S. House Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. it is ‘Fascism’ to allow the parents of their children to know what kind of TRASH and sexual perversions are being forced upon their children by the immoral, unethical, disgraceful Democrat Party controlled teachers union.
It is amazing that Democrat Party supporter Fools still vote for their own and their children’s destructive indoctrination.
ITS Not amazing, its what they;ve been INDOCTRINATED INTO THEM..
First of all we have to remember that this woman is an idiot and we should not believe a word she is saying. If she read would have read what is in the Parents Bill of Rights she wouldn’t have commented about its contents. She is a prime example that because you went to college and obtained a degree, it doesn’t mean you are smart.
The democraps goal is for your kids to be dumb and woke.
AOC,,,” denounce a GOP bill on parental rights, saying the bill was fascist and would lead to book bans.”,,,,,,,books of hormone exciting smut, sexual self-immolation, socialist self-destruction embracing of social dependency of AOC Femi-Nazis who;
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” – Joseph Goebbels Nazi Propagandist
Well the AOC, (the parental mother of all lies herself), and Biden embracing of obvious race, gender, and unnatural human functioning dysfunctions, has risen to the point where the Democrat run State can no longer be trusted to censor itself from their proposed unworkable vanities of their insanities, having expended all it’s power to repress the votes, repress the truths of workable reality, which is the inherent mortal enemy of their lies, and their Fascist run state,,,repeating those lies over and over again to the point of nobody is blinking anymore when they attempt to cry wolf,,, cry COVID,,Trump, or whatever.
Alexandria Obviously Communist is living proof that a human being can function without so much as a single brain cell.
AND their loyal brainless lemmimgs.
Their goal is for your kids to be as demon possessed as they are and for your kids to hate and despise your guts as much as they do.
Fascism has already been imposed on the education system by the Democrats and their woke mob, the teachers’ unions and the Association of School Boards. Why else would they have the DOJ label concerne parents terrorists. Once there was a PTA that functioned as a unit of parents and teachers for the good of the education system, now the teachers think they are the be all and are above criticism. The government has sanctioned all this through the Department of Education which is totally out of touch with parents and students!
Sorry, Mr. Jeffries, Republicans want children to read and think, not be indoctrinated with worthless idiology from the left!
Just look at how the teacher’s unions flat out INSTRUCTED THE dept of just us, to go AFTER PARENTS, who were outraged at what was going on..
The DOJ told school boards to complain to the DOJ to separate the DOJ “response” from itself.
Hakeem Jeffries, another stupid idiot who hasn’t taken time to read the Bill before commenting on it.
Who gives a rat’s butt what AOC thinks about ANY subject?
Only another blithering idiot…
She/they/them/it doesn’t “think” about anything, other than what she’s told to say!!!
Allowing the very uninformed, semi-educated fully entitlement minded students who go to university to take over and run the schools,, is about as insane as allowing the incoming infected COVID patients to be in charge of the hospital’s sanitation requirements, run the hospital finances, and do the brain and heart surgeries. Children like AOC are to be seen and not heard, and when crybaby protesting students or politicians who have just arrived from the playpens of their parental children-in-adult-body domiciles of democrat party social experimentation, should stand down and let the adults run the show, and pick out the workable reading materials that have proven to make men out of boys, women out of girls, not he/she gender confused imbeciles whose worth of the sheepskin given out at graduation can only be used to cover their intellectual nakedness, proving the wool has been pulled over their eyes.
Knowledge is not power, only potential power, unused until mated with wisdom, which is based upon reproducible empirical truths, not some AOC pie in the sky bye and bye, where when her pie is opened, the birds never begin to sing, for a dainty dish to set before their king, because their crowing birdbrains are all too stuffed with the worms that reside within their proffered pies, solutions and over spiced failing social experiments.
This radical, Bimbo AOC was elected to represent the D-NY 14th District.
This says it all about the mentality and character of Democrat Party supporters.
God’s command for parents is to teach and train their children according to Biblical standards: Ephesians 6:4 “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
The atheistic left woke mob hates God and anyone or anything that promotes Godly living. Therefore, they do all that they can to destroy us.
We need to stand strong against their satanic attack, and pray for God’s help to save this generation from the evil of this world.
Who gives a rat’s butt what AOC thinks about ANY subject?
Only another blithering idiot…
It’s good to keep an eye on what the enemy is up to. That’s what I care about. Besides she’s entertainment.
I always think that people who take the time to read and to reply must care on some level or they wouldn’t waste their time on it.
washington d.c. is a idiot farm!
So is NY and CA!
She needs to put a sock in it and just get me my beer.
The Dems vote for the money…if Unions say this is the goal, then you can bet it is now the goal of Dems. Not a one of them sway from their Racism, anti-American, pro China messages because it is all about the money. It is a shame that we are being lead by a bunch of empty headed, money-seeking fools. They use terms that are either fear or anger buttons because that is the only way they win.
AOC shows why I have long called her “AOCnoevilontheleft.” Those she accuses are always labeled right wing. Parental rights are not a product of fascism, which is called extreme right, despite its leftist origin. Parental rights and indeed family and marriage are prehistoric. Marriage and family are just two targets in the way of the left’s long march through the institutions, which Marx said were created by the capitalists to oppress the proletariat, and must be destroyed.
I wonder, has she ever read WHAT FASCISM actually is??
No, all the read in that definition is far-right. Maybe true back in Hitler’s day but the left has now embraced Fascism to their hearts yet continue to cherry pick pars of the definition to point a finger at the Right. People need to wake up and get very worried.
Not the brightest bulb in the box. She things facism is some form of makeup after she puts on foundation.
Children should NOT be exposed to this kind for stuff. It is simply amoral.
Talk about projection. The Democrat party has honed the art of calling out others for what they are guilty of so well it has become their entire platform. Fascist calling out fascism, socialists calling patriots a threat to democracy, CRT racists deriding the defenders of equality, oppressors calling those who are for freedom authoritarians, and people who want to mutilate children calling the rest of us child abusers. I could go on, but this pretty much sums up the Democrat party of today.
Let the children be chikdren first and enjoy growing up free from be pushed into a “he” becoming a “she” and vice versa. Once grown up (meaning they are 100% on their own without any parental need at all) they can become whatever they want.
DEAQUI said it in a nutshell. Let kids be kids and once they reach the age of consent they can be whatever or whoever they want to be.
Hakeeem…..(the sound I make when hawking up Phlegm) are wrong. We parents don’t want our kids reading porn while at our state sponsored schools..
She doesn’t know the definition.