Republican have not forgotten about Sen. Mitt Romney’s recent decision to vote in favor of an impeachment count brought against President Trump by House Democrats.
“Many Republicans were furious at Romney, and a sizable number of GOP voters are ready to throw him out of the party,” says a new Rasmusssen Reports poll.
It found that two-thirds of all likely GOP voters — 64% — now have an unfavorable view of the Utah lawmaker, up from 47% last fall. Perhaps more significantly, 39% of the Republican voters think Mr. Romney should be expelled from the Republican Party. Among those who strongly approve of Mr. Trump, 50% say he should leave the GOP fold.
Some pf the Republican voters disagree: 43% don’t think an exit is warranted, while 18% are undecided.
In the meantime, Mr. Romney’s favorability has rocketed upwards in another sector.
“Democrats have a new respect for Romney. Sixty percent now regard him favorably, up from 47% last fall,” the poll said.
“Seventy-two percent of self-identified liberals and 53% of moderates view Romney favorably, compared to 31% of conservatives,” the survey said.
The poll of 1,000 likely voters was conducted Feb. 6-9.
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