A government watchdog organization revealed that there are at least 30,000 more registered voters on voter rolls in Detroit, Michigan, than there are citizens in the city who are eligible to vote.
As states like Michigan continue to press for mail-in ballots for voters in response to the coronavirus pandemic – and as President Donald Trump continues to challenge the procedure because if its increased vulnerability to voter fraud – Government Accountability Institute (GAI) Research Director Eric Eggers, argues that tens of thousands of ineligible voters could sway the election by receiving, voting and sending in mail-in ballots … especially in Detroit, with its fraudulent voter rolls.
“I do think it’s fair to kind of raise eyebrows and some alarms at what’s happening in a state like Michigan,” Eggers expressed, according to Breitbart News. “Of course, we want people to be able to vote without imperiling their own health, but it’s the problems with the voter rolls, [and] the fact remains that many of the voter rolls in this country, 1-in-8 according to the Supreme Court – 24 million voter registrations are wrong or partially inaccurate.”
Mail-in vote problems already on the radar
The discrepancy on the voter rolls in Detroit is already being litigated.
“In the city of Detroit … according to a lawsuit filed just last year, the city of Detroit itself has over 30,000 more registered voters than citizens of legal voting age,” Eggers recounted. “Thirty thousand people in Detroit at least will receive … an absentee ballot request form, [and] Donald Trump only won Michigan by less than 11,000 votes in 2016, so this is a state that if it flips … the margins are very small here.”
Michigan’s preparations to distribute ballots by mail were met with opposition by the president.
“This week, Michigan’s Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, announced that the state would send absentee ballot applications – not actual absentee ballots – to 7.7 million voters,” Breitbart reported. “In response, President Trump threatened to withhold funding from the state.”
Before touring Ford Motor Company’s plant in Ypsilanti that is currently manufacturing breathing ventilators for COVID-19 protection, Trump argued that Benson’s decision to send absentee ballots to all of the state’s registered voters invites corruption.
“Obviously, there’s going to be fraud,” Trump insisted, according to the Detroit Free Press. “We’re not babies.”
After a meeting with African American leaders at the Ford plant, Trump countered Benson’s contention that there is little evidence of fraud with mail-in votes.
“Who knows who sends them back? … Who are these people who are voting?” Trump posed. “We can’t do that. To vote, to really vote and without fraud, you have to go to the polling place and they have to check you in. … What we want is good, straight, honest voting.”
When Michigan held its primary elections on April 7, problems with mail-in voting were rife, with some 30,000 mail-in votes being counted after election day.
“It led to all kinds of problems in terms of employees weren’t ready for it, the system became overloaded – you had people working over 100 hours a week, you had ballots being misplaced and then not actually being counted and cast,” Eggers recalled. “It wasn’t exactly perfectly executed, [so] I think this just underscores the dirty secret of the American election system, and that’s this: We remain a third world country when it comes to election technology.”
Tens of thousands of inaccuracies on voter rolls already red flag the numerous problems mail-in voting would incur in November, and with Democrats using the coronavirus crisis to push mail-in voting, the medical data does not warrant such a need.
“Recent data has not shown a compelling public health justification for mail-in voting,” Breitbart informed. “Wisconsin is one of the only states that held its primary election with in-person voting after the nation’s coronavirus lockdowns began, [and] about 52 of more than 400,000 people were confirmed to have contracted the virus after participating either as voters or poll workers, and none of those cases was fatal. Out of the 413,000 participants, that equals an infection rate below two-hundredths of 1%, [and] just days later, South Korea held national elections, which did not result in any new coronavirus cases.”
Here’s your evidence
Countering Benson’s contention that there is little evidence that mail-in voting invites fraud, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) – an election integrity organization – sued Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey and Director of Elections George Azzouz last December after finding thousands of ineligible voters on the city’s rolls.
PILF Communications Director Logan Churchwell – whose group discovered 2,500 dead people on Detroit’s rolls, along with 5,000 duplicate registrations in a city with 511,786 registered voters but only 479,267 eligible voters – contended at the time that Democrats fraudulently use mail-in ballots to their advantage because the process is more difficult to detect problems.
“This is yet more evidence of the left’s deep investments to preserve faulty voter registration records and the questionable procedures at the root of the problem,” Churchwell declared in February, according to Law Enforcement Today (LET) “States have no business experimenting with automatic voter registration until they can zero out the risk of ineligible noncitizens passing through traditional Motor Voter.”
Ultra-left billionaires such as George Soros, who often funds the Democratic Party to push his progressive global agenda – including abortion/population control, open borders, LGBTQ rights and climate change – look to do away with many voter regulations, which opens the voting system up for fraud.
“Democrats have built a massive network of nonprofit groups, funded by George Soros and other liberal donors, to oppose Republican-backed voting initiatives, such as voter identification laws,” LET reported. “Michigan is a significant target for such efforts given its ‘swing state’ status.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
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