on 9:55 am February 1, 2022 at 9:55 am
The Tinkerbell Barrack PinocchiObama said that one can be whatever they relate to.
And the “Let’s Go Brandon” puppet president is just Tinkerbell Barrack PinocchiObama’s puppet.
And knowing the leftists, THEY WOULD SCREAM bloody murder, and label anyone who objected as racist, homophobic, transphobic and the rest of their laundry list of insults.
No—you’ll have a guarantee.
The Tinkerbell Barrack PinocchiObama said that one can be whatever they relate to.
And the “Let’s Go Brandon” puppet president is just Tinkerbell Barrack PinocchiObama’s puppet.
With how the left, LOVES coddling the “I self identify as” crowd, i wouldn’t be SHOCKED to see someone try it.
If this cartoon was not true, it would be funny. But in today’s USA it’s probably true on so many levels.
And knowing the leftists, THEY WOULD SCREAM bloody murder, and label anyone who objected as racist, homophobic, transphobic and the rest of their laundry list of insults.