Dale Post
on 10:39 am February 2, 2023 at 10:39 am
The left doesn’t care one bit about blacks. They are the biggest racists this country has ever known (KKK, BLM, slave owners today on the entitlement plantations, etc).
They always have and continue to use the term “racism” as a club to beat down anyone who doesn’t agree with them. But THEY are the racists.
inluminatuo on Trump, Harris exchange barbs in heated presidential debate: “Harris’s Opportunity economy hogwash, the only opportunities of her proffered and pandered Opportunity economy created was to give the ruling…” Sep 11, 15:05
As the old s aying goes: Walk a mile in my shoes before passing judgement.
They don;t CARE what the facts are.. Especially if it doesn’t fit their agenda.
The left doesn’t care one bit about blacks. They are the biggest racists this country has ever known (KKK, BLM, slave owners today on the entitlement plantations, etc).
They always have and continue to use the term “racism” as a club to beat down anyone who doesn’t agree with them. But THEY are the racists.
AND the stupid part of it all, is ALL TOO OFTEN the black community, buys into that.