White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tried to laugh off rising crime in America during a recent appearance on a leftwing podcast. Psaki said those who are concerned about the surge in violent crime in America are “living in an alternate universe.”
Psaki and Joe Biden continue to have no response to reporters and the American people about crime. Crime has risen dramatically during the Biden administration, yet Psaki tries to blame guns. How’s that defund the police movement looking now?
A new study shows that lockdowns had no positive impact in stopping Covid. Plus, leftwing media outlets are in a meltdown over the Freedom Convoy.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Laughing at innocent people, including children being murdered by criminals, who are never prosecuted. Jen Psaki is like the rest of the Biden Administration, a morally depraved, criminal elitist.
“Psaki said those who are concerned about the surge in violent crime in America
are “living in an alternate universe.””
Keep in mind; #1 this treasonous Democrat Party and
their puppet president “Let’s Go Brandon” LIE!
To Democrats, Truth, Facts, Reality and History are all irrelevant,
If the Democrats do not WANT to believe them or they disagree with them.
Democrats will just make up their own, Truth, Facts, Reality, History or voter tally to fit what they WANT to believe or fits into the Con or Deception that they are running at the time.
Never trust a carrot top with her head in the dirt pile.
I swear, that woman looks like a corpse with dyed red hair.
I wonder which came first. Does one NEED to be morally depraved to become a dem. OR IS being a dem, making folks morally depraved?
The alternate Universe Jen Psaki speaks of is that of the Lili-pollution of American minds by mental midgets and trolled truths that led to a joe Biden’s gullible Travels to places of the windmills in his own air blown hair sniffed mind, that he insists is the new fundeMENTALLY changed America of his warped age depleted brain’s imaginations, reflecting nothing that your own lying eyes can validate as real.
Only a party of Criminals could not recognize the daily crimes against American Humanity as not being the norm, the proof of which condemns them daily, the living pain consequences to the American people of which can no longer be covered up, plastered over, or denied. The Democrat party of flying monkeys, wealth munching Munchkins, brainless strawmen, heartless tin men, and cowardly mice that roar, can no longer pull enough levers behind the curtains they hide behind to retain the power they dishonestly obtained. THE PEOPLE now know that “there’s no place like Home” home being the Land of the free and Home of the Brave, nothing like the alternate universe the Democrats now imagine us to be.
Since the left, for years has put the RIGHTS of criminals, ahead of victims OF crimes, AND many have helped FUND bails for criminals etc, ITS NO wonder, they are ‘the party of crooks…
White House chief propogandist Jen Psaki epitomizes the Biden-Harris Administration’s serious detachment from reality and contempt for the health and safety of ordinary Americans. Psaki’s callous willingness to mock individuals who are concerned about the nation’s growing deadly crime wave is both disgusting and indicative of an individual who lacks the ability to have empathy for the innocent victims of crime.
“White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tried to laugh off rising crime in America during a recent appearance on a leftwing podcast. Psaki said those who are concerned about the surge in violent crime in America are “living in an alternate universe.”
Tell you what, Jen—try telling that to the businesses and individuals who have experienced first-hand, up close and personal, the destruction, injury, and death thrust upon them at the hands of criminals. Are you people so out of touch that you honestly have no idea what goes on in big cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, etc—and it isn’t limited to only large metropolitan areas. People are being carjacked, robbed, beaten, shot—and all you can do is laugh it off???
Jen’s been drinking too much Sake 🙂
Like most who think themselves to be modern day royalty, yes they ARE out of touch…
She needs to be thrown in prison.
If her head was any more empty it would collapse. Only thing holding it together now is that cheap red hair dye she’s using.
I am 71 years of age and seen the best and worst of both political parties and independents. The downward plunge of the American Socialist Communiist, Marxist, Atheist, Globalist, Immoralist, Anti-American Deviant Party continues to hit new lows every day. For this demonic humanoid to state there is no crime crisis is morally depraved. Obviously, she will admit the fact that it is caused by the policies of left wing zealot da’s, judges, police chirfs, mayors, city councils, state officials congress, state dept and up. And thanks to vp kamalama hashish and pres joe biteme’s border policy to allow illegal alien criminals to be transported into our cities and towns across America with transport paid by our tax dollars – murderers, rapists, cartel members, thugs, smugglers and felons – the garbage of other countries. And even paying them as well – in hopes they will illegally vote democrap. Yeah – no crisis to these demonics – this is their plan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUT You can bet, if someone robbed HER or her home, SHE WOULD BE DEMANDING The cops do something about it.