The federal government wants to overtake your Republican-voting neighborhood by making it a more Democrat-friendly shade of blue, and there might be a reason that sounds familiar.
“This is a repeat of regulations that the Obama administration put out,” explains attorney Hans von Spakovsky of The Heritage Foundation. “These proposed regulations are basically a takeover of local zoning decisions on the basis of supposedly achieving equity and diversification.”
A proposed rule change by the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development showed up on the Federal Register in early February but, in reality, the plan targeting suburbia is Barack Obama 2.0 in the Biden administration.
‘Cities Without Suburbs’
Back during President Obama’s second term, National Review writer Stanley Kurtz warned readers at the time the Obama administration was targeting suburbs because far-left Democrats despise the mostly white and middle-class neighborhoods that vote Republican.
“If you press suburbanites into cities, transfer urbanites to the suburbs, and redistribute suburban tax money to cities, you have effectively abolished the suburbs,” Kurtz, who eventually wrote a book about Obama’s plan, explained at the time.
President Donald Trump is credited with rolling back the Obama-era HUD rule in 2018, when he extended a compliance deadline, much to the horror of Democrats, who insisted the HUD rule addresses fair housing and racial discrimination.
Dr. Ben Carson, who was HUD secretary under Trump, called the anti-suburb plan “social engineering.”
In that NRO story, Kurtz credits left-wing scholar David Rusk for influencing the Obama administration with his book, Cities Without Suburbs. The stated plan of the book is to make the suburbs disappear by annexing them into the larger cities that overshadow them.
Sure enough, Rusk spoke at the “White House Forum on Suburbs” in 2011 according to a glowing report by the left-wing Wilson Center.
Rusk was referred to as “one of the USA’s leading regionalists” by the Wilson Center.
According to Kurtz’s NRO story, that term “regionalist” is the self-described title for proponents who envision huge urban territories that soak up the tax base and eliminate municipal boundaries.
HUD wants ‘more robust community engagement’
Back in 2015, and now eight years later, the same suburb-busting plan goes by the same name: “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.”
HUD’s online document even states it “builds on the steps” initiated by the federal government in 2015.
“This rule proposes to retain much of the 2015 AFFH Rule’s core planning process,” the Summary states in part, “with certain improvements such as a more robust community engagement requirement, a streamlined required analysis, greater transparency, and an increased emphasis on goal setting and measuring progress.”
The Summary goes on to state the new rule includes “mechanisms to hold program participants accountable for achieving positive fair housing outcomes…”
The public comment period ends April 10, according to The Federal Register.
According to Spakovsky, he believes most suburban-dwelling Democrats do not want to surrender what they have to a larger city nearby.
“It’s the limousine liberals, who live in gated communities, that want to force this kind of thing on all the rest of it,” he insists, “including Joe Biden himself, who lives in luxurious conditions even when he’s not in the White House.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
A proposed rule change by the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development showed up on the Federal Register in early February but, in reality, the plan targeting suburbia is Barack Obama 2.0 in the Biden administration.
Back during President Obama’s second term, National Review writer Stanley Kurtz warned readers at the time the Obama administration was targeting suburbs because far-left Democrats despise the mostly white and middle-class neighborhoods that vote Republican.
Is there any doubt that the racist, woke Barack PinocchiObama is still pulling puppet No Joe Biden’s strings??
THE left won’t be happy, till the entire nation looks like the inner cities, with rampant crime, drugs, and degraded living.
Those old enough to remember the 60s and 70s saw firsthand the bad results of woke Equity in action,,,when they bussed our safe sane suburban kids into the dark city schools of insane educational and moral failure where violence and self- preservation in fear was the first lesson taught, with drug use to kill the pain of their bad life reality democrat Lightfoot type leaderships being the second lesson of survival. They all told us how bussing emotionally Democrat damaged goods, inner city kids, to the Suburbs would make their lives better, as better as the lives of the white Suburb kids who would get woke indoctrination and join their brotherhoods of gang violence. The end result was an equal distribution of their moral ineptitude, violence, dug addictions where both Suburb and City kids became the casualties of an unrealistic understanding of what motivates the human soul, and drives ALL mankind to become something bigger and better than what they are. Equal distribution of the social destruction is all you get when WOKE equity arrives at the scene. All we ended up with was healthier, stronger, more dangerously education crime kids now dwelling everywhere with no safe aces of refuge for the good kids to hide. ALL the kids became less that what they were designed by their creator to be, and the devil is always in their details of promised success, with someone other than the Democrat leaders paying the price in sacrifice. Cities/suburbs without sanity.
So these sellout Dems want to eliminate suburbs, which would destroy lots of green space that you don’t get in urban areas. Someone needs to ask them, but what about the environment? Cities are supposed to be “heat islands”. Would making them bigger increase the dreaded global warming?
They’d call you racist, for daring to bring that question up.