Washington — U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the Detroit Democrat, is introducing legislation in Congress this week that would wipe out utility debt accumulated during the pandemic by low-income households in an effort to ensure homes aren’t cut off from essential water, electricity and broadband services.
The bill is a companion to legislation introduced in the spring by Oregon Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley.
The bill would create a new loan-to-grant program to provide nearly $40 billion in emergency low-interest loans for water, electric and broadband providers. The loans would be forgiven in whole or in part after the utility cancels outstanding debts for residential accounts for the period covered by the public health emergency.
Forgiving the loans would be conditioned on the utilities not using punitive measures to force payments, such as disconnecting customers or charging late fees. Tlaib said the legislation also would bar loan recipients from selling household debt to debt collectors and from placing liens on households over outstanding utility debt.
“The pandemic has just exposed how these are definitely essential services that impact poverty levels throughout the district,” she said. “It costs us more if we don’t do something at the front end and prevent the shutoffs.”
Tlaib cited as an example the city of Ecorse in her district where over 40% of the residents haven’t paid their water bill during the pandemic.
“(Many of my colleagues) are realizing that a lot of our local municipalities don’t really have a way out, and that this is not money that magically can appear from any of these families,” she said.
“It’s not because they don’t want to pay. It’s literally just because the cost has gone up, and they’re trying to survive during this economic downturn.”
Trade groups representing utility companies — the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies and the American Public Power Association — declined to comment on the bill Wednesday.
It’s not clear how much households owe in utility debt across the country, with Tlaib saying it’s difficult to get an accurate number even for Michigan.
Statewide in California, household water and wastewater debt was estimated at $1 billion at the end of 2020, with 12% of households or 1.6 million households carrying water debt, according to a survey by the State Water Resources Control Board.
The board’s survey also estimated that up to 25 small to medium water systems in the state were at extreme risk of going under and might require emergency financial assistance.
Tlaib noted a study by the University of California, Los Angeles, that found 25% to 30% of L.A. households had financial difficulties paying for basic services, and a disproportionate number of those “severely” affected were in Black and Latino communities.
Communities in Michigan were free to resume water shutoffs for non-payment in April after a statewide moratorium expired; however, some communities and water providers had said they wouldn’t soon resume them right away.
Mary Grant, director of the Public Water For All Campaign at the advocacy group Food and Water Watch, said local moratoria on water shutoffs are expiring around the country. The exceptions are a few states and cities including Detroit, which has prohibited water shutoffs through the end of 2022.
During the moratoria, households accrued billions of dollars of debt and when the moratoria end, they are hit with a massive bill, Grant said. That’s where the Tlaib-Merkley legislation comes in.
“If there’s not a support system put in place, they’re going to lose service right now, and what we’re seeing is the pandemic isn’t over. There’s an ongoing surge driven by the delta variant,” Grant said.
“We just need to make sure that people have the resources that they need to keep water service on to protect themselves, their families, their communities, but also to help get their feet back on the ground.”
Grant said the bill is structured in such a way that it could be incorporated in the Senate Democrats’ reconciliation package for infrastructure.
Tlaib said she expects to introduce the bill Friday in the U.S. House. She sent a letter to colleagues urging them to sign as co-sponsors of the legislation.
“This is the wealthiest country in the world. We move with such urgency when it comes to the big banks or when it comes to our small businesses. … They may be too important to fail,” she said.
“Even more critical, we can’t allow people to fail. We can’t allow people in our country to live without water and utilities. It’s just simply immoral and wrong.”
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Let’s all go to Washington DC, stick out our hands and the communist Democrats can hand us a paycheck. No one will ever have to work again in communist America. The utopia / paradise of Tlaib and the communist Democrats.
They are already pushing for this. They call universal income.
That’s what i can’t understand. WITH THE INCREASE IN welfare, increase in unemployment benefits etc, HOW THE HELL CAN THEY STILL CLAIM THEY ARE “Low income’? AND where the hell did all that extra money, the govt gave them go, IF NOT TO PAY THEIR BLOODY bills?!?!?!?
Cloward-Piven…….Now at our door step. We all know how rent forgiveness, free utilities and stimulus welfare is continuing.
LOOK IT UP if you can put your I-Phones down long enough!
Biden wants to wipeout honest owed rent money owed to landlords by social parasites, Tlaib wants to wipe out utility debt accumulated during the pandemic by low-income households, and Bernie wants us to pay off all the student loans,,,using COVID as an excuse with taxpayer money of course. Better WE THE PEOPLE pay THEM all off with arrests, convictions and Jail or even death sentences for theft and misappropriation of public funds, assets and property. This is what happens when thieves take over your government and seek to surreptitiously steal with upside down laws of social injustice and taxes, what violent criminals do outright openly to people with guns on the street. Frankly now, WE THE PEOPLE stand a better chance of holding on to our hard-earned assets when we face the thieves with guns, than these organized parties of criminals disguised as Democrat party social saviors of society. Just put out their lights before they put out ours.
HEll, what about all those decades where the left was even pushing the mantra “WE NEED TO WIPE OUT THE DEBT all these foreign nations OWE THE USA”? BUT the only debt they don’t want wiped out, is WHAT WE OWE THEM in taxes….
For decades, America has played mommies to the world; wipping up every mess, funding every nation (both friendly and enemy), and otherwise playing patsy to the world. This is why Trump’s America First agenda was a wonderful idea.
AND why the globalists HAD TO DO all they could, to get TRUMP OUT…
Wow, Genius, what a helluva idea.
People are paid not to work—allowed to not pay their rent—now their bills can be taken care of. I must be living wrong or my white privilege expired and isn’t renewable. And under consideration is forgiveness of student loan debt, guaranteed income, free Medicare for all . . .
Why am I facing the struggle every day when I could ride this gravy train?
Principle and sense of responsibility—and hatred of Socialism.
Tlaib—resign from Congress.
This is just another step to make the people dependent on the government for everything. In the attempt to make the U.S. into a Socialist Democrat Party Dictatorship State.
Question #1. Where do these fools think the government gets its money?
“Ensure homes aren’t cut off from essential water, electricity and broadband services.”??
When did the internet become a essential service??
When the 13% demanded it. The working ( middle class) has it so it’s now a human right to have everything the working class has and more .don’t forget the more part. In Augusta, Georgia they are putting in granite countertops in affordable housing because it’s a human right for the 13%. I don’t have fancy granite countertops.
WHEN the leftists realized, they could get PERPETUAL SLAVES made by telling folk “ITS A RIGHT”.
Stop. Let everyone go back to work is all you have to do. Stop the fake pressure of Covid and the take over of our country.
The media is LYING. Covid is no more deadly than the flu. Covid deaths are greatly inflated. Side effect deaths are censored / denied. The shots do not work. Masks do not work. Effective treatments / preventatives are prohibited / discouraged.
Let only “useful idiots” rush out and get the shots …and wear masks …and “social distance” and otherwise kneel down and worship the Chinese, Biden, and Fauci as their masters and lords.
I am unvax’d.
I am unmasked.
I am unafraid.
I agree, but no one does anything about it. We must write, call, make noise and demand change. It’s time for a New, stronger Tea Party type rising. Our gov is no longer for the People, By the People…it is for those in office and the rest can cry for their help and blessings. They are making a mockery out of our country. The Gov does not generate money, they must steal it from the workers. There was a Covid relief fund set up to pay these landlords rent but as far as I can tell, the funds aren’t being dispersed. Whose pockets did that money wind up in? Every time a Dem takes control they demand these programs and money and if our media cared to REALLY investigate, they would discover only a small handful was used. Where did it go? Which begs the question, why do our reps go into so-called service not so wealthy and come away extremely wealthy? Why are those 17 Republicans supporting the Infra. Bill knowing also Pelosi is going to demand her bill pass and Biden won’t pass anything without raising the taxes? So many questions that do NOT really serve the people having to pay for everything. OK, rant over.
THE DEMS pockets of course!!
NEWS FLASH, Congressional representative Tlaib, those bills are not cancelled because they are not paid, all of the revert to the landlord who remains responsible for them in the end. Utility companies are not nonprifit foundations and have busines laws to back them up. I doubt they will remain docile, just as landlords are feeling the pinch of economics from their moratorium. You are driving ‘the wealthiest country in the world’ into bankruptcy and total financial ruin!
I wonder, how much longer it will be, before we see MASSIVE CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS against the govt, FROM ALL these utility companies AND LANDLORDS…
Did anyone notice that costs have gone up and this is the reasoning? Well how did prices go up so much? Thanks Joe.
Seriously… I YOU (and your fellow Democrats) want to pay for these bills (out of YOUR pockets), fine.
But DON’T think that WE, THE PEOPLE (aka, WE, the TAX PAYERS) have some sort of obligation to pay the bills of others!
It’s BAD ENOUGH that the top 1% of Income Earners pay 40.1% of the tax liability!
For you Democrats to CONTINUE to chant your FALSE mantra that the rich don’t pay their fair share, is an INSULT to those who DO pay their taxes, and it SHOULD be considered an INSULT to the American People (for your LYING to them)!
Again, if YOU (Democrats) want to pay their bills… YOU do it (don’t take MORE of MY hard-earned income).
Hey, here’s an idea: Let people go back to work! STOP paying them MORE to sit at home and collect money (that we don’t have) than to go back to work!
THEN, they can PAY their rent and utilities!
Hell, I think Landlords (and utility companies) should be able to DEDUCT their lost revenue on their taxes!
BETTER YET, cancel all property taxes!!
IF RENT is no longer required to get paid, same with utilities, AND WE THE PEOPLE no longer can use the services our TAXES PAY FOR (cops!!), why the hell should we still even PAY THOSE damn taxes!!!
Unfortunately there are a lot of cooperative utilities that are not-for-profit without the option to deduct it from taxes. They are forced to have the rate paying members pay the cost of operations when delinquents do not pay. Many can and do pay when their service is stopped. After all, the government said we could not disconnect so some did not pay.
I wonder what’s going to come next on their wish list.. Uber can’t Charge someone for a taxi ride as “transportation is a right”.
Applebees can’t charge a diner for dinner, cause ‘food is a right’?
COMMENTI do not know who she and the rest of her Squat Squad are representing but it is sure not the American people. We need to get these law breakers as well as those who are loyal to other country’s out of our government. They do not represent the century’s old values of our nation as wellas the values of all of our people.
This is BS. who are these low income she is referring to who decided not to pay their bills. Low income receive Welfare, food stamps, rental assistance and fuel assistance. They were not affected by Covid because they didn’t work to begin with. Minimum wage earners got relief checks from the government and an extra $300.- per week in unemployment. Now they are getting child credit checks of $500.- per month per child. Why do any of these people need more tax payer money and why didn’t they pay essential bills. Everyone must have gone on a shopping spree with those large checks. No one thought to save some money in case we had another lock down? Another lock down will be the path to guaranteed income. Venezuela thought it was great too, until they ran out of other peoples’ money.
Wait a minute bud.!! In tv news,they all say they lost their jobs. So many have been working. Maybe welfare Fraud ?? You must report income. Welfare needs to start checking on income. The more we give the more they demand. Where will it end Venezuela ??? Your right
Not just that, but look at ALL THE various ‘help the poor’ drives we CONTINUALLY SEE YEar after year.
“Fill the backpacks” for the kiddywinks going to schools? Why the hell are their PARENT(S) Not filling them?
“Feed the starving”. WITH THE AMOUNT OF free food those kids supposedly get, via EBT, schools and all those bucking charities, HOW THE HELL ARE SO MANY STILL starving!
“Donate a fan”. WITH THE # of fans donated, HOW ANY household still doesn’t HAVE a fan, is beyond me! OR ARE THOSE folks we ‘donate to’, just SELLING THEM ON and using the money for drugs/booze??
Stop ALL government programs and let charities (churches) help people. Churches can and will do a better job on less money. Yes, churches can and will do a better job on less money. Additional benefit; connect people to churches where more than physical problems can and will be solved thus making the world a far better place.
SEEING ALl the bloody so-called churches HELPING THE ILLEGAL INVADERS take over our nation, by FUNDING THEM, putting them up all over OUR NATION< i wouldn't really depend on Churches to save us…
Omar wants guaranteed income for everyone of $1,200.- per month. Many seniors who paid into Social Security for 40+ years are getting less than $1,200.- per month. Bet she has no clue or just doesn’t care about our aged.
She does not care about a bunch of old Christian Americans
Especially since 70% or more of old people VOTE CONSERVATIVE…
Social Security “benefits” are merely a small “tip” compared to the same money invested in a private no-load mutual fund would produce. Get government out of the loop and watch people retire millionaires on their OWNED money free of bureaucratic incompetence and theft by Congress.
TILL their buggering up of our dollar, TANKS the markets, making any such mutual fund worthless..
All these radical democRATS want to do is steal from the tax payers to give to others.. PAYING OTHER PEOPLE’S BILLS BECAUSE THEY ARE LAZY IS NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY!!!!! These lunatics are going to drive us into another Venezuela… This nightmare administration and their cult of radical democRATS are going to drive this country into hell!! they are destroying this country and the American people… This nightmare of an administration and the radical democRATS ARE KILLING AMERICA!!! GOD HELP US ALL as our country is being totally destroyed… The biggest enemy we have in this country are this nightmare administration and the cult of radical democRATS…
That is why i have continually said, ALL THOSE WHO’s only means of living, is by surviving off of govt largess, SHOULD NO LONGER have the right to vote.. ONLY THOSE WHO WORK for a living should… AFTERALL< WE ARE the ones paying the bloody taxes!
I would like to see the stats on unpaid utility Bill’s before the pandemic. My guess is most of the people who aren’t paying their bills now are the same people who didn’t pay before 2020.
I’d also DEMAND TO SEE where the hell all that extra 300/week, unemployment, AND THE THREE BAILOUTs they received, went to, IF NOT TO PAY OFF Their legally earned debt…
How about getting the economy back up again, doing all that is possible to curb inflation, and getting people back to (or in some case into) work?
The cost of food and fuel has gone up considerably since the Biden administration has entered the White House. That isn’t conjecture it is a fact. People are being paid more in unemployment than they can make in a job so they aren’t working.
Again it is those of us who are working hard, scrimping, saving, and doing without so we can pay our bills who are going to be screwed by the federal government and these people who think everyone needs a handout. I have no idea where they think the money is actually going to come from.
Hell, if i had my way, EVERYONE who’s been on welfare 4 or more years, WOULD INSTANTLY AND irrevocably lose the right to vote.
AND then i’d tell all the rest, “YOU have one year from today to get OFF OF WELFARE, or you are CUT OFF for good, AND LOSE the right to vote..”
What good are all these piece meal giveaways? Why not just enact a declaration of paradise? Then everybody will have everything without working. Just one thing. Nobody will have anything because nobody will be working to produce and distribute anything.
Yet another COMMUNIST bill offered by those in the un-America political party.
So, I pay my bills, sometimes struggling to do so, and I also have to pay theirs?
Which makes me wonder, WHY BOTHER WORKING, so one CAN PAY THEIR OWN WAY, when you can just sit on your fat behind at home, and WHINE TO CONGRESS to pay it all for you.
Maybe if these welfare and govt. handout leeches would stay out of the liquor stores and convenience stores and away from their friendly drug dealers, they’d be able to pay their utility bills.Ya think?