“How did we get into this big mess and who gets the blame?”
Let’s start with Congressman James Clyburn, (D-SC). Joe Biden was nowhere near getting the Democrat nomination until Rep. Clyburn ordained him as South Carolina’s favorite. With South Carolina and the rest of the Democrat support in the south secured, the rest of the primary was a mere formality. To be fair to Rep. Clyburn, who else could he have supported — Bernie Sanders, Mayor Pete, Beto O’Rourke? Remember we are talking about voters in South Carolina. To use the sports analogy, the Democrat bench is short. It is also old.
Consideration for blame also goes to those that helped manage the Biden general election campaign. Most are nameless to most Americans, but Ron Klain, current Chief of Staff, might be familiar. Many political pundits believe he might be the man in charge now. Considering the current low polling, most presidents would start making cabinet changes. None so far. Chief of staff is a key position that many presidents have been known to replace. But if Klain is really calling the shots, he cant fire himself, can he?
We have learned that DNC Chairman, Jamie Harrison, looking ahead to the 2022 mid-terms, is trying to find the exits to save his political career. There are also rumblings that Javier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services is rarely seen. We still have COVID, an open southern border, significant increase in drug overdoses, that some argue may be due to the open border, and a secretary that is MIA Word on the street is that Becerra wants to be the next governor of California and doesn’t want to risk anything that might tarnish those prospects, so taking a page from his boss’ political strategy, he is staying in the basement.
The problems for the Democrat party are numerous, but the most important problem is that it is totally out of step with mostAmericans. Party leaders are smart enough to know that but are helpless to help themselves. Bernie Sanders couldn’t have possibly been elected, and Rep. James Clyburn knew it. What he wasn’t counting on however, was that the Bernie supporters would hijack the presidency, and the Democrat party, virtually assuring the political demise of both. But the real tragedy is the resulting damage to America.
So how bad is it for the Democrats? The Democrats have threatened to primary Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV). West Virginia, where Joe Biden failed to win a single county! Keep up the threats and insults Democrats, and you might even lose control of the senate before November.
Bruce Purvis Hickory Flat
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The Self-Destruction Of The Democratic Party
The Cherokee Ledger-News | Feb 21, 2022 | Commentary | 0 The Cherokee Ledger How many Native Americans are they offending??
How fitting that a Party so destructive to the country should, itself, self-destruct. If there is anything we can do to help, just let us know.
Pity its only Proverbially self destructing..
The only thing good that has come out of this last stolen election, is that because the failed socialists were given the power and the free rein to be able to expose just how failed their political concepts of reality and solutions really are, things got so hot in their failures for the average American fence sitters who normally don’t give a hoot or a holler about politics, they are all jumping off the Democrat electrified fence into the conservative camps, like cats on a hot tin roof, or a dog that comes in contact with the electrified third rail of Bernie style Democrat Socialist Policies. Give any fool an opportunity, and he will out himself for the fool he really is. The more power you give the fool, the faster he outs himself, which Joe has done in record time. Enter Joe Biden, and Trudeau, two control freak birds of the same feather. Their proffered social pain has become the great Awakening of the the North American sleeping giants, who are no blinded one-eyed Democrat Cyclops, but real American Atlas’s who now see clearly with BOTH eyes who has been responsible for the damage.
THING IS< many of us have known, JUST HOW MUCH Demon-spawn these cretins in office, have been.. FOR YEARS!
WE didn't need them to 'finally show their face publicly'', to recognize that.
I wouldn’t plan their funeral just yet. Remember, voter fraud is their specialty, and they are REALLY good at it. Secondly, they are achieving EVERYTHING they set out to achieve, that being the complete destruction of America. By the time they get done flooding the country with illegal invaders, they will have 12 million new democrap voters. Our economy will no longer have a private sector, we will be completely dependent on countries who hate us for our energy sources, and we will manufacture NOTHING. THE NEXT 2 ELECTION CYCLES WILL DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THERE WILL BE A UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
JUST the last year alone, 700k were released, INTO our nation. AND THAT IS ON TOP OF the 600k or so, that “got-away”.,,,
AND that is just Last year…
“How did we get into this big mess and who gets the blame?”
The corrupt Democrat elite and the Democrat Party never take responsibility or are held accountable for their own unlawful, destructive, dishonorable, immoral actions. Democrats always blame someone or something else for their own actions. Even if the Democrats are caught “red handed”.
WE the PEOPLE must destroy this treasonous, destructive, dishonest, unethical, social Democrat Party or this treasonous, destructive, dishonest, unethical, social Democrat Party will destroy our free country and WE the PEOPLE will serve this treasonous, destructive, dishonest, unethical, social Democrat Party. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Joe Biden already must feel like the Dog who lifted his leg on the American electrical fence for a a good jolt of reality. Maybe we should fire up old Sparky after the trial and complete the job right that all traitors to the American cause of freedom and fair play deserve. OOOOPs I forgot to wet the sponge like in the movie “The Green Mile” that matches Joe’s green greed. Just watch as the hair transplants pop right out of his smoking skull to reveal his image of the real Picture of Doran Gray, the real reason he so craves wearing a mask.
That’s how the left has been since the 50s.. NEVER EVER have they accepted responsibility, for their OWN ILLS….
Unless ballot harvesting is stopped, Becerra is guaranteed to be the next governor of California if endorsed by the power brokers. They broke honest elections in California under the Governator. We can no longer elect those not anointed to by our betters.
The total destruction of America through criminality and fraud by the Democrat communist party and the total destruction of our Country, by the RINO enablers like Mitch McConnell, who stated that if the RINOS take control of the Senate, they will meet the communist Democrats half way!
May as well not bother ousting the dems then. IF THE RINOS ARE just going to give into them anyway…