The fake Indian’s new book tour is just getting underway, but it will hard for Fauxcahontas to top her appearance on CBS over the weekend, where she at least twice yelled out her favorite “curse word:”
“Poop!” she blurted out at somebody named Chip Reid.
This network nonentity had asked Lieawatha for her favorite expletive, and when she came up with “Poop!” he instantly dismissed it as “so goody two-shoes.”
“Are you kidding?” she shot back. “Have you ever seen a woman like me look you straight in the face after you’ve finished some long explanation of something and then just said, ‘Poop!’ ”
The title of her new book is “This Fight Is Our Fight.” To which I say, “Poop!”
This is a rough week for Chief Spreading Bull to be starting her tour of the trustafarian gated communities and alt-left fake-news media that are her main, make that only, constituencies. The authors of the Hillary campaign post-mortem, “Shattered,” are also making the green-room rounds. Ditto Bernie Sanders and the DNC’s Dumb and Dumber — Tom Perez and Keith Ellison.
That’s a lot of poop for the non-working classes to be wading through, but nevertheless, she will persist.
Actually, the “poop” theme is a good way for the fake Indian to go in this, her 11th book. Yesterday, Matt Lauer told the soon-to-be 68-year-old solon that her devoted followers were already printing up 2020 bumper stickers, which was itself a lot of poop. When Lauer spouted that nonsense, she couldn’t even bring herself to respond, let alone persist.
She makes a lot of wampum on these alleged books, not Obama/Clinton-style cash, but it beats working, or should I say not working, at Harvard Law School. And she just keeps recycling the same old, same old. Remember how it used to be claimed that she was raised on the “ragged edge” of the middle class, only now it’s the “jagged edge.”
When she got into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame, she claimed she was “Okie down to her toes.” Now, on page 208 of her new book, “This Poop is Our Poop,” we find out that something Michael Bloomberg said “scares me down to my toes.”
(By the way, thanks to America Rising for reading this book and pulling out these quotes, so you and I don’t have to even pretend to read the excerpts.)
In case you care, she won’t tolerate lower pay for women, except in her own Senate office, apparently. She was for Dr. Ben Carson for HUD secretary before she was against him. In an earlier book, school vouchers were great. Now they’re terrible. Last December, she blasted one of her own campaign contributors … then apologized to him.
In other words, she’s a phony down to her toes.
Last year, she lashed out at Trump, not with smoke signals, but with tweets.
“Trump slammed back at me repeatedly,” she says on page 226, “hitting me over and over with his lame nicknames.”
Like, what, Liewatha? What kind of poop did he hit you with? Was it something about your, ahem, Native American heritage? Why no mention of that anymore? She’s still demanding that the president release his taxes. Maybe he should agree to — right about the time she puts out her employment applications to the two Ivy League law schools that hired her as a “woman of color.”
Maybe I’ll ask the fake Indian about that the next time I see her in one of her beloved cheese shops. Oh, she can’t get enough of the Harvard Square cheese shops — those wonderful smells. Limburger, Camembert, Valdeon, all those cheeses that smell like … well, you know what they smell like.
Buy Howie’s new book, “Kennedy Babylon,” at his website,
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