Instead of Brexit, call it Texit.
With socialist ideals on the rise, lawmakers in Texas say they are considering pursuing a Brexit-style departure.
And, lawmakers in other states have shown a similar interest.
“This is not about war, this is not about actually seceding from the United States,” Rep. Kyle Biedermann said in an interview with Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo. “This is about the beginning of a process, an act, just like Brexit,” he added.
“Brexit was a vote of the people and then five years of a process.”
He suggested that he and others are already drafting legislation that would pose the question of whether voters wanted to remain in the United States.
The bill “is the beginning of the process,” he said. “Do we want to have the right to be an independent state? After that question is answered ‘yes’ then that process begins.”
Biedermann said that a committee would then be established by Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s office, as well as members of the state’s legislature, “and [they] will address all of the things that it would take to be an independent nation, an independent state, a Republican of Texas.”
Texas residents “will be able to make their grievances heard, and we will determine whether it’s feasible for us to leave the union.”
Biedermann suggested that based on prior research, most residents of the Lone Star State would support the move.
Texas, which was briefly part of the Confederacy in 1860, isn’t the only state considering this move.
“We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”
Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.
“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.
The post Texas lawmakers considering Brexit-like secession amid trending democrat socialism appeared first on Human Events.
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It appears that the the dishonorable Democrat Party that revolves around and its philosophy is based on Control, Lies, Hate, Cons, Deceptions, Immorality and the lack of Integrity, Ethics or Honor has contaminated our country to the point that we are no longer the United States.
Truth, Justice, and the American Way
A life or lifestyle characterized by freedom, happiness, and equality. Used as a general description of the ideals of the United States of America.
But it appears that those who support the dishonorable Democrat Party no longer believe in Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Just what they can get for free… for now… but… NOTHING is truly free.
TEXAS. Don’t just say it. DO IT!
Time to move to Texas
BUT with the sheer # of commies, that have already FLOODED into that state, slowly turning it blue WILL IT remain a safe haven for conservatives, for much longer??
The U.S. will not let us go and will fight us to the death. I am in favor of it by the way.
Watch as Biden’s first move will be to order all the Tanks and Military Equipment out of Fort Hood that will probably by then have been renamed “Fort Hoody” in honor of the uniforms worn by their socialist election stealing shock troops. The outed socialists disguised as Democrats crossed the border into outright communism when they followed Stalin’s leadership of “It’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes.”, who then in Stalinist Pelosi fashion began targeting actual Republican House Representatives, ex-Presidents and Conservative voters for collective government and media reprisals. Once Texas and others leave, all that will be left will be the bankrupt Democrat city states of wealth redistribution, with no more Conservative cows to milk and feed upon, and half-empty socially destroyed city states who speak more different failed languages and ideas than when the tower of Babel fell in the land of Shinar, some time after god swept the planet clean of the moral rebellers, financial misfits,and pasion worshipers during the times of Noah. The surviving nation will still retain the Texas and Florida Space forces to keep the Russians without and the Russians within at bay,,,Minus all the national Debt of course. Social Security checks could be funded by oil profits and money made by an empowered economy absent the albitross about it’s neck of socialism, where wealth CREATION wil take precedent over Wealth destruction in social redistribution to losers and traitors.
Good for Texas. I may have to move out of the Michigan and move to Texas, if the people in Michigan do not get rid of the stench in the Capitol, in Lansing, Michigan, right Gretchen Whitmer?
When I escaped from Chicago to the Western Slope of Colorado 33 years ago, it was still Red. Alls I can say now is:
“Deep within my heart lies a melody,
A song of old San Antone.
Where in dreams I live with a memory,
Beneath the stars all alone
There I found beside the Alamo
Enchantment strange as the blue up above.”
That’s assuming you CAN Move.. Who knows.. IN a few years, maybe state to state moves like this, FOR US CONSERVATIVES that is, will be banned..
It wouldn’t surprise me if, within the next few years, we will need permits just to cross state lines.
For conservatives only.. Dems can move where they want.
I know 6 other Michiganders like us backpacker, thinking/talking about it also… we can caravan.
Right now, with the utter ROT in Trashigan, i just don’t see HOW you can remove Witchmer..
Texas will need to build a wall around the entire state to keep the communists from california, new york, and the rest of the blue states out.
Hey, as a life-long resident of California, if Texas does secede, I’m heading there asap. And I’m NOT bringing any liberal attitudes with me, that’s for sure.
THEY’d also need to boot OUT all the commiefornians who’ve ALREADY FLED THERE< just to INFEST it with their liberal rot.
They better do something about their southern border……….
If it does happen… they will no longer be under the useless insane liberal laws the country now is suffering under.. they wont have to let ANYBODY in they don’t want… and can throw out who ever they want.
As a former citizen of the Great State of Texas, I am thankful that this movement is continuing to grow. Texas was, and should have remained, an independent nation; the Republic of Texas.
The “panhandle” originally extended north through what is now parts of Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Those states, and others, should be invited to join the new Texas Republic. Individuals seeking to move to Texas should be carefully screened to avoid infesting the new nation with socialist-leaning ideologies and other negative influences. Consideration should be made to deport persons who are a detriment to Texas.
If permitted to do so, I would gladly move back to Texas and renew my work to be a strong supporter of the Texas tradition.
God bless Texas. MTGA= Make Texas Great Again.
Colorado and Kansas now have FAR too many Liberals to be of any value!
I wonder if the Texans are thinking about how it will impact the lives of the people. I’m sure they want to be free of the dictates and regulations from Washington.
On the plus side, for the rest of the country, Shela Jackson Lee will be out of a job and no longer in Washington. So will 12 other Democrat, 23 Republican Representatives and two Republican Senators. Beto will have to move to another state or he will not be able to be Biden’s gun Czar.
Federal money will stop. The welfare, food stamps and all other federal funded programs will have to be taken up by the Texas taxpayers. They also have illegals from Mexico getting welfare, food stamps and free health care. They will still have to provide public schooling for the children. I am sure the list goes on.
What will they use for currency and what will back it up? How will retirees on US pensions and Social Security be paid? Will the US continue to pay them or will the Texas Republic pick it up?
What about defense? If the US Military pulls out, the new country will have to pick it up.
I wonder how the Texans would like all that added to their taxes?
I hope everyone has thought this through. Be careful what you wish for because you just may get it.
IF texas pulls out, WHY WOULD THEY still need to ‘provide welfare/foodstamps etc’ to illegals?? THEY CAN simply make it law “ILLEGALS DON’T get that stuff”.
Freedom isn’t, and never has been, free.
I don’t think Texas will be allowed to actually secede. The deep state could never allow it (and who could blame them?). But the new leader of the Texas Gop (Lt. Col. Allen West) has some interesting ideas which might actually be doable. It would be more of a British “Brexit” type of separation that would be based upon economic issues. This would put huge pressure on the communists in Washington.
Just wondering. How would they be able to stop them short of armed military force?
Especially since IIRC, when texas JOINED the union, they HAD IT WROTE IN a clause, that would ALLOW THEM to seceed if they chose to…
Nothing short of armed military action. Do you think they would not resort to that to prevent secession?
We should have Conservative states and Socialist states with borders guarded so you won’t have to move. After 4 years will see which group comes out on top.
Thing is, the SOCIALIST/Commies, have INFILTRATED and infested, every single state in the union… There are no longer “Conservative states or liberal states”, there’s just FULLY INFESTED states, and NOT so fully infested ones..
Can we keep Texas and kick California out ??? California can keep all those migrants ,over 5,000 heading this way to cross the border. Thanks Biden !!
Times like this, i’d have loved to travel back in time, say to near the end of WW2, and AS The troops were all coming home, PUT THEM ALL TO WORK, digging a nice DEEP AND WIDE ditch, the entire length of the southern border.. ALL In the name of defense of the nation!
Most people don’t know that Texas was an independent sovereign country, and when they became a State in the United States, they reserved the right to become independent again if they wanted to in the future.
The founders only wanted to appear as a United States so that England could see that they wanted to be free from The King’s Tyranny. During the Revolution, the United States was divided into 3 equal groups, One wanted to be independent, the second wanted to stay with England, and the third didn’t care one way or another.
Group 3 were farmers, and figured that their crops grew whether they were American or British. Group 2 moved to Canada. and Group 1 was upset because the British wouldn’t them run their businesses without paying taxes. The British King was paying for the troops to protect the colonies from the French, the Spanish, the Dutch, the Portugese, and the Natives.