A lefty Texas “revolutionary” warned parents at a school board meeting that he would bring 1,000 “locked and loaded” allies next time to confront anyone questioning critical race theory, shocking videos show.

Malikk Austin — who previously wore military garb to a meeting, saying he was willing to “fight” for the divisive teaching method — raged directly at other parents who had raised concerns over CRT with the Fort Worth Independent School District board Tuesday, footage shows.

“How dare you come out … and talk about the things that my daddy and my grandparents went through,” Austin seethed at other parents in the livestreamed meeting. “How dare you come up here and challenge me on critical race theory!”

– Read more at the NY Post



Ex-member of black militia group The Brotherhood is kicked out of Texas school board meeting after threatening anti-CRT parents

A former member of a black militia group was removed by police from a tense school board meeting after he said he had ‘over a thousand soldiers ready to go’ who were ‘locked and loaded’ in support of critical race theory – leaving anti-CRT parents feeling ‘threatened’ and ‘scared.’

The incident took place during a board meeting held by the Fort Worth Independent School District on November 9. The meeting was devoted in part to the teaching of critical race theory, which was opposed by some of the parents.

During the meeting, a man identified as Malikk Austin got up and spoke for a minute, defending the teaching of CRT.

Austin, an African-American who was part of The Brotherhood Movement, a ‘Second Amendment group,’ said: ‘For those who got an issue with this critical race theory equity, this is something I fight for, for my children.’
– Read more at the Daily Mail

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