A lefty Texas “revolutionary” warned parents at a school board meeting that he would bring 1,000 “locked and loaded” allies next time to confront anyone questioning critical race theory, shocking videos show.
Malikk Austin — who previously wore military garb to a meeting, saying he was willing to “fight” for the divisive teaching method — raged directly at other parents who had raised concerns over CRT with the Fort Worth Independent School District board Tuesday, footage shows.
“How dare you come out … and talk about the things that my daddy and my grandparents went through,” Austin seethed at other parents in the livestreamed meeting. “How dare you come up here and challenge me on critical race theory!”
– Read more at the NY Post
Ex-member of black militia group The Brotherhood is kicked out of Texas school board meeting after threatening anti-CRT parents
A former member of a black militia group was removed by police from a tense school board meeting after he said he had ‘over a thousand soldiers ready to go’ who were ‘locked and loaded’ in support of critical race theory – leaving anti-CRT parents feeling ‘threatened’ and ‘scared.’
The incident took place during a board meeting held by the Fort Worth Independent School District on November 9. The meeting was devoted in part to the teaching of critical race theory, which was opposed by some of the parents.
During the meeting, a man identified as Malikk Austin got up and spoke for a minute, defending the teaching of CRT.
Austin, an African-American who was part of The Brotherhood Movement, a ‘Second Amendment group,’ said: ‘For those who got an issue with this critical race theory equity, this is something I fight for, for my children.’
– Read more at the Daily Mail
“A former member of a black militia group was removed by police from a tense school board meeting after he said he had ‘over a thousand soldiers ready to go’ who were ‘locked and loaded’ in support of critical race theory – leaving anti-CRT parents feeling ‘threatened’ and ‘scared.’” “How dare you come up here and challenge me on critical race theory!””
Do you seriously think that the puppet president, the national school board or the political FBI will even consider this radical racist Negro American a domestic terrorist, like they did the parents who objected to the government teaching their children a racist “critical race theory”??
Here we have another black terrorist thug making public threats, and what do we have the left wing liberals, in both the police and our government, doing about it? Not a thing because they are afraid of that 13% and they might change who the vote for each election cycle. He and all those black criminals that rioted, looted, and burned up parts of some of our cities, were given a free pass by those same government officials. Time we purged our government of all those democrats and get some officials in there that will protect our constitution, not get rid of it like the liberals are trying to do.
Does CRT force people to live in ghettos, among pimps and drug dealers. Is it because of CRT, that kids are required to sleep in bathtubs at night, so they won’t get shot by other black people? I thought that segregation ended a long time ago, but people like this ignorent t–d, like to keep it going, because thats the only way they can maintain their little bit of power over their own people. This dumbass can’t even say “critical race theory”, without slurring his words. By the way, it’s only a theory, and not a fact. Just a phrase that some commie boneheads, pulled out of their collective butts.
equality comes from equal responsibility for their behavior. IF blacks do more crimes and break the law then to have equality they need the same punishment as anyone else for those crimes. maybe if they were held accountable they might stop some of this violence.
Accountability is a CUSS word to leftists.
Both of these men who spoke need to learn correct English. It is obvious they did not really learn it in school. They need to make sure their gets get the education they need to succeed.
Quit making all of America’s Historical statues get torn down!! Teach whatever you want to at home about race. Some of the most racisit/angry people I have ever met are blacks!
>> They need to make sure their gets get the education they need to succeed. <<
Speaking, as you did, of using correct English …
MOST of the most angriest/racist folks i’ve known, were black..
HELL no. IN fact, if anyone get’s investigated, it will be those who said “HE SCARED AND THREATEND us”…
Somebody like sane rational People need to have nut cases like this racist creep locked up for threats.He should have been arrested on the spot. period.
Well… I guess I’d …settle… for arrested… I have something different in mind….BANG!
HE should have been. BUT you just know, even IN RED texas, cretins like him, won’t ever get arrested.. IT would be seen as “RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTT!
It is better to have less thunder in the mouth, and more lightning in the hand. He’s all talk, no action. I’d tell him to bring it.
I’m sure the patriots in Texas are ready for any radical far left Marxists. Bring it, libtard, we’ve been waiting for this moment.
Where can we bring the popcorn to watch!
THAT sure sounds like the words of a “Domestic Terrorist”!
Where’s the FBI looking into THIS REAL TREAT?
Merrick Garland… Where are you?
Cheering, while hiding from congress most likely…
The FBI and Merrick Adolf Garland sent this chunk of excrement to promote the terrorism … EVERYONE…. it’s time…. all beads on him first.
Don’t worry, these imbeciles usually end up shooting each other.
Why do racists keep pushing CRT?
Racists gonna hate… THAT IS WHAT they do!
Lunatic Fringe
Kicked out of the meeting?? No—he needs to be shipped out of the country or just plain taken out. Does Merrick Garland have any comments on this one??
po’ man must not understand “DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS!!!”
Texas may not be the best ground for his (BS) “1,000 locked and loaded” buddies to try something like that. Just posting for a friend y’all.
Let’s hope you’re RIGHT…
just look around at who is doing the robbing , stealing , killing ,the beatings , the burnings ,and gets free stuff out of my taxes.
yep its black people.
Which to me, shows, they cannot ever be civilized.
That’d be the same ones crying “RACE, RACE, RACE!!! You know, America’s racist folk,
Like they have done since the 50s.
Big talk coming out of a big fat mouth. His 1000 ‘soldiers’ aren’t soldiers at all. Just a bunch of wimps who are are tough when they outnumber their opposition 100 to 1. So you locked and loaded. Most of these idiots think holding the gun side ways and talking **** makes them an expert marksman. For every one of those 1000 punk thugs calling themselves soldiers there are a million true American citizens who have experience in hunting and/or military. AND WE KNOW HOW TO USE OUR GUNS!!!!! So bring it on, raw sewage talker.
The garbage that call critical race theory is a lie.
It has no place in any school, and should be considered nothing more than TERRORIST manifesto.
Any facility or faculty attempting to brain wash student with crt garbage should loode their accreditations permanently. With no chance of reveiw.
CRT is strictly Marxist doctrine put into play. This is Obama and his divisive politics talking.
obama needs to be divided
Preferably with a chainsaw! 😉 😉
YOU teach YOUR children whatever you want them to know. Let the schools stick to reading, math, science, and actual history.
IMO these indoctrination centers, have not taught math, science or actual history, for a good decade or more..
They are too busy brainwashing the kids into CRT, Gender studies, Social justice crapola and the like.
You are so right!
Let’s hope the waking up of the parents, is not just a flash in the pan, and ends say mid next year.. BUT GOES ON till we clean out all the liberal rot in the whole education system.
Stupid cannot be fixed. This idiot has been so well indoctrinated by the white man that he believes everything shoved into his tiny brain. His type always resorts to violence just like his brothers in the inner city who keep killing each other. If he really believes Texas will put up with his racist a55 he better bring more then 1000. cause he’s gonna need it.
Stupid CAN be fixed, try a ball bat!
The biggest racists in this country are Blacks themselves! Mostly those raised in the inner cities as they feel they get a raw deal! I am so damn tired of this critical race theory I could scream! You don’t like it go back to Africa where blacks are still sold into slavery! You didn’t pick cotton so ****!
You help their cause when you succumb to their demand that black be capitalized. Just sayin’
Just a blowhard. Given the quiet preparedness of most rational Texans, HE should be the one very afraid.
Let me tell you a little something about white people…. when they get it into their heads that other races want to kill them just because of the color of their skin, white folks don’t sit around. They go into those areas where the threat is, and they neutralize it, no matter how long it takes. Don’t believe me? Just ask the Native Americans….who enjoyed cutting the living babies out of pregnant white women and bashing their heads against trees…. what happens when white folks go on the offensive. So let Mr. Loudmouth CRT-man bring his 1,000 “soldiers locked and loaded”… rah rah rah. We’ve got MILLIONS. The slums and ghettos are surrounded by millions of scoped deer rifles…. just sayin’….
What does one expect from a HABITUALLY stupid Negro? Bring it on idiot.
Maybe someone should have asked him why he believed in the CRT curricula? Does he even know what it is? I bet he doesn’t? If he did, most likely he would reject it himself. I don’t believe he has 100 warriors stupid enough to follow him either. There can’t be that many out there dumb enough to believe this guy when he speaks. He did communicate a threat. Which, according to Merrick Garland and his letter he sent out, addressed this issue as an untolerable offense. However, since it was directed at the parents, it is probably ok.
For all we know, he LIKES IT, because its “ANTI_WHITE!!”
Make no mistake about this. Whether we like it or not, we are in a war. And the GOP is not going to help us because they do not have our back.
There’s been days i have long wondered, HAVE THE GOP EVER had our backs??
No gonads would be more correct.
another ignorant a– loud mouth…what else is new..and that’s a threat that should be taking seriously from this it…..you just can’t fix stupid…
Do the words “locked and loaded” mean anything to you folks? This was a direct threat of homicidal violence directed at the rest of the people there. Directed at anyone who disagreed with him. He really should be charged with making violent threats, but at a minimum put on a watch list.
That is why i want to see folks CHARGE HIM WITH Making a terroristic threat!
if he is dumb enough to say it , he thinks it, he must want a few new extra holes, eh?
The sick brainwashing of Blacks to only see themselves as “victims” and having the “right” to riot, burn, beat up or kill others can only be fixed by getting rid of CRT, retraining our children we are all equal in America TODAY, including everyone will be jailed for breaking our laws. No child is responsible for the “sins” of his parents, and no American slaves or slave owners or Jim Crows are alive today. People like Malikk Austin are demonstrating Ghetto and gang mentality to justify “giving” themselves an illegal “right” to be bullies, looters, and killers of anyone who disagrees with them or “stands” in the way of their doing anything they “feel” like doing. Civil society does not work that way–chaos and anarchy does and that is not American. Shame on Democrats for continuing to use race as a political tool.
ITS Not just them though, that’s been shoving the mantra of “Blacks can riot. loot, steal or burn things without being responsible or criminally liable. ITS OFTEN THE WHITE politicians who are pushing it…
You’re just another dead beat slob, who, if you have children, undoubtedly never cared for them. You’re just another big mouth, looking for attention. Please, I beg you, break down my front door and enter my home. CRT *****.
He is fighting for the brainwashing and belittling of white children. The schools need to be teaching about the white European slavery in Africa before there ever was Black slavery in America. The cruel Africans never freed the white European slaves, much less gave them rights and freedom, they murdered the white European slaves, all of them. This black man needs to be put under arrest and kept away from decent people.
I meant to say also that I don’t know what it takes for the white woman in the video to understand when she is being threatened. She says something like are you threatening me when the black Man is talking and with what he is saying what does it take for her to understand she is being threatened? What does it take for white people to understand what blacks have planned? This garbage isn’t in the schools for no reason, they have been working on this for decades.