The Supreme Court Monday issued two unsigned opinions applying qualified immunity to disputes over alleged excessive use of force by police officers, reversing lower court decisions that allowed the officers to be sued for their on-the-job conduct.
There were no recorded dissents in the two cases, both of which involved police officers responding to domestic disputes where women or children were allegedly being threatened by adult men.
The decisions come amid a simmering debate about the doctrine of qualified immunity, which prevents government officials from being sued for violating citizens’ rights while reasonably doing their jobs unless the breached rights are “clearly established in the law.
– Read more at Fox News
Supreme Court Issues Rulings in Favor of Qualified Immunity
The doctrine of qualified immunity appears to be under attack from many directions, but the Supreme Court is standing strong by its doctrine.
In a pair of decisions today—Rivas-Villegas v. Cortesluna and City of Tahlequah v. Bond—the Supreme Court, without any registered dissent, summarily reversed rulings by the Ninth Circuit and the Tenth Circuit, respectively, that had held that officers were not entitled to qualified immunity.
– Read more from National Review
There are and always will be corrupt cops as well as politicians and as long as they are on the side of the democrats nothing will ever be done when they misuse their authority. The cops can’t be as corrupt as democrats publicize or they would not be able to trust them for protect of themselves and their families courtesy of the American taxpayers.
Yet again, a Radial lower court judge (or judges) are slapped down for their UNCONSTITUTIONAL ruling!
Our judicial system needs a DISCIPLINARY action for judges/courts that REPEATEDLY make INCORRECT (unconstitutional) rulings.
There needs to be a means by which these ROGUE judges are REMOVED from office.
The PROBLEM is: The SCOTUS cannot possibly hear ALL appeals of lower court rulings. If they don’t hear the case (and reverse it), then the lower court ruling STANDS (as the “law of the land”). I would LOVE for the SCOTUS justices to (anonymously) express their views on the many lower court ruling that (in their opinion) SHOULD be reversed.
Frankly, it is OUTRAGEOUS that there is so much SUBJECTIVITY in the interpretation of our laws (and the Constitution)! THAT is why it is SO IMPORTANT that Trump (with McConnell’s help) was able to nominate and get confirmed SO MANY Conservative Judges and Justices! THAT is why Elections Matter!
I have been advocating for something like that, for YEARS…
Kim Fox comes to mind in her decisions.
Another lower, leftist, Democrat loving judge got ***** slapped, AGAIN! These baby killers can’t win on objective facts or policy. It’s always EMOTION, and FEELINGS. Pathetic losers.
ANY judge, who get’s his or her decisions, overturned THIS OFTEN, needs to immediately STRIPPED OF THEIR LAW LICENSE.