A new poll from Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life finds most Americans see a decline in the religious aspect of Christmas, and that an ever-shrinking majority think the whole Jesus-Christ-born-in-a-manger reason for the season is just bunk — fairy-tale fallacy.
Well bah humbug to that. Let’s say we kick the secularists to the curb on this one.
Here are the findings: “[M]ost U.S. adults believe the religious aspects of Christmas are emphasized less now than in the past — even as relatively few Americans are bothered by this trend. In addition, a declining majority says religious displays such as nativity scenes should be allowed on government property. And compared with five years ago, a growing share of Americans say it does not matter to them how they are greeted in stores and businesses during the holiday season — whether with ‘merry Christmas’ or a less-religious greeting like ‘happy holidays.’ ”
That’s the public face of America. In private, it’s more of the same, it seems, at least according to Pew.
“There has been a noticeable decline in the percentage of U.S. adults who say they believe that biblical elements of the Christmas story — that Jesus was born to a virgin, for example — reflect historical events that actually occurred,” Pew reported.
By the numbers, 55 percent of U.S. adults just told Pew researchers they celebrated Christmas a religious holiday. But that’s down from 2013, when 59 percent of Americans told Pew the same thing.
Sad and sorry statistics.
Driven by — let’s just be honest — chicken churches who don’t want to do their jobs and keep the people informed of Jesus-based truths.
And now, no doubt, the secularists are cheering. But you know what? Let ’em.
Let the secularists celebrate their lonely festivals of lights and trees — let them take their overnight camping trips in Best Buy’s parking lots to score the next door-busting deal on Sony’s PlayStation.
Let them keep even their plans of hunkering with family and friends over holiday turkey and ham, and their pretend ideals that it’s goodwill that guides the whole season. That’s important — true.
But actually, Christmas is about one thing and one thing only: The birth of our savior. All else — yes, even Santa Claus — comes second.
That’s what makes the holiday great. That’s what gives it any meaning at all — any meaning that’s different from a retail special sale day, or a Hallmark-driven sap-fest, or a corporate sponsored logo blitz.
It’s about Jesus. Pure and simple.
Just because secularists want to argue about the unknowns of Jesus’s actual birthdate, and point to the harvest-type paganism of the Christmas tree, and bring up every and any non-Christian proof they can find to undercut the religious aspects of the season — so what?
That doesn’t mean Christians can’t celebrate the truth.
That’s doesn’t mean Christmas has to die a secular death.
Christmas, with Christ in its very name, is for Christ — and it’ll stay that way, at least to those with clear eyes to see and properly grateful spirit to pray, no matter how many Santas are sent into the streets.
The secularists, atheists and those of even other religions can come along for the vacation time. But they can’t stop the birthday party from happening — not as long as there are Christians willing to throw the party.
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