In the latest example of a far-left district attorney perverting justice, a man convicted of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl will serve his time in a juvenile facility where he will be housed with female teens because he identifies as a female.
James Tubbs, 26, once cornered a 10-year-old girl in a restaurant bathroom and molested her when he was 17 years old. After his arrest for the crime last year, Tubbs told authorities he is a transgender female who goes by the name “Hannah.” It appears that convenient claim and liberal D.A. George Gascon are sparing Tubbs from a prison sentence with other men.
According to a Fox News story, an L.A. County judge unhappily sentenced Tubbs to two years in a juvenile facility because DGascon has set a policy that prosecutes young adults as juveniles regardless of the crime. Tubbs, in fact, will be released after two years and will not be forced to register as a sex offender despite evidence of other crimes and arrests for battery, drug possession, and probation violations.
Reacting to the sentencing, talk show host Richard Randall predicts Tubbs will harm more girls while locked up and then harm girls when he is released.
“This person is a creep. It’s a perpetrator. It’s a child molester,” he angrily says. “And you’re worried more about a child molester than you are the potential future victims.”
Gascon, an experienced prosecutor and former police officer, was elected Los Angeles D.A. in 2020 on a platform of police accountability and reforming California’s justice system that tries teens as adults.
The light sentence of Tubbs is not surprise to anyone paying attention. Then-candidate Gascon claimed at the time a young adult’s brain doesn’t fully develop until age 25. So he underwent an “evolution” about juvenile justice and opposed trying teens as adults. Two years later, that policy is now being carried out in the prosecution of Tubbs, which is why Judge Mario Barrera witnessed the D.A. refuse to transfer Tubbs to an adult jail after the sheriff’s office offered to house him.
“I want to be clear,” Barrera said from the bench. “The filing of a transfer motion is entirely within the discretion of the district attorney.”
Gascon win has Soros fingerprints
After a career in law enforcement, Gascon’s jaw-dropping views about crime and justice make sense when the public realizes he is another George Soros-backed D.A. candidate whose platform is “reforming” the criminal justice system. A whopping $17 million was spent from Soros-funded groups on left-wing candidates in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Manhattan, The New York Post reported.
In the case of Gascon, $2.5 million flowed from Soros to a PAC to support Gascon’s challenge to incumbent Jackie Lacey , the Post said.
According to the same Post story, Soros funding has also flowed to the “red” state of Texas, where it supported the campaign of D.A. candidate Jose Garza in Travis County and helped defeat a ballot referendum in Austin that would have added more police officers.
“The only good Soros prosecutor,” U.S. Sen Tom Cotton told the Post, “is a defeated Soros prosecutor.”
When ‘tolerance’ is a ‘sledgehammer’
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth says the light sentence is partly due to Tubbs declaring himself to be transgender, a designation the Left embraces with a religious fervor, he says.
Gascon, in fact, told the L.A. Times he was concerned Tubbs would be victimized in an adult jail because he is a transgender woman.
“Leftist terminology is really the seeds from which leftist policies grow in the culture,” LaBarbera warns. “And their false claims of hate, homophobia, transphobia, and bigotry, those are the sledgehammers that they use to beat the public down so that the public is afraid to resist its awful policies.”
LaBarbera points out the Fox News story about Gascon repeatedly refers to Tubbs as a “she” throughout the story.
“There comes a point where if you’re using the Left’s language,” LaBarbera warns, “you’re part of the problem.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
To fully advance the Demonic, Lying, Treasonous, Socialist Democrat Party’s destructive agendas is to divide our citizens with hate and promote; rioting, burning, looting, open borders, gun control, radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, the LGBTQ lifestyle, unfettered sexual identity, transgender “gay marriage” and the like, the pagan Liberal left Democrats must do away with GOD, our Constitution, common sense, the concept of good and evil, morality, Christian values and free religious exercise altogether.
Under the guise of “anti-discrimination.”
Maybe if this male sexual pervert wants to identifies as a female, someone in the juvenile facility will cut his tally Wacker off.
HOWS about handle ALL PERVERTS like this, by FORCABLY HOUSING THEM in the homes of everyone of these libtard politicians, AROUND THEIR kids….
“LaBarbera points out the Fox News story about Gascon repeatedly refers to Tubbs as a “she” throughout the story.”,,,,,which is an act of aiding and abetting the crime, the first of which is the crime against reality. Free people do not let the political correctness of media pressure define what or how they view another person’s gender to be. Trust God who created he/she/it, or trust your lying eyes?
Matthew 19:12 – “For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.” and so I do accept the above, who are neither male nor female having corrupted the Creator’s original design, but are eunuchs not he’s or she’, .but accept not those who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of hell in rape and molestation of the American innocent, to achieve unearned pleasure by cunning or cunnilingus that which they cannot achieve except in flagrant acts of warped immorality.
There is so much wrong in this situation it is hard to even know where to start.
When he is released I sure hope that whomever he abuses (and he likely will) will sue the DA for allowing this man to not only be tried as a child for an adult crime but then allow him to be in a female facility. I do hope if he tries anything on the women in the facility he is being sent to they do whatever they need to do to protect themselves. He might get that ‘reassignment’ the hard way.
More and more, i just think EVERYONE of these traitorous DA’s just need to get fed into industrial wood chippers, and the resultant goop, spread over the ocean! RIGHT ALONG SIDE all the perverts, and life long crooks THEY SEEM TO PROTECT.
Gascon is right about Tubbs being abused in adult jail. He would be for sure, and he would be “taken care of” in a day or two by the jail population as they have a very strong dislike for child abusers.
He may be allowed to hide but he will learn karma is a bi$ch.
Will he?? Do you honestly think, in the corruptpcrat ran Ca, he will EVER FACE any justice, for all the evil he’s done?
We need to stop billionaires like Soros using their vast resources to influence Our Government. He is not the only one but it all must be stopped by law. If Soros for one continues then he should have stops put on his banks the money taken from candidates, have strong control of how much and who gives them money . We may need a separate fund that holds the money and distributes it evenly among candidates so no candidate is ever directly financed. All elections need balance which prevents one candidate from buying office.
As i have often wondered, WHY IS IT THOSE WHO Don’t even LIVE IN THAT STATE (Let alone live in the USA) get to use THEIR MONEY to influence that local/state election!?
TO ME< if you don't live there, you shouldn't have ANY BLOODY Input what so ever…. Period!
There is a petition to remove Gascon . Google it if you don’t like his policies.
soros and the rogues he has purchased may believe they can skirt the law and maybe they will, but Gods law will make them pay and pay for eternity. Old George may believe his money will be good in the hereafter but his money will not void the atrocious acts he has done to mankind.