Confabulation is a key indicator of advanced dementia. Lacking a truthful response in the flow of conversation, the demented mind simply makes something up and blurts it out. Slo joe the demented has always been a liar, but now he is lying without even realizing he is doing it. He is in no way competent to manage his personal affairs, let alone run the country, and everyone knows it.
“Okay, so it was a kids’ train at an amusement park—so what? Gimme a break, Man.”
I honestly wonder. WHEN WAS the last time he even went into a DMV TO GET a drivers license!
Confabulation is a key indicator of advanced dementia. Lacking a truthful response in the flow of conversation, the demented mind simply makes something up and blurts it out. Slo joe the demented has always been a liar, but now he is lying without even realizing he is doing it. He is in no way competent to manage his personal affairs, let alone run the country, and everyone knows it.