Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned on Thursday that the dire situation in Afghanistan, as a result of what he called President Joe Biden’s “catastrophic miscalculation,” could resemble Tehran in 1979.
Speaking on Fox News, Cotton added that “it would be a catastrophe” if the Taliban gathered “effective hostage control of thousands of Americans.”
“President Biden is confronting the consequences of his catastrophic miscalculation, of his horrific execution, of the decision to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan. And he is spinning that relentlessly to try to convince the American people that everything is OK, the Taliban’s cooperating, they’re acting like a civilized government when nothing could be further from the truth,” said Cotton.
He added that in Biden’s interview with ABC on Wednesday, “he even had to be pressed to acknowledge that, yes, perhaps we’ll stay on the ground past August 31st. But if our government can’t even say how many American citizens we have, what’s going to stop Joe Biden from rolling up things and flying out on August 31st with thousands of American citizens left behind?”
“A lot of people have been speaking this week about comparisons to Saigon in 1975. What increasingly worries me is the scenario of Tehran in 1979 when 52 hostages held by the ayatollah paralyzed American foreign policy for more than a year. Imagine if the Taliban has effective hostage control of thousands of Americans who are stranded in Afghanistan. It would be a catastrophe,” warned Cotton.
Related Story: Call Afghanistan what it is — The worst hostage crisis in American history
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Every comic, at least once in their routine, make fun of the French’s ability to protect themselves! Yet, it is French and English that leave the safety of the airport to go and rescue their citizens! This says nothing about our forces, but it says alot about the commander in cheif, Biden. Why doesn’t he authorize our troops to do the same??
Ghosts of Benghazi.
BECAUSE HE IS A COWARD in chief.. Not a commander in chief.
“President Biden is confronting the consequences of his catastrophic miscalculation, of his horrific execution, of the decision to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan. And he is spinning that relentlessly to try to convince the American people that everything is OK, the Taliban’s cooperating, they’re acting like a civilized government when nothing could be further from the truth,” said Cotton.
I listened to Dan Bonjeno a little at lunchtime today and he was talking about Biden leaving a large number of American citizens behind while other countries were using their own military to get their people out. Biden is trying to be diplomatic with the Taliban. What a damned fool.
Whatever ill fate should befall Joe Biden won’t be deserving enough.
Impeach Biden
I think you’re giving the man too much credit. There was no calculation. That would require thought and JB is not known for thinking. There was a big chip on his shoulder that made him not listen to his generals. He’s in way over his head. I suppose someone could say – Joe lied, people died.
IMO what ‘justice’ awaits ALL OF THE BIDEN admin, from biden, ON DOWN TO THE hacks in the DOD, CAN’T COME SOON ENOUGH…
An incompetent person made a stupid decision that didn’t take into consideration all of the contigencies outside military personnel. There were civilian people working for the government and it agencies, private contractors, the families of these above, not all being in the capitol but scattered throughout the country; then there was military materiel, weapons, ammunition, planes, tanks, other vehicles, now already in the hands of the Taliban; what classified and secret information, hard copy, manuals, on a myriad of electronic devices easily lost in the chaos and now in the hands of? Russia, China! How can any sane person expect the same individual who created this mess be able to fix it?
You will notice that nearly all of the taliband terrorists shown on TV are carrying M4 rifles with state of the art optics. Weapons discarded by the afghan army when they ran from the fight. They are now in possession of all of the high tech weapons and vehicles left behind at bigram air force base, plus all of the weapons and equipment of the afghan army. BILLIONS of dollars of deadly weapons. Thank you slo joe.
I wonder, how many THOUSANDS OF rounds of ammo was also left behind!
Guess the Dems & the GOP who are in a “same-political marriage” with them will have to use the $3.5 Trillion they are on track to confiscate from US taxpayers per the US Bankruptcy bill, comically called an Infrastructure bill to pay extortion to Taliban.
Our current Dem Party govt dictators & the GOP who claim they are being bipartisan, not the self serving mealy mouth political hacks they actually are, are now on course to force US working class citizens to commit economic suicide.
We can expect ongoing “mandates”, i.e. govt forced compliance under threat of imprisonment, that dictate what personal freedoms, health care, jobs, energy, housing, education we may have & what thoughts, opinion & speech we may utter.
These things & prohibiting legal gun ownership to use against them is standard MO by all Marxists, tyrants & dictators.
The Dem Party govt with only a whimper from GOP is blowing right past Trillions $ & heading for dumping unknown Quadrillions of debt on working class US citizens.
As i asked the other day. HOW MUCH has biden already PROMISED TO pay the taliban “TO let our people evacuate’??
What happens when the middle-class taxpayers are out of money? One would assume that America will be invaded by further terrorists and then the Afghanistan situation will be the United States of America situation. These politicians in power are too stupid to see they will be the first to go when America is taken over. And just who will be changing old joes diapers then?
If, God forbid, innocent Americans end up being imprisoned, tortured, and murdered by the Talibs, the old SOB should be not only impeached but court-martialed.
EVERY DAMN ONE Of them should be put up against a wall, and executed, FOR HIGH TREASON!