SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Payments of $5 million to every eligible Black adult, the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years and homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family.
These are just some of the recommendations made by a city-appointed reparations committee tasked with a thorny question: What would it take to atone for the centuries of U.S. slavery and generations of systemic racism that continue to keep Black Americans on the bottom rungs of health, education and economic prosperity, and overrepresented in prisons and homeless populations?
A first hearing before the city’s Board of Supervisors on Tuesday could offer a glimpse of the board’s appetite for advancing a reparations plan that would be unmatched nationwide in specificity and breadth. Critics have slammed it as financially and politically impossible. One conservative analyst estimated that each non-Black family in the city would have to pay at least $600,000.
Some supervisors have said San Francisco can’t afford any major reparations payments right now, given the city’s deep deficit amid a tech industry downturn, but they still want to discuss the proposals and consider future solutions. The board can vote to change, adopt or reject any or all the recommendations.
But reparations committee members consider their results to be an accurate estimate of what it would take to begin to repair the enduring damage of slavery and discrimination, and they bristle at the idea that they should figure out how to pay for it.
“We are the harmed,” said Eric McDonnell, chair of San Francisco’s African American Reparations Advisory Committee. “If the judge ruled in our favor, the judge would not turn to us and say, ‘Help them figure out how to make this work.’”
The idea of paying compensation for slavery has gained traction across cities and universities. In 2020, California became the first state to form a reparations task force and is still struggling to put a price tag on what is owed.
The idea has not been taken up at the federal level.
Fewer than 50,000 Black people still live in San Francisco, and it’s not clear how many would be eligible. Possible criteria include having lived in the city during certain time periods and descending from someone “incarcerated for the failed War on Drugs.”
Critics say the payouts make no sense in a state and city that never enslaved Black people. Opponents generally say taxpayers who were never slave owners should not have to pay money to people who were not enslaved.
Advocates say that view ignores a wealth of data and historical evidence showing how long after U.S. slavery officially ended in 1865, government policies and practices worked to imprison Black people at higher rates, deny access to home and business loans and restrict where they could work and live.
“There’s still a veiled perspective that, candidly, Black folks don’t deserve this,” McDonnell said. “The number itself, $5 million, is actually low when you consider the harm.”
Justin Hansford, a professor at Howard University School of Law, says no municipal reparations plan will have enough money to right the wrongs of slavery, but he appreciates any attempts to “genuinely, legitimately, authentically” make things right. And that includes cash, he said.
“If you’re going to try to say you’re sorry, you have to speak in the language that people understand, and money is that language,” he said.
Black residents once made up more than 13% of San Francisco’s population, but more than 50 years later, they account for less than 6% of the city’s residents — and 38% of its homeless population. The Fillmore District once thrived with Black-owned night clubs and shops until government redevelopment in the 1960s forced out residents.
John Dennis, chair of the San Francisco Republican Party, does not support reparations although he says he’d support a serious conversation on the topic. He doesn’t consider the board’s discussion of $5 million payments to be one.
“This conversation we’re having in San Francisco is completely unserious. They just threw a number up, there’s no analysis,” Dennis said. “It seems ridiculous, and it also seems that this is the one city where it could possibly pass.”
Led by Supervisor Shamann Walton, the board created the 15-member reparations committee in late 2020, months after California Gov. Gavin Newsom approved a statewide task force amid national turmoil after a white Minneapolis police officer killed George Floyd, a Black man.
At Tuesday’s hearing, the board could direct staff to conduct further research, write legislation or schedule more meetings. The committee’s final report is due in June.
California’s task force continues to deliberate recommendations, including monetary compensation. Its report is due to the Legislature on July 1. At that point it will be up to lawmakers to draft and pass legislation, often a time-consuming process.
The state panel made the controversial decision in March to limit reparations to descendants of Black people who were in the country in the 19th century. Some reparations advocates said that approach misses the ongoing harms that Black immigrants suffer.
Under San Francisco’s draft recommendation, a person must be at least 18 years old and have identified as “Black/African American” in public documents for at least 10 years. Eligible people must also meet two of eight other criteria, though the list may change.
Those criteria include being born in or migrating to San Francisco between 1940 and 1996 and living in the city for least 13 years; being displaced from San Francisco by urban renewal between 1954 and 1973, or the descendant of someone who was; attending the city’s public schools before they were fully desegregated; or being a descendant of an enslaved U.S. person before 1865.
The Chicago suburb of Evanston became the first U.S. city to fund reparations. The city gave money to qualifying people for home repairs, down payments and interest or late penalties due on property. In December, the Boston City Council approved of a reparations study task force.
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the real racist in america!
as far as i am concerned you can all pound sand and get a job an contribute to society.
THIS IS their ‘contribution’ to society. Contributing to it’s ruination.
“overrepresented in prisons” ????
I.A.W. U.S. Census & FBI (Table 43a)
Black males make up about 7% of the U.S. population but every year commit ~56% of all the murders and ~64% of all robberies in the U.S… Every year in the U.S. there are ~6,000 African-Americans men, women and children killed and 92% of them were killed by fellow African-Americans.
80% of all African-American babies are born to unmarried women and collect taxpayer assistance, free money, free food, free housing, free medical,
free transportation, free clothing and 10% advantage over White people in college and government contracts.
This has been going on since the 1970’s. Millions of Blacks have never had a job, they live off of the taxpayers from cradle to grave.
But this is not enough, these negroes want more reparation.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Payments of $5 million to every eligible Black adult, the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years and homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family.
Under San Francisco’s draft recommendation, a person must be at least 18 years old and have identified as “Black/African American” .
Dang, in this Democrat ruled government, anyone can be anything that they identify as being. regardless of reality or birth.
I truly believe that Democrats are mentally deranged and disciples of Satan.
WHEN most of the crimes are commited BY BLACKS< OF course they will be 'over-represented' in jails!
I agree, but feel this specific issue should be; why should the taxpayers from a state-county-city which never had slaves or slave owners pay any “reparations” to anyone? Especially anyone who never was a slave, or can not show themselves to be a direct descendant of a slave who did not receive reparations the end of the war of norther aggression?.
Mind boggling…
How could any sane person even propose something so absurd??
I guess “sane” is the wrong description.
And has that ever stopped a Liberal endeavor?
Look at where we are with the national debt—the banking crisis—the already existent reckless spending—and these fools in California want to hand out reparations.
I would guess that every SF Politician that supports this idea must have an effective, well-established election fraud system. For this idea of reparations will likely destroy the city for all, whatever their skin color.
AND you can bet, IT WON’T BE THEIR Pockets ponying up, to pay out this reparations.
“… destroy the city for all, whatever their skin color.” Actually Newsom fairly well did that when he was mayor, but this should finish anything he missed.
The first article I read about the San Francisco Reparation said ” those who were directly affected by slavery ” well, no slaves alive today. But we have welfare and food stamps ,section 8 ,public housing,Guaranteed income, free education,free phones ,free internet, free education ,Affirmative action hiring Preferences. No bail, did I leave anything out ??
Well you did not mention the actual rights of the majority of the US population, but overall you did well.
Let them choke on their own offal…
We will be dealing with this till the second coming.
Hey folks, I’m all for this California initiative. Play it forward and think about what will happen. California will soon bankrupt itself and be a shining example for the rest of the country of what happens to Woke societies. In the meantime that eventuality will be hastened by a large percentage of the working middle class gathering up their belongings getting the heck out of the “Golden” state. I am thinking most of these people will actually be citizens who work and contribute to the economy. Why would the opposite of working people want to abandon their free ride? The bottom line is I can’t think of a better way to quick-start the inevitable and complete discrediting of “Woke” than having California make it happen.
If any of these people think they are worse off now than they would have been if their ancestors had not been slaves, they need to be sent to central Africa to live in a black township there for a year without special privileges. Although the slaves themselves had it very rough, none of them are alive today. The sooner their descendants lose their self perpetuating belief that they are losers, the sooner the bulk of them can thrive in the society they find themselves in. Playing the victim card is self perpetuating.
Send them there, PERIOD… And never let them back in.
Democrats are truly intent on destroying America. The fools who keep voting them in are just as stupid. So where do you think the money to pay for this insane idea is going to come from?? The magic money tree that your pathetic politicians have growing at city hall?, Are they hoping to win the billion dollar lottery? A magic carpet is going to fly over the city and just drop all the money they need?
NO STUPID PEOPLE, your pocket is where that money is coming from. Lots and lots of taxes.
A foolish city, run by foolish morons, elected by even more stupid voters.
Reparations of this magnitude will certainly ensure an unending supply of drugs coming through Mexico and into San Francisco.
AND an unending supply of dumb blacks moving TO CA..
It is discusting and absurd to think that ANY reparations need to be paid out to any class of people suffering from “systemic racism” in America! The “systemic racism” in America is from the Left! They’ve been enslaving the black community for generations on their welfare plantations.
And now they want “Payments of $5 million to every eligible Black adult, the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years and homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family.”??!!
What an insult to all of us who have to pay the bill for what is essentially armed robbery!
They’re very creative in ways of destroying this once great nation. Personally I say we give them Schiff.
“There’s still a veiled perspective that, candidly, Black folks don’t deserve this…”
“Veiled”? It’s straightforward: Collective guilt, and historical guilt, are fictions. Let the individual who was enslaved bring a suit against he who enslaved him, and you have a case. Any scheme in which people of one skin color claim the right to take money from people of another skin color, is both racist and preposterous.
Especially when for YEARS< we've been giving them OODLES Of freebies, and they STILL DON'T see it as enough.
“We are the harmed,” said Eric McDonnell, chair of San Francisco’s African American Reparations Advisory Committee. And dammit, we want a new trike, a Big Wheel and candy fo the next 1,000 years. Pound sand. If you want good thins, GET A JOB!
More blatant bribing of voters by the Dems. Here’s a question – how many plantations that used slave labor were there in California before the Civil War? I’m guessing the answer is not many. A more serious problem facing present day California is the obscene human trafficking that goes on with the wide open southern border. I guess the Dems don’t want to fix that because their friends in Hollywood and Silicon Valley will lose their maids, day laborers, and gardeners.
AND the politicians also would lose THEIR maids, gardeners etc..
The reason Blacks remain at the bottom of the economic ladder and are over-represented in prison has nothing to do with racism. It has a lot to do with their own leaders feeding them lies about “Whitey won’t let you get ahead.” It has even more to do with generations of families with no father in the home, and who don’t value education, hard work, or personal responsibility. The myth if “systemic racism” in this country has been a lie since the 1970’s, and Black leaders know it better than anyone.
On a related note, if San Francisco actually implements this “reparation” nonsense, not only will every working person leave the area, but every Black in the country will suddenly become a San Francisco resident, looking for their $5-mil paycheck. Good luck with that.
As someone smarter than me put it, every person alive today who ever owned a slave should definitely pay reparations to every person alive who ever was a slave. The rest of you should shut up and go home.