In a major reversal of D.C. “business as usual,” the real Conservatives in the Congress, known as the “Freedom Caucus,” turned the tables on the Republican “Establishment” a few weeks ago by refusing to rubber stamp the speakership of Kevin McCarthy. Despite horrendous pressuring and attacks from RINOs and other spokesmen, including some who have been presumed in the past to be “conservative,” the Freedom Caucus held fast and thus garnered significant concessions from McCarthy.
The results of their fight have been stunning, at least so far in these first few weeks of the new Congress. Significant oversight of past leftist/Democrat corruption is taking place, ethically compromised and treasonous Democrats have been expunged from committees where their vulnerable condition posed a danger to American security. Dangerous un-American policy from the Biden Cabal, such as those eighty seven thousand armed “IRS agents” (in reality, the fulfillment of Obama’s obsession for a “civilian police force”) have been defunded. And an effort is underway to defund gruesomely evil “Planned Parenthood.”
With so much good news for America, one might expect the GOP to be exultant and energized to move forward on behalf of the Country. Yet across the Nation, something quite different, and seemingly inexplicable is happening. In truth, the trend only defies reason if one presumes the Republican Party “Establishment” to ever have been concerned with actually advancing a Patriotic, pro-America agenda. The sad reality is that it has not done so for a very long time.
One of the great RINO scams of recent decades was the notion that the purpose of a political party is to get its members elected to public office. In truth, that is the behavior of a party in decline, which has betrayed and ultimately severed any connection to its base. The real purpose of a political party is to advance a coherent set of ideas and policies, bolstered by the strength of numbers of those who embrace the underlying principles. At least that’s how they start out.
At its inception, the Republican Party was just such an organization. A sad tenet of the human condition is that within any group which amasses power and influence, self-serving parasites always infiltrate and if not stopped, thoroughly taint and undermine it. The modern Republican Party is an ugly caricature of the noble establishment of the 1850s, formed with the intent of abolishing the evil of slavery in the United States.
Currently, the key players of the Republican National Committee, along with their office holders in “good standing,” are only concerned with maintaining the despicable “status quo,” so they can enjoy the prestige and perks of position. The fate of the American people, whom they shamelessly claim to represent, is something between an annoyance and an irrelevancy.
That is why the election of Donald Trump to the White House in 2016 was such a seismic shift, not only in how the “game” was played inside the Beltway, but how Americans at the grassroots perceived it. The mask is now off of the RINO in the room, which is certainly no Elephant. And those who have been benefiting from the ruse in recent decades are clearly not happy that they may face actual scrutiny and accountability. Needless to say, they have no intention of simply accepting the insurgency of genuine Conservatives in their midst.
In a disappointing (but hardly surprising) move, the Republican National Committee just re-elected Ronna McDaniel as Party chairman, rebuffing challenges from Conservative firebrands Harmeet Dhillon and My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell. Whether out of fear or fealty to the behind the scenes RINOs who pull the strings, the message that resounds from McDaniel’s continued tenure is that the GOP has no intention of rallying real Conservatives in opposition to the leftist/Globalist agenda of the Democrats. Instead, it will meekly play “opposition party” in fund-raising letters and other venues which have no real impact, and are only designed to fill its coffers.
Elsewhere across the Nation, state level Republican chicanery is being taken to new heights. And in all cases, the goal is not to invigorate Conservatives on Main Street who have grown disillusioned with the willful insipidness of the party. Rather, it is to shut them out of the process and ultimately silence them.
In several states, efforts are underway within state Republican Party organizations, and even in some legislatures where Republicans hold a majority, to prohibit disagreement with the party apparatus. Calling out “Republican” office holders for their willingness to betray the Republican Platform and consort with Democrats is deemed heretical and perpetrators face punitive repercussions.
In Wyoming, where Republican voter registration is higher on a per capita basis than any other State, an attempt was made to deny committee chairman positions to members of the State Senate who dared to publicly criticize turncoats. The plan was for Senators to take an oath of “loyalty” to the party; a tactic eerily similar to that of third world despots, who deem open discussion and free speech to be intolerable threats to their goal of uncontested dominance.
Do not be fooled! A “unified” Republican Party which only achieves that status through the suppression of its Conservative members has no more honor or integrity than those big tech platforms where free speech is censored or “fact checked” by the propaganda machines of the left. And the motivation of Republican Party insiders to eradicate their opposition on that basis is just as self-serving and dangerous as the leftist attempts to shut Real America out of public discourse.
A true American groundswell of Conservatism and Patriotism is arising from the ashes of graft and cheating of the past two years, and the decades of chicanery that set the stage for it during the administrations of Obama and the Clintons. If the good people of this country can gain a voice in government, they hold a potential to overcome the venom and lunacy of the leftists/Globalists who now claim dominance on the basis of lies and stolen elections.
However, the greatest opposition to this momentum does not come from the enemy combatant across the field, but from the traitors beside us in the trenches. We must not be dissuaded by the intensity of those who do the bidding of the opposition, whether they admit to being Democrat leftists, or claim to be operating on our behalf as “Republicans.”
Keep in mind, RINOs are treasonous Democrats. RINOs pretend to be conservatives but they are just treasonous transplanted Democrats into the Republican Party.
The lies, cons, deceptions, hypocrisy and treachery of the treasonous, woke, socialist Democrat Party cult and their disciples know no bounds. This treasonous, dishonest, destructive, immoral, demonic, socialist Democrat Party and their Democrat RINOs revolves around and its philosophy is based on Total Control, Hate, Lies, Cons, Deceptions, Immorality and the lack of Integrity, Ethics or Honor.
During the last election cycle that McConnel ran for the senate I and my wife did not vote for him in hopes that he would receive a very low vote count. That did not happen, and he has become a worse RINO. If he runs again, I will vote democrat to get him out. Then maybe we can get a conservative six years later.
Normally I would disagree with you, but given a choice between the turtle and a ‘Rat, I say: What’s the difference?
NOT a damn thing Dave.. Might as well vote for Emperor Palpaltine.. AT LEAST HE GOT STUFF DONE.
George Washington said in his ” Farewell Address said the following,” … political parties may, now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious unprincipled men… and women…” will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of Government…” This is what the (RINOS) are doing now within the Republican and democrat parties.
George washington, would have drug these folks out, and horse whipped them..
What better example of a “wolf in sheep’s clothing “ can we find? Politicians who are elected solely on false pretenses should be replaced, period.
Fed to hungry sharks.. With lasers on their heads..
Politicians and diapers have the same thing in common. They both need to be changed frequently, and for the same reason.
There’s a lot of “nasty no no, poo poo caca” in Washington Diseased, and across the nation.
As many principled conservatives as possible need to resist, with every fiber of their being, so we can “flush” it down the commode of history! Only in this way will we ever get our nation back.
Just two words describe the entire scene…CONTROLLED OPPOSITION!! “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ~Vladimir Lenin~
These feigned forced oaths of loyalty resemble more those forced by Hitler on all military personnel when he took over as Chancellor which later morphed into Fuhrer. The traditional Republican Party of the 1850s that ended physical slavery just sat idly by while it was replaced by Democrat contrived American government TAX slavery, that dishonestly steals the earned bread out of the mouths of its creators just as corruptibly as Southern Democrats did during the pre and post-Civil War. Maintain the Failed status quo with the same failing power people in place is political suicide, when failure is longer an option for survival of all that is truly American. Shutting out the party activist best and brightest to protect those who hide behind the comforts of power, usually obtained by the sacrifice of others, is a one-way ticket to perpetual failure and anarchy. Positive Criticism and self-reexamination are the best opportunities to learn more about the people and the party you’re working for and how to convert them into a satisfied voting audience member. Criticism makes your party stronger. Good political salesmen seek it out and embrace those who criticize as learning opportunities. Good politicians should never fear criticism from their customers or their voters who care enough to correct. Who they should fear are the voters who just get fed up, say nothing and leave, for a lost opportunity to overcome what you are doing to offend them.
He may have been the LEADER Of the communist revolution, but he had WISE Words..
Term Limits, especially applied retroactively would take care of the lions’ share of this problem.
Unfortunately, it’s going to take nothing short of a COS to get them implemented.
Another thing that needs to happen is the law should be amended to disallow former senators and representatives from becoming lobbyists.
Serve your time and get out, like our Founders intended.
Dave, I agree with you 200%! An Article V COS is the only way we have to get our government back on the rails the founders set it on in the beginning, assuming it’s not already too late?
I say that because it requires 35 states to call for a COS, and I think we’re only up to 19. then, any amendments which they adopt need to go out to the states, where 38 of those need to ratify them. As deeply entrenched as the establishment appears to be, that could be a mighty high hurdle to overcome.
I also agree, wholeheartedly, that these officials, once out of office, should be barred, for life, from ever being lobbyists. Additionally, I also think they should be permanently barred from serving, in any capacity, with any tech giant, social media platform, and the like.
We fought a “hot war” to throw off a ruling class. Now we need to fight a “Cold War” to fight off a ruling class – it’s just that simple.
IRT the COS, what you posted is why I said “unfortunately,” with the number of states needed, and especially the time factor involved. The entrenchment, or swamp, runs deep. I also wholeheartedly agree with all that you added.
Supposedly folks have been pushing for that CoS, for a good decade now.. Other than last i heard, 8 states had signed up, ITS NOT GONE ANYWHERE..
While not a full supporter of Trump, was it not his goal as president to “drain the swamp” but those ceatures were too well dugged in and he met resistance and disloyalty all throughout his presidency. It continues on today, as they hope he is removed from running again.
HENCE he won’t be getting MY VOTE In 2024..
To Paraphrase the Quote, perhaps, ” It’s hard to remember that your Job was to Drain the Swamp when you’re up to your neck in Alligators.” Author unknown.
Do you ever wonder why there are so many RINOs, but you hardly, if ever, any DINOs?
” Deacon on 1:27 pm January 31, 2023 at 1:27 pm
Do you ever wonder why there are so many RINOs, but you hardly, if ever, any DINOs?”
Because Politicians From both parties are politicians, First and foremost, OUT TO GET Theirs…
” Since a Politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word”- Charles De Gaulle
Because pelosi and co, have whipped all the dems, into NOT being turn coats..
ltuser February 1, 2023
” Because pelosi and co, have whipped all the dems, into NOT being turn coats..”
Nancy Pelosi so much as says,” YOU WILL OBEY, COMRADE.!”
More like “we are the borg, resistance is futile!”
Besides this excellent report, will present a perfect example of this article’s premise “in 24/7…action: Arizona’s 2022 Election. Proof abounds, this was masterminded by Republicans in Maricopa County’s highest offices…County Board of Supervisors, County Recorders offices and a sundry of related ancillary offices (even Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office “aided and abetted” in both 2020 and 2022 Elections). These bozos even filed an “anti-MAGA PAC” called: Pro-Democracy Republican of Arizona PAC…can’t make this stuff up!!! There are 31 states contracted with Open Society’s ERIC voter registration files “clean-up.” Doesn’t do a bit of that…has more Phantom” voters than Carter has Liver Pills (an old joke). Another more concerning example, is Senate Minority Leaders pure “shucking” of President Trump’s Agenda For America. (McConnell preferred Xi JinPing’s “One Belt-One Road” agenda, instead). Good article, needed to be said! Amen. God Bless America. Read A Bible. Kjv. Psalm 128. 10 Commandments everywhere. Kitchen Militias to decimate marxist ideology and indoctrination (it’s pure silly stuff, really!)
Cretins like that, should NEVER EVER be allowed to get called republicans!
Ltuser,, I might be wrong, but I believe COS is up to either 16 or 19 states which have signed on. Still, it’s moving rather slowly.
It’d be a state higher if not for a RINO by the name of Andy Biggs, of Arizona.
While he was in the Arizona Senate, he was instrumental in quashing Arizona’s bid to join the ranks supporting COS.
Now, he’s one of the 20 so-called “principled Conservatives” who held up the vote for House Speaker.
With “friends” like that, who needs enemies?…
Been a while since i saw the list of states…