Republicans in Congress are moving to sponsor legislation to ban federal funding to states or cities that allow non-citizens to vote in U.S. elections.
The new legislation – dubbed the Protecting our Democracy by Preventing Foreign Citizens from Voting Act – was introduced after several Democrat-run cities moved to allow non-citizen voting in 2021, per Just the News.
“It’s ridiculous that states are allowing foreign citizens to vote,” Sen. Marco Rubio, the coalition’s leader, said. “However, if states and localities do let those who are not U.S. citizens to vote in elections, they shouldn’t get U.S. citizen taxpayer money.”
Sens. Steve Daines, Thom Tillis, John Kennedy, Rick Scott and James Lankford are all co-sponsoring the legislation.
And, Rep. Jeff Duncan plans to introduce companion legislation in the House.
“Voting in this country is a right that should solely be limited to American citizens,” Duncan said. “Allowing non-citizens or illegal immigrants to vote, even if only in state or local elections, gives foreign nationals influence on some of the most important decisions impacting our families, our rights, and our representation in government.”
The new legislation would ban federal funds going to any state or local government that allows non-citizens to vote in any federal, state or local election and require all state or local governments to certify that they do not allow non-citizens to vote when they apply for federal funding.
As previously reported by Human Events News, states where local jurisdictions allow non-citizens to vote or are considering doing so include Maryland, California, Illinois, Vermont, District of Columbia, New York and Massachusetts. On the other hand, voters in four states have blocked non-citizens from voting: Colorado, Alabama, Florida and North Dakota.
The post Republicans Seek to Ban Federal Funding to States & Cities that Allow Non-Citizen Voting appeared first on Human Events.
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Great idea, but this should have happened when Trump was in office, when the RINOS held both the House and Senate in Trump’s first two years in office, right Paul Ryan and Mitch?
Why stop at banning them federal funds for those who attempt to break the laws and steal elections? They should pay heavy fines with those responsible serving tons of time in jail. and a few put up on a wall and shot as traitors. When elections get corrupted it’s just as bad as a foreign enemy invasion takeover and the evil results are the same.
Even further inluminatuo….. disqualify the entire state from voting in national elections. Want to be part of the American system? Play by the rules.
NOT just that bob, but REMOVE BOTH SENATORS and all house reps, from congress, AS LONG AS ILLEGALS ARE VOTING IN ANY local, state or federal election.. They don’t want to play by the rules, THEN THEY LOSE ALL REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS..
IT SHOULD have been passed DECADES AGO, long before we got into this mess.. HELL when Reagan had a super-majority in BOTH the house and senate, this type of law should have been passed.
A) repeal of the 14th amendment’s ANCHOR BABY / Birth right citizenship bull.
B) CRIMINAL CHARGES to any mayor or governor, who tries to make his city (or state) a sanctuary haven for illegal invaders
and C) ENGLISH IS OUR NATIONAL language.. Ergo, NO OFFICIAL Government paperwork, should ever be in any other language…
Not like we have now, where even filling out paperwork for getting your passport, can be requested in a dozen different languages (iirc)…
“Voting in this country is a right that should solely be limited to American citizens,” Duncan said. “Allowing non-citizens or illegal immigrants to vote, even if only in state or local elections, gives foreign nationals influence on some of the most important decisions impacting our families, our rights, and our representation in government.”
The first step towards one world government. If they are not stuffing the ballot boxes in illegal ballots they stuff the population with foreign voters and Like Putin who stuffed the Crimea with relocated Russian Citizens, and Hitler used the German populations settled in Czechoslovakia to militarily invade and then take over the country in outright invasion. All they need is the election of a weak sister Like Biden or Neville Chamberlain for the opportunity to pull it off.
The treachery of the traitorous, socialist Democrat Party know no bounds.
Why do you think that this treasonous, socialist Democrat Party and their puppet
“Let’s Go Brandon “are encouraging, allowing unlawful entry, protecting, supporting and transporting around our country, multi-millions of disease infected, unvaccinated, illegal immigrants into our country??
A lot of the people of color are becoming aware of the treasonous Democrat Party’s plantation Con and Deception and have the self-esteem not to want to be servants to and dependent on the racist, destructive Democrat Party. 🙂 🙂 🙂
So now the disgraceful, treasonous Democrat Party has reverted to importing and buying voters and votes from illegal immigrants.
CAN You imagine what would happen, if an American went illegally into any other nation on this planet, and DEMANDED “WE be given the right to vote there”??
WE WOULD BE LOCKED UP IN PRISON, swifter than someone can eat a banana…..
Correct, illegal immigrants do NOT deserve ANY rights or freedoms that citizens have and should never be rewarded for breaking our laws to gain entry to our country. How much longer do the American citizens have to put up with our government refusing to enforce our immigration laws, they are not BROKEN, just not being enforced.
Not just that, but Since EVERY TIME I have ever voted, even locally, THERE ARE STATE and federal election stuff also on the ballot, HOW EXACTLY WIll they ever ensure an ‘illegal invader’, who is ONLY “being given the right to vote locally”, is NOT ALSO VOTING FEDERALLY???
You are right, and I would add ZERO ALLOWANCE FOR MAIL-IN BALLOTS for any State that allows illegal INVADERS to vote in state and local elections AND any State that serves itself up as a SANCTUARY for illegal INVADERS! Hopefully the SCOTUS will FORCE Barely There Brandon to ENFORCE the laws that he took an Oath to PROTECT AND DEFEND!
I would also ban ALLOWING Drivers licenses, as “valid ID’ to vote, from EVERY STATE THAT GIVES drivers licenses, to illegal invaders…
The only possible way democrats can ever win an election again is to cheat and commit fraud. Therefore they need illegal votes to justify why they have not stolen our elections.
I Honestly believe, that the vast majority of ELECTIONS since the 70s, they only won, BECAUSE OF FRAUD..
Will have to wait until 2022 elections, nothing will happen prior to that!
ASSUMING the dems even LET us have a vote in 2022, that they don’t steal!
I agree 110% . But that should also go for sanctuary cities and states who protect illegals
IT would have already BEEN so, had the spineless Jeff Sessions, not CRAPPED ALL OVER trump’s plan to DO just that.
>> Maryland, California, Illinois, Vermont, District of Columbia, New York and Massachusetts. <<
One assumes, logically, that residents of those states will be permitted to vote in foreign nations' elections.
Logic is foreign to libtards.