In what can only be viewed as a blatantly racist move, two of the larger online real estate search platforms have decided to remove any data reporting crime statistics because they argue it’s racist.
Both and Redfin are removing and refusing to post crime data from their website, respectively.
In a company statement, the CEO of, David Doctorow, telegraphed either his Wokeness or his fear of the Woke mob – or both, when he said the crime map layer had been removed in order “to rethink the safety information we share on and how we can best integrate it as part of a consumer’s home search experience.”
Doctorow said the removal was an effort to scrutinize what safety means to buyers and renters. He said it was an effort to “reimagine how we integrate safety data” on the platform.
On the same day, Redfin’s chief growth officer, Christian Taubman, denounced crime data being included on real estate websites. You can use this PropertyPricer tool for valuing properties so you can make more informed decisions.
Why This Is Important
The fact that and Redfin believe including crime data is racist telegraphs that they understand there is a crime problem in neighborhoods and among the demographics, they seek to shelter.
How does not reporting on the facts of crime data serve the issue of safety? In fact, how is excluding crime data from the information provided to a real estate client even serving the client?
Crime is a fact of life. So too are the statistics that are compiled from those criminal acts. But the Woke and the race-baiting activists, like alcoholics and drug addicts in denial, refuse to acknowledge the truth and, therefore, become a significant part of the problem.
That there is more crime in more populated areas is a truth. That there is a very real crime problem among the Black community – as per the FBI crime statistics year after year – is also a truth. In fact, where homicides are concerned, Black-on-Black violent crime is the chief cause.
Additionally, a majority of gangs that call urban and near-urban areas home turf, are minority-led. This does not absolve the White gangs, but the numbers are what they are and anyone giving a damn about the truth has to put on their big boy and girl pants and acknowledge the truth.
Instead, the Woke have dedicated themselves to not only refusing to acknowledge the truth but also to ignoring the root cause of the truth. Instead of calling out the leaders of the Black community and joining with them in rectifying the scourge of violence that preys on urban communities – predominantly minority and then again predominantly Black, the Woke attempt to propagandize that it is every other entity and person’s fault but the ones actually committing the violence.
If you are looking for apartments for sale la cala de mijas, a place to raise your children, to prosper, to grow old, and through it all to be safe, how is ignoring the truth of the existence of crime in any given neighborhood something that will help end that crime?
The overwhelming majority have reached the end of their tolerance for the unmitigated stupidity that is “Wokeness.” Never before in the history of our nation has the arrogant ignorance of so few affected so many. It is time to retire the “cool” label for the Woke and time to start calling them the fragile, cause de jour, snowflakes they are.
And by the way, you don’t need or Redfin to compile crime data for any given neighborhood. You can research it at
For that matter, if and Redfin don’t care enough about the safety of your family to be open about the crime that may exist in a neighborhood, why would you even want to use them? Consider forming a company for rental property to reduce risk and liability when it comes to investing in property.
View all of Mr. Salvato’s news analysis at
Frank Salvato is the executive partner at The CompassPoint Group, LLC. He is the co-host of the Underground USA podcast as heard on iHeart Radio, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, and anywhere podcasts are heard. His writing has been recognized by the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention. His analysis has been published by The American Enterprise Institute, The Washington Times, National File, and Accuracy in Media, and is nationally syndicated. Mr. Salvato appeared on The O’Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel and is the author of six monographs examining internal and external threats facing our country. He can be heard twice-weekly on “The Captain’s America: Third Watch” radio program syndicated nationally on the Salem Broadcasting Network and Genesis Communications affiliate stations.
“In what can only be viewed as a blatantly racist move, two of the larger online real estate search platforms have decided to remove any data reporting crime statistics because they argue it’s racist.”
Now telling the truth is “racist” in accordance with the Democrats.
I.A.W. U.S. Census & 2018 FBI (Table 43a)
Black males make up about 7% of the U.S. population but every year commit ~56% of all the murders and ~54% of all robberies in the U.S... Every year in the U.S. there are ~6,000 African-Americans men, women and children killed and 92% of them were killed by fellow African-Americans.
“Black people make up 23 percent of New York’s population, but they commit 75 percent of all shootings. … Whites are 33 percent of the city’s population, but they commit fewer than 2 percent of all shootings…
“These disparities mean that virtually every time that police in New York are called out after a shooting, they are being summoned into minority neighborhoods looking for minority suspects.”
Now would you want to buy a house in a minority neighborhood?
This is not being racist, it is being realistic. Blacks brought this reputation upon themselves, without any help from any other race.
I’d rather buy a home in Kabul!
That there is a very real crime problem among the Black community – as per the FBI crime statistics year after year – is also a truth.
You can’t hide what everyone already knows.
In other words, CEO of, David Doctorow is “woke”, he is a communist Democrat and he is a politically correct joke. How is that for a dose of reality?
I HOPE realtor gets SO FEW USES they go under!
Most astute home buyers follow the rule of “Location, Location, Location” with parents first priority being the rating of the schools. These days of Clinton, Hunter, Weiner, Buttigieg Democrat unnatural leadership, you need to google government statistics on local rapists, Child molesters, and murderers. Just do it now and you will be surprised who is now close up and personal. When the very criminal perpetrators of these crimes who mostly now populate the democrat party of Crime families of criminal relations release to take over your government who is tasked with collecting the data.,,,The gleaming suburb you think you are buying into can turn out to be the moral shanty town without pity, with no ability to vote the criminals out of office because it’s not who votes that counts but who counts the votes. Enter most major Democrat run cities today with the suburbs not far behind. and gaining in unhallowed ground. Another reason why many Americans are fleeing to the mountains, desserts and hidden valleys where they can leave their Democrat exposed “Chicken ranch” dressings behind.
I wrote to and they said this was the next step in fair housing. How is hiding crime ?? The next step to fair housing ??. And They will research what neighbor safety means ??? It’s a total joke.
IF i was currently home searching AND I was using them, i’d CEASE IMMEDIATELY and let them know why.
If you were lost in any city or community and never saw a single person the entire time you were trying to find your way out you would know just by the surrounding condition of the area who the majority of the people who live there were. This isn’t racist it’s just a cold hard fact. When the government owns your monthly allotment you have no need to respect yourself or others.
When 99% of the damage to cities over the past 2 years, were caused by BLACK RIOTERS, you don’t need to be racist, to say “I DON’T WANT TO LIVE IN A BLACK Community!”