She’s to the left of Elizabeth Warren and now in danger of becoming a fringe voice in Congress.
U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s vote against extra security for Supreme Court members’ families cements her as arguably the most far left major politician in Massachusetts, and that’s saying a lot.
Is she in touch with the people of her district at all?
Hard to tell, because she’s running unopposed and not likely to face any serious opposition as long as she wants to stay in Congress.
But if she wants to emerge as a statewide candidate for U.S. senator or governor some day, Pressley may be treading into questionable turf.
Pressley was the lone vote in the all-Democratic, heavily liberal Massachusetts congressional delegation against a bill to expand security protections to Supreme Court Justices’ families.
The vote came after a man armed with guns was arrested near the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, while threats mount against justices following the leak of a draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.
Pressley was one of just 27 Democrats in the U.S. House to vote against the bill, arguing that the justices already have security protections and that abortion providers and patients have no protections.
The Boston congresswoman limits her access to the media and communicates mostly with tweets or prepared statements. She’s never really asked a tough question.
“Everyone should feel safe in their workplace, their home and their community,” the congresswoman said in a statement explaining her vote on security for Supreme Court justices. “Right now, the unprecedented actions of this extreme Supreme Court have put lives at risk — including and especially the lives of our abortion care providers, health center staff, and the patients seeking abortion care who are targeted by anti-abortion extremists incited by harmful rhetoric from the nation’s highest court.”
It’s rhetoric like that that may please the far left voters of the state but Pressley’s vote could look less reasonable to those in the center, especially considering the fact that the high court’s Roe v. Wade decision is about to come out.
Pressley now makes Warren and Ed Markey look like moderates.
When Republicans take over the House next year, where does that leave Pressley and the rest of the Squad, including the leader, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who also voted against the court security measure? Where does Pressley go from here, aside from remaining in Congress as a fringe, ineffective voice? Can she learn to work with members who don’t share her far left views?
Pressley made a huge national splash shortly after arriving in Congress. She had just knocked off an entrenched Democrat, Michael Capuano, and quickly joined forces with AOC and the other Squad members, all women of color.
But even AOC’s star is starting to fade nationally, and her clout has been diminished by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Pressley needs to break away from the Squad or she’ll risk losing any clout she has now.
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Amendment 14 – Res. 261. Section 1. Neither the United States nor any State shall deprive any human being, from the moment of conception, of life without due process of law; nor deny to any human being, from the moment of conception, within its jurisdiction, the equal protection of the laws.
“If the landmark case is overturned, abortion would no longer be a protected federal right, and states could individually ban or permit abortion.”
#1. Where in the U.S. Constitution gives the federal government the right to dictate the right to kill an unborn baby??
#2. Amendment 10 – The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
“I met all these young radical people of color — I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, ‘This is what I need to be a part of.’ I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary. I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist ~ Van Jones…”
Now he’s the Green Czar. How was he vetted? By whom? Who did the background research? Is he still a communist? Where’s the quotes or video of him renouncing him being a communist? Thanks.
” This content was created by a Daily Kos Community member.”
( ” KOS ” Author Unknown. ) THE Communists Seem to Naturally Be Members Of The Democrat Party.
Make YOUR voice heard!
Abortion is the religion and the god of the left. These people threaten the future of the country and humanity.
AND moloch is their god.
The cult of Moloch — who is also called Molech — is said to have boiled children alive in the bowels of a big, bronze statue with the body of a man and the head of a bull.
Yep… sounds like the Democrat Party cult and their disciples.
Those who wish to take away protection for Supreme Court Justices should have theirs taken away as well.
“She’s to the left of Elizabeth Warren and now in danger of becoming a fringe voice in Congress.”
Lunatic Fringe by Red Rider
Hey chrome dome Pressly, you need some shoe polish on your head!
What a combination. She’s uglier than Maxine Mudbrain Waters, as evil as Nazi PeeLousy, and at least as stupid as Alexandria Obviously Communist! The idiots who voted for this nitwit should be ashamed of themselves but they’re probably proud.
she is a daughter of satan along with aoc ,omar,pelosi,and talib.