The New York Times is belatedly reporting on a certain laptop owned and abandoned by the unscrupulous and troubled son of the current U.S. president, and now the public is being reminded how the disinterested national media fled from the story of Hunter Biden and the “Big Guy” just weeks before a presidential election.
On October 14, 2020, The New York Post published a story that other media had learned about but ran from: A laptop dropped off for repair but abandoned by Hunter Biden became the property of the business owner, John Paul Isaac, who found a treasure trove of emails, text messages, and business documents when he opened it up and started reading.
Last week, in a story buried 20 pages inside its print edition, The New York Times was forced to report on the laptop – and the contents therein – because of an ongoing federal probe into Biden’s international business affairs and his failure to pay millions in federal taxes. The story said federal prosecutors are looking at Hunter Biden’s communication with a business partner, Devon Archer, and the communication that is being scrutinized comes from “a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop.”
“You would think you would want to give this more promotion,” says Media Research Center analyst Curtis Houck, “than put it on A20 of your print publication.”
Even though the story was buried, any mention of the laptop is an admission of sorts considering the Post’s pre-election story was dismissed by Democrats and their media allies. The laptop story was called “Russian disinformation” and a “Russian operation” that was allegedly created by Vladimir Putin to help then-President Donald Trump win re-election. That wild-eyed accusation, while lacking any proof, stemmed from their collective belief that Trump had been outed as a Russian puppet, and a traitor to his country, and the “walls were closing in” on his presidency thanks to Robert Mueller’s probe.
Instead of reporting on the laptop and its contents, NPR infamously stated it would not “waste our time on stories that are not really stories.”
Media wasn’t curious about ‘Big Guy’
A week after the Post ran its first story, it published an account of Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner with Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, and Joe’s brother Jim. He said a reference to the “Big Guy” in a May 2017 email referred to Joe Biden himself because the questionable business dealings were a family venture.
“Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing,” Bobulinski said in a statement, which was ignored by most of the media, two years ago.
If that accusation is true, Joe Biden was likely depositing checks as vice president of the United States while his son was crisscrossing the world and making multi-million-dollar business deals with unscrupulous business partners in Ukraine, China, and the Middle East.
Now that the Times story is resurrecting the issue, however, the media is being forced to explain itself two years later. Just such an attempt by The Washington Post got ripped apart by Charles Cooke, a National Review writer. He reminded readers that social media censored the Post story about the laptop but allowed the media to repeatedly make “Russian collusion” claims about Donald Trump without punishment.
The media claims it is a “skeptical institution” by nature, Cooke writes, but in reality it is a “gullible, ill-informed, hysterical, lazy, dumb, and duplicitous institution, and its aims are utterly transparent.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
“If that accusation is true, Joe Biden was likely depositing checks as vice president of the United States while his son was crisscrossing the world and making multi-million-dollar business deals with unscrupulous business partners in Ukraine, China, and the Middle East.”
There is NO “If the accusations are true. There is Proof that the accusations are true!!
The corrupt drug addict Hunter Biden and his corrupt, treasonous, puppet president
F… Joe Biden belong in prison!!
Connect the dots and a child could see why Biden Killed our energy independence, day one of his presidency to pay back Putin who has all the goods to reveal the actual crimes, bribes and money laundered by the Biden crime family while Vice President. I’ll bet my shorts that every trip Kamala makes at the taxpayer expense is similarly spent feathering her own nest,,,,Biden and Obama style, because she sure is not accomplishing anything to feather the security nest of THE PEOPLE. Every move Joe has made on energy was made to raise the price of Fuel under the Putin American propaganda machine that disguises it as for environmental reasons, but in reality, is designed to make Russian oligarchs, Iran and our enemy’s oil rich, militarily strong, and WE THE PEOPLE weak, vulnerable and gas poor
OF course she’s using it to feather her OWN bank account…
Not going to happen. With F… joe biden’s justice department, they won’t even be charged with a misdemeanor .
HELL< with as corrupt and feckless as the Dept of INJUSTICE is, maybe the STORE owner, who leaked that info, will be the one they go after with charges… CERTAINLY WON'T be Biden…
When I was a kid, it was all about Patriotism and what a great country we live in—its history and rich heritage. It never crossed my mind to make any association whatsoever between corruption/crime with our government. They just didn’t go together. It was all baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet. When I reached the point in my life that I became engaged in politics, it was like I woke up in the middle of a nightmare. ‘How can this be’ I asked myself. Maybe it has always been there to some degree—it just never came out in school—there may have been problems I heard about, but no really bad guys.
It is a whole different scenario now. It is so sad that such a great nation has become ensnared by criminal elements both domestic and foreign.
it all starts in public indoctrination education yes public schools are a breeding ground for hatred of america.
THAT is unfortunately, BECAUSE WE as a nation, LET THEM Take over our indoctrination system.. From Kindergarten up to college…
Now the greedy SOBs want to take over day care for total Cradle to grave indoctrination and mind manipulation to their proffered social dependency. The enemy is within the gates and their Trojan Horses are no condoms of safety protection but hiding places to sneak into our children’s minds and THE PEOPLE’s bank accounts.
Something many of us, were warning about, that they would do WAY BACK in the late 90s!
WHY isn’t the BIG Guy not being Investigated ? Beijing Joe is a BIG THUG as his little BOY Hunter Do NO WRONG ! The
Beijing Joe s Criminal Family is benefiting from ALL of Beijing Joe s and Hunter’s Wrong doings. They ALL should be seeing the inside of GITMO Prison Cell. They need to be placed in the Same Cell for Convenience.
Maybe because we have seen what a little twerp Joe really is when he goes into action, and it’s hard to place the handle of “Big Guy” on this mental midget. Apparently the bigger they are Democratically, the harder they fall when found out.
AND pray tell, who do you think will DO said investigation?
The FBI? They are his lapdawgs.
The DOIJ? You’d stand a better chance of them investigating a Granny for J-walking..
The GOP? Hell will freeze over, before they grow the bALLS to investigate this.
ltuser, fully agree with your assessment of our Gov. agencies, though the rank and file group only follow orders the top echelons are corrupted.
IF they know what they are doing is corrupt, but they ‘still follow orders’ anyway, THEN THAT RANK AND FILE ARE just as guilty…
Until we, the people, start getting rid of the crooks in the justice departments and our elected officials we are never going to see these liberals and conservatives in government sent to prison for breaking our laws left and right. There should not be one among us who says “they’ll never be prosecuted because….”. The reason the government officials break our laws is because they own our justice system. A case of the laws apply to the citizens but not them. Obamacare is a fine example, we were mandated to enroll in that **** while congress exempted themselves. Insider trading, we go to jail like Martha Steward while they get a pass. Illegal immigrants, they import them by the hundreds of thousands but we would go to jail. They have bankrupted banks writing dozens of bad checks and not putting the money back into the bank but where we’d be sitting in jail they get a walk. The list goes on and on. Just like the slandering of people, using the IRS to go after anyone they want, the FBI to sink political opposition, the CIA to spy on citizens unlawfully, and the arrest of Jan 6th political prisoners that Pelosi set up and is now inventing lies to prosecute.
AND the ONLY Way we stand a chance of ever doing that, is to NOT ONLY GET Rid of every Commucrat in office, and replace them with Conservatives, but WIN BACK THE WHITE HOUSE TOO!
What I see happening is Plugs will pardon his “chip off the ol’ blockhead” son, and maybe even himself, the misleadia will praise him for doing so, and we will hear nothing more about it.
Hey Republicans! AKA RINOS! Where is the Special Counsel? Why aren’t you demanding, screaming from the top of the mountain, an independent Special Counsel. Weak, tired, cowards are the Republicans, with the exception of a handful.
These days its more like Republi-can’ts!
Any charges or investigation requests by Republicans at present time will fall on deaf ears or swept under the rug but will mostly be called “misinformation” or a ploy by Republicans before next elections. The media will print all this in front page big bold letters
AND with as spineless as they’ve shown themselves, to be over the past 20 years.. EVEN IF they do somehow win back majorities in BOTH houses, they will STILL NOT DO a damn thing about it i fear.
Now that the Media has been found to run cover for the Democrats ,maybe they will start to step up. I am glad this info is finally out, but hope through more investigation ,they ( whomever will hold off pursuing trial ) reasoning Biden ( Big Guy ) will extend pardon and then All lost. the only other fear is latency period if any
Yesterday Biden was accused of committing another gaffe when he proclaimed there must be a regime change in Russia; Actually, The Big Guy may be onto something; The World DOES need a regime change— in the USA. We need to find a way to remove the most corrupt organized crime group that ever made it to the White House. And there’s no time to lose….