SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The husband of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pleaded guilty Tuesday to misdemeanor driving under the influence charges related to a May crash in California’s wine country and was sentenced to five days in jail and three years of probation.
Paul Pelosi already served two days in jail and received conduct credit for two other days, Napa County Superior Court Judge Joseph Solga said. Paul Pelosi will work eight hours in the court’s work program in lieu of the remaining day, Solga said during Paul Pelosi’s sentencing, which he did not attend.
State law allows for DUI misdemeanor defendants to appear through their attorney unless ordered otherwise by the court.
As part of his probation, Paul Pelosi will also be required to attend a three-month drinking driver class, and install an ignition interlock device, where the driver has to provide a breath sample before the engine will start. He will also have to pay about $5,000 in victim restitution for medical bills and lost wages and nearly $2,000 in fines, the judge said.
Paul Pelosi was arrested following a May 28 crash in Napa County, north of San Francisco, after a DUI test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .082%, just over the legal limit.
Pelosi fails DUI test on video:
Officers responding to the crash after 10 p.m. near the wine country town of Yountville said they found Pelosi in the driver’s seat of a 2021 Porsche Carrera and the other driver standing outside a sport utility vehicle, according to the complaint.
California Highway Patrol officers reported that Pelosi was “unsteady on his feet, his speech was slurred, and he had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage.”
Pelosi offered to officers his driver’s license along with an “11-99 Foundation” card when asked for identification, the complaint says. The 11-99 Foundation supports CHP employees and their families.
Prosecutors filed the case as a misdemeanor because of injuries to the 48-year-old driver of the SUV. They have declined to identify the driver, saying the person has requested privacy.
In an interview with investigators from the district attorney’s office, the driver reported pain in his upper right arm, right shoulder and neck the day after the crash. He said he also had headaches.
Pelosi was released on $5,000 bail after his arrest.
Speaker Pelosi was in Rhode Island to deliver the commencement address at Brown University at the time. Her office did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday.
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How about sending him and his wife to jail for the illegal MILLIONS they made on stock tip purchases over the years, (Martha Stewart Style) based on pending legislation that nancy arranged and was already in the bag? We have drunks crashing our highways and endangering people all the time, who when not politically connected do not walk free, but just a few hundred Congressmen and Presidential crime families who abuse the system to get rich off insider trading information which costs the Taxpayers TRILLIONS. They could not get Al Capone on Muder, prostitution, and illegal gambling so they got him and sent him to jail on tax evation, which I am sure, the political criminals just like the real criminals would make them easy targets for prosecution if our legal system had any integrity and our D.A.s were not in the pockets of the Democrat Party establishment.I would have settled for just putting Pelosi away for drunk driving, but getting him and Nancy on their real crimes would be much more productive in cleaning out the foul Washington nest of vipers.
What the hell is the point in having all those “DRINK AND DRIVE GO TO JAIL” commercials, if this is the ‘end result’ of so many DUI ARRESTS???
Of course, the “punishment” for driving drunk (also drugs, maybe?), demolishing 2 cars and injuring the other driver is a “misdemeanor”, with probation…. Just a coincidence that he wasn’t administered a breathalyzer until 2 hours after his ‘arrest’…. Of course, anybody else would’ve gotten one immediately.
I imagine most people would’ve gotten the same treatment had their name not been Pelosi.
Sure, we would’ve….. Laughable.
Well, seeing how many times over the past 20 years, i’ve read news stories of folks on their 5th + DUI CONVICTION< AND STILL are not in jail, and are STILL DRIVING, it does to me seem this is what ANYONE would have gotten, regardless…
I bet that if the other driver had been seriously injured or worse, perhaps he might have received a ten day sentence instead of the five he was given.
AND you can bet had it been the OTHER driver who was drunk, and crashed INTO PELOSI, he’d certainly be going to jail…
He didn’t spend 2 days in jail, only the few hours after he was arrested. He was taken to the jail before midnight and was there a few hours but the date changed at midnight so he got credit for 2 days. I see a big lawsuit in his future from the other driver but he has so much he won’t miss it.
Light indeed compared to the sentence he is living under veing married to Nancy. Wonder if she will put him in the dog house and become a cougar.
…. “become a cougar” ….
Gives me nightmares just thinking about it.
You’d never get me drunk enough…
If this had been any other person in the same circumstances that person would be sent to prison for a minimum of 5 years, but because this guy is connected with one of the more notorious creatures in that baboon colony known as congress then most people knew that nothing would be done to that guy.
they are above the law how many instances do you need to see?
But Nancy said”no one is above the law”
SHe was lying. obviously.
3 years probation? Bull sewage! There are still rules a person has to follow when on probation and the Pelosi’s aren’t required to follow ANY of those rules. They broke the law and got away with it. No doubt the mafia envies the Pelosis.
There’s days i’d just like to take everyone who does a DUI, and make them stand there, and WATCH as their car gets fed into one of those industrial metal shredders…….