Joe Biden is ramping up his push to eliminate Second Amendment rights under the pretext of public safety. In a statement on Sunday, Biden marked the anniversary of the Parkland shooting in Florida, saying he would take new steps to take guns away from Americans.
His plans include a ban on private ownership of military style rifles, tougher background checks and growing bureaucratic obstacles to buying legal guns. Meanwhile, Biden has proposed little to contain the inflow of illegal weapons into the U.S.
Many Americans said if Biden wants their guns, he may come and get them.
– Read more at One America News
Three years ago today, a lone gunman took the lives of 14 students and three educators in Parkland, Florida. In seconds, the lives of dozens of families were changed forever. As we mourn with the Parkland community, we mourn for all who have lost loved ones to gun violence.
— President Biden (@POTUS) February 14, 2021
Gun control bill from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee would create national firearm registry, require licensing
Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has proposed a gun control bill that would create a national firearm registry, set a minimum gun ownership age at 21 and both require licensing and psychological evaluations.
The proposed Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act would make it a crime to possess a firearm or ammunition without the new license or sell one to someone who doesn’t have the license.
The bill is named for an exchange student from Pakistan who died in a Texas school shooting in 2018.
– Read more at Fox News
Biden marked the anniversary of the Parkland shooting in Florida, saying he would take new steps to take guns away from Americans.
Many Americans said if Biden wants their guns, he may come and get them.
7. Gun Control — Remove the ability for the people to defend themselves from the Government. (“Socialist Democrat Party State”)
One must be a total Democrat “useful idiot” not to see where this “Socialist Democrat Party State” is trying to go…….. Comrade. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Taking away guns from peaceful, self-governing, successful, Law abiding Patriotic Americans is the tried and failed precursor of a weak Socialist leader’s attempt to gain power to oppress them, and render them harmless to defy their ever-increasing tyranny. In incompetent Biden’s case it will just lead to transforming THE PEOPLE into non-peaceful, Full governing, rebellious Patriots who will defend their 2nd amendment rights and defend themselves in manners that fill the personal and employment safety vacuum left empty by the Biden Misadministration of the country. Tojo once told the Japanese Emperor it would be suicide to invade America because too many private citizens owned guns. The Japanese military did not invade the mainland United States after Pearl Harbor because “they know that almost every home had guns and the Americans knew how to use them.”
I doubt Joe and the Democrat socialists can accomplish what the Japanese knew was impossible,,,But by the number of failed impeachments we all know that the insane Democrats are capable of attempting what they know up front is impossible, for the same reason Hitler invaded Russian,,,,because they think their power allows them to, consequences be damned.
I’d say, FIRST TRY TO go after all the guns in the hands of EVERY DAMN CRIMINAL GANG out there. THEN you can talk about coming for OUR guns..
Just watch what he does next, ask yourself this! How many Americans is quid-pro-joe going to order to be executed for not obeying his dictates.
Remember that every dictator has killed millions of their own people to seal what they want in stone, remember this as well that quid-pro-joe once said that anyone that rules with executive orders is nothing more than a dictator,(he signed 21 orders his first night) and has since pushed through something like 57 or more of his dictatorial orders. We have at this time a full dictator in office, i am just waiting for when he decides to start having American citizens killed for no good reason. That will seal it for him.
And what’s the bet, the FBI and ATF are itching, to ‘enforce’ bidens orders, on WE the people..
Yep, Joseph Stalin Mao Biden, you communist, spit on our Constitution and our Second Amendment Rights. A communist society is great for the United States, right Joe Stalin Mao Biden? Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee , bring a bill to Congress, to rename the Capitol, as “Das Kapital”. The outside of the White House can be renamed Karl Marx, with the inside of the White House being renamed Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, right Sheila Jackson Lee? Please give me an airsick bag, so I can take off my “mask”.
Dems can only hope the majority of America is moronic enough to allow them to take away our means to protect ourselves when they build a razor wire fence around themselves.
Unfortunately, after seeing how many have willingly bowed down to lockdowns, and mask mandates “all in the name of the common good’, i can EASILY see a lot of those morons who BOUGHT a gun over the past 24 months, willfully letting the gestapo come to take them…
If Biden needs 25,000 armed soldiers and razor wire fences to protect his inauguration from the people.
Then Biden probably wasn’t elected by the people.
Has any inauguration in the history of this country ever needed armed soldiers and razor wire fence to protect a president’s inauguration?? Does this sound like a country that is happy and proud of their new president?
The inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States an estimated 300,000 to 600,000 people attended the public ceremony held on Friday, January 20, 2017, at the West Front of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.
There were No armed soldiers and No razor wire walls needed to protect president Trump.
So what does this tell you about our new
“Socialist Democrat Party State”, Corrupt Puppet president and dishonorable Democrat Congress??
And just look at these puppet president orders that he has signed so far.
Has ANY of them been beneficial to our U.S.A. or our citizens??
And how many have been beneficial to foreign countries and illegal immigrants??
Okay Scruffy you old sailor you just pointed out things I have been saying all along. We do not have a president what we have is a full blown dictator, ask yourself when is he going to start the mass executions of the people that do not agree with him, every dictator has done that, every one from Marx to stalin to Lenin, Mao and every other dictator and iron fisted ruler, has ordered millions of their people killed ( those that disagree with them) . I see that occurring all too soon. I also see close quarter combat happening in this country soon as well. All people should be ready for what the dictator does next.
Sorry, but Karl Marx was an Ivory Tower dictator in his dreams, scribbling books to instruct the proles to start a revolution somewhere, anywhere. I do fully agree with your excellent points.
Has the democrats ever talked about going into the hood and taking criminals guns ???? No
They only want to talk about taking guns from law abiding citizens. That should show you who they care about and it’s not us. Defund the police and take your guns. Scary!!
IIRC back in the late 90, when the first gun ban of assault weapons was talked about, i remember hearing ONE senator asked JUST THAT “would you be ok with sending in cops to confiscate the guns from all the gangs” (or something to that effect) and that senator saying “HELL NO..”
Was that Senator Biden (D-DE) by any chance??
No. IT was one of the female ones.. Though don’t ask me WHICH..
what do they not understand about ” shall not be infringed upon?”
get ready people.
SINCE the scotus has ruled, damn near everyone of those 400+ gun laws we already have, are ok, i guess THEY DO NOT understand ANY of that phrase “Shall not be infringed”..
I could be wrong, but something tells me if “they” come after law-abiding citizens to take their guns, “they” are gonna have a major problem on their hands. It ain’t gonna be pretty.
They will, they won’t come after folks all at once, as slick as the Demonrats are they will create a Catastrophic gun event that will be in the name of safety just like they did with COVID-19 and they will rebrand that anybody and everybody except them who posses a gun is a lunatic and they will also brand anybody and everybody who owns a gun and has “a medical condition” too unstable to posses a gun and they will use laws and the media to push the confiscation narrative; remember Noam Chomsky’ theory of “boiling the frog”
AND when they DO come for them, it WON’T be these senators/congress critters, doing it. IT WILL be armed swat teams..
gonna’ be a blood bath
Just buy one of those 20 round shot guns and he will be happy.
OR one of those AR-16’s that fire fully-semi auto 50 caliber rounds…
Wish I could afford one of those. 🙂
If this weasel, who was INSTALL NOT ELECTED, thinks he is going to send his bureaucratic cronies to get my guns, he is sadly mistaken. With all these un-elected despots in our government, I only see one way out, the 2nd Amendment.
Unfortunately, it won’t happen, they got everyone to wear mask in the name of safety and they will do the same with guns in their sick Demonic way!! There are too many sheep to take up arms in order to protect their 2nd amendment! They will use individuals as crazed lunatics who do fight back along with the media and the sheep will cave in!! I’m afraid United We Stand, Divided We Fall! Has left the train station a long time ago! Why do you think they have groups like BLM, ANTIFA and an invasion of Illegals? It’s because they know what divides good law abiding citizens! Welcome to the new normal!! People never even pushed back with mask wearing, now it has become normal! They said we are all in this together, it was a bunch of B.S. to push mail in ballots and rigged voting machines! change by the people for the people should have taken place years ago!
AND those who DID push back against those mask mandates, got SWIFLY DEMONIZED by the left, the media, and big tech.. WHICH is exactly what they will do to any gun owner, who “Refuses to give their guns up in the name of the party”.
“…shall not be infringed.“
WITH over 400+ gun laws (fed, state and local) ALREADY existing, our rights have been infringed on to hell and back..
The Democrats’ plan to reduce gun crime, like many of their other hairbrained ideas, defies both logic and common sense. By restricting the legal gun ownership of peaceful citizens, Democrats believe gun crimes can be significantly reduced. Of course, this belief conveniently ignores the fact that the vast majority of gun violence is committed with illegally possessed firearms. In their war against the Second Amendment, the Democrats are determined not to allow a minor annoyance like the Constitution to prevent them from succeeding.
ANd when you see that DAMN NEAR every mass shooting, has occurred in supposed GUN FREE ZONES, it shows just how LITTLE EFFECT< their 'anti-crime/gun laws' actually have!
So much for the oath to protect, preserve and defend the constitution. None of them even know what that means. Worthless garbage and the nut cases that elect them
“Three years ago today, a lone gunman took the lives of 14 students and three educators in Parkland, Florida.” And sadly the piece of trash that committed this crime hasn’t even been tried much less found guilty and summarily put to death. Cruz was a trouble maker and danger to society well known by police and the FBI who did nothing. Biden can go **** himself.
AND ALL cause obama, made laws to where mental patients like him, COULD NOT BE CHARGED..
Okay, I have but one question, are there any out there that still wonder why there is still a concertina wire topped fence and troops deployed around the Capitol?
When dealing with devious people, such as the Democrats, it is wise to look at what they have done, ONLY for the purpose of predicting what they intend to do next and you can trust me on this one, they are always planning something next!
Best to always remember history, as it can teach us well, all need to understand that any government that seeks to disarm the population, is intent on acting in a manner for which the population would take up arms against them.
With what has already been perpetrated on our nation and We The People, our greatest concern now is, what are they planning next?
Yeah, good luck with that ****. Sheila’s H.R. 127 doesn’t have any co-sponsors, which means it isn’t going to go anywhere. It would have to be Creepy Joe doing more by executive order. At least 99% of the country will not comply, neither will 99% of county sheriffs. You’re going to see 2nd Amendment Sanctuary states and counties popping up so fast, it will make your head spin..
AND how many of those county sheriffs who refuse, will STILL be in that job, 3-4 months later??
Next on the American people’s agenda: CIVIL WAR!
was talking to my brother this evening, and he was saying “WE NEED a modern day, siege of lexington….”
No wonder the National Guard are still in D.C..
With how our govt’s TREATING the military, i wonder, HOW LOW WILL recruitment and retention go?
“Gun Violence” will continue . It’s not law abiding citizens committing gun violence. It’s criminals that could not care less about the second amendment. This is a political move that will have no affect on crime. It’s pure BS.
WHEN HAS any gun law, these cretins put into place, EVER HAD AN AFFECT on criminals, and NOT us normal working class law abiding citizens?
Sad but true…look at Chicago for inspiration. Strictest gun laws in the USA so that people like those reading this blog could not buy a gun, even a little single shot .22 rifle like my dad gave me for my 10th birthday. But the bros in the ‘hood are all carrying “Nines” or Mac 10s, or AR-15s and blasting away in all directions during their turf wars and paybacks hitting many of the unlucky with random shots as well as their intended targets. But…Laws are On the Books!! Sadly, enforcement will be different against patriots than it has been against the Thugocracy in places like Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, St. Louis, NYC.
True. LACK of enforcement, is one of the BIGGEST things, imo that is why so many of these gang bangers still have their gats… THAT AND the bloody black market.
I say” over my dead body”. There are others who say that since we voluntarily took the lockdowns and mask-wearing with little or no push back that we will not stand up to gun confiscation. I can see that. But remember, it wasn’t 100% of the colonists that fought for our freedoms, but less than 20%. It takes courage to stand willing to die for your convictions and most of us do not have the fortitude to do that. But we have reached a point in this country where we’re witnessing the DAILY erosion of our freedoms. It started off slowly, But because we DIDN”T stand up and fight for our freedoms, the left has been absolutely brazen about taking them away from us. We don’t have much more time to waste. Climate change isn’t the existential threat we face, the destruction of America as we know it is. It’s time to stop whining and stand up and fight for our freedoms.
Never, ever call it a “Second Amendment Right!”
It is a “Second Amendment-Protected Right!”
The reason that is vitally important is that if people think our right comes from the US Constitution…
Then the opposite it true. It could be taken away by changing the law.
But that is not possible!
It is a God-given, fundamental, natural, unalienable, constitutionally-protected right.
One that cannot be taken away by “anyone,” including the government.
Please pass the word!
When the British came to take our guns, we shot them!
Hope the Democrat administration remembers that!
Captain Jim Green
How about passing a law against criminals owning guns? Probably not though, since they need to make a living too.
Wasn’t that parkland thing that happened mainly because of Holder/Obama’s promise program of not arresting students so they would not have a criminal record coming out of high school. Schools got rewarded with grants if they show low arrest rates. Would that be called “blood on their hands?”