A recent Edelman trust barometer released to Axios revealed that American trust in the news media has hit an all-time low of 27%. In the midst of a global pandemic, when citizens have relied on the media more than ever to bring them the facts, the media has failed to do that. Now 57% of Democrats and only 18% of Republicans have any faith in the media at all.
To anyone who has been paying attention lately, the drop in trust probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise. What’s particularly galling, however, is the fact that the media refuses to take any responsibility for how we got here.
Instead of digging into this important detail, Axios simply surmises that “[m]edia outlets can continue to report reliable facts, but that won’t turn the trend around on its own. What’s needed is for trusted institutions to visibly embrace the news media.”
So if we’re to believe Axios, whose stated mission is to “help restore trust in fact-based news” then the media has been doing a fine job in its reporting and the American people are the ones at fault here, not the outlets themselves.
Here’s an alternate explanation: For years now, media outlets have been more interested in pushing their own partisan agendas than reporting the facts and the American people are sick and tired of it.
Even Politico is beginning to see through its own bias enough to understand this, as noted by Jack Shafer in his recent piece: “How About a Little Sobriety Please?”
In the column, Shafer says, “At a time when large portions of the country think mainstream media is a tool of the left, perhaps it’s time to tone down the Biden adulation.”
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I call complete BS! there is no way 18% of Republicans trust the media… maybe 5% and that is stretching it.
The 18% probably only watch NewsMax or One America News and are lucky enough to have a conservative leaning editorial board on their local paper.
OR those 18, are not really “republican voter’s!” IS IT really out of the realm, that these media hacks, WOULD WILLINGLY FAKE UP so-called republican voters, just to poll?
Because, they LIE for the benefit of their organization.
For years now, media outlets have been more interested in pushing their own partisan agendas than reporting the facts and the American people are sick and tired of it. 57% of Democrats and only 18% of Republicans have any faith in the media at all.
Shafer says, “At a time when large portions of the country think mainstream media is a tool of the left, perhaps it’s time to tone down the Biden adulation.”
Nonesense. I don’t believe 18% of Republicans trust the Fake News. I personally don’t know any conservatives that have any faith at all in the liberal media.
“is the fact that the media refuses to take any responsibility for how we got here”. Since the so called news media is composed of communists, why would communists take any responsibility, for anything that they do?
IMO hell yes. THE MEDIA’s flat out refusal to EVER accept any of the blame for, their rampant lies, is a BIG PART of why so many I KNOW< wouldn't trust them, to tell us it's RAINING OUTSIDE< till we verify it by going outdoors…
The Public must be made to believe us!
And if they don’t believe us , we’ll send them to reeducation camps until they do!!!
“VE are the borg, you vill be assiminated. Individuality will be stamped out, only the collective exists!”
27% don’t trust the media? I think that’s way too high.
With how many BRAINDEAD Morons, our schools keep cranking out, its NOT TO HIGH for me, to see that many Dunces, still ‘trusting’ the media.
I noticed following the election many media outlets were quick to tag allegations of voting irregularities by the Trump campaign as “unsubstantiated,” “unproven,” “disproven,” “false,” or “baseless.” I don’t recall them applying similar labels to allegations made by others.
Most people can see that the news media has become nothing more than propaganda agents for the Democrat Party. The best thing to do is to not watch these propagandists. As their viewership declines ad revenue will follow.
It started many years ago with weather forecasts that did not prove true.
Then biased reporting that always blamed all the problems if the world on the Republicans.
Then the false accusations against Republicans that were later proven false.
Then denying or ignoring the truth accompanied by even more outrageous accusations…which were also proven false.
But wait, there is more. Election officials, in collusion with corrupt judges and corrupt prosecutors and defiled elected officials stole the 2020 election in plain sight while denying there was any problem whatsoever.
Now that a fake president is sitting in the White House, the enraged and insane Democrats are pushing the unconstitutional effort to impeach the EX-president !!
Oh, but we are told that this is needed to “help America heal” and to bring “unity.”
The inmates have captured the mental treatment facility and have appointed the worst patient as the new administrator.