Johns Hopkins is out with a new LGBTQ glossary of terms to help people navigate the ever-changing landscape of sexual orientations and gender identities. Only, the new definition of “lesbian” erases women from it entirely.
“Lesbian” has always meant women who are same-sex attracted. In recent years, trans-identified males have taken up the term when these males are attracted to women, claiming that because they identify as women and are attracted to women, they are necessarily lesbians.
But for Johns Hopkins, the definition of lesbian is all about men, with “woman” barely earning a passing reference.
“Lesbian [sexual orientation]: A non-man attracted to non-men. While past definitions refer to ‘lesbian’ as a woman who is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to other women, this updated definition includes non-binary people who may also identify with the label.”
The definition of “gay,” however, has not gone through such a drastic renovation. In fact, it hasn’t been reimagined at all. Much in the way that gender neutral bathrooms primarily remake women’s bathrooms to be for everybody while leaving men’s bathrooms intact, the term “gay” is still reserved for men and men alone.
“Gay Man: A man who is emotionally, romantically, sexually, affectionately, or relationally attracted to other men, or who identifies as a member of the gay community. At times, ‘gay’ is used to refer to all people, regardless of gender, who have their primary sexual and or romantic attractions to people of the same gender. ‘Gay’ is an adjective (not a noun) as in ‘He is a gay man.'”
A woman on TikTok, as part of the It Gets Better Project, which is meant to assure young gays and lesbians who have a hard time growing up that life does get better, has abandoned language completely. Her dismay at being female is so pronounced that she would rather her gender be categorized as what it is not than what it really is.
“There’s a misconception that ‘lesbian’ means ‘a woman who loves other women,'” she said. “And actually, the definition is ‘non-men who are attracted to and love other non-men.'”
“Throughout history,” she continued, “there have always been gender nonconforming lesbians, and it’s interesting to see nowadays that there are some folks who kind of try to gate keep that identity and only include folks who identify as women.”
“And that’s not what being a lesbian is about!” she warns. “There are trans men who identified as a lesbian for many, many years and still feel comfortable within that community and that identity. There are non binary folks of all kinds who identify as lesbians.” These presumably include men.
“There’s like a zillion different ways to be a lesbian, and if that word is what’s comfortable for you, then nobody can gate keep it from you.”
In recent years, as LGBTQ ideology has taken hold, women themselves have become less an objective reality and more of a concept. Men who used to be considered transsexuals are now portrayed as women, accepted under law as women, allowed into sex-segregated spaces of women, and routinely take the athletic awards and accolades in women’s competition.
The constant refrain from our nation’s leaders is that “trans women are women,” which means essentially that “men are women.” What we do not hear as consistently is that “trans men are men,” which would mean that “women are men.”
It seems that no one is confused about what a man is, nor what a gay man is, but that when it comes to women and lesbians, everyone just throws up their hands in confusion.
What’s truly bizarre, however, is the absolute insanity of women who are attracted to other women finding shame in being women at all. Being a gender-nonconforming woman does not make a woman any less of one, stating that you believe yourself to not be female does not make you less female, and gender-nonconforming lesbians are no less female, and no less women, even if they would rather identify as non-male.
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***? Who lays awake all night dreaming this stuff up?
Answer: The abnormal, deranged, immoral, satanic, liberal Democrats.
Democrats see everything as subjective, how they feel things should be (not as they are) their whole world is subjective. Not Objective.
To the Democrat Party cult and their disciples, Gender, Truth, Facts, Reality and History are all irrelevant, if the Democrats do not WANT to believe them or they disagree with them. Democrats will just make up their own, Gender, Truth, Facts, Reality and History to fit what they WANT to believe or fits into the Con or Deception that they are running at the time. 😯
It is the people who are way too obsessed with their pencils, that end up erasing whole genders when their idle hands become the devils workshops.
Libtards of course. THEY ARE the real Mysognists!
“Misogynists” a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.
I think these Libtards pretty much hate anyone who does not bow down to their abominations.
‘Gay’ is an adjective (not a noun) as in ‘He is a gay man.’”,,,now translated by Woke LGBTQ from adjective to objective as in
“I object your honor?”,,,with the same resulting honor you find among thieves who only treat each other with respect, and leave none for the truth.
There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection,,,,but the WOKE recreators of reality would make as many newly invented parts of speech as the one language People of Babel who built a tower to heaven which they thought would make them Gods, which crashed and divided them into languages that none could understand each other. History repeats itself in WOKE madness, and WOKE media. God will never abide a fool let alone a whole social collective political party of them.
How queer is all this?! Queer is a pronoun, a noun, and also a verb(action), so take that Johns Hopkins. This really doesn’t make any sense to me, but neither does any of your intellectual b.s.
WHAT intellect??