Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that Iran could hold the entire world hostage if the Biden administration moves forward with plans to approve a new nuclear deal.
During an interview on Fox News, the former Israeli leader said allowing Tehran to acquire nuclear weapons be “the kowtowing of the democratic world” if allowed to happen.
“First of all,” he warned, “they can take the entire world hostage.”
Netanyahu, who stepped down as prime minister last year, oversaw his country’s clandestine plan to deter Iran’s nuclear ambitions, which included the assassination of Iranian scientists to slow progress.
He also urged the U.S. and other democratic nations to work alongside Israel to keep Iran from producing nukes only to witness President Joe Biden return to the talks that were abandoned by Donald Trump.
“Those people who are firing these missiles, those people who have murdered Americans left and right,” Netanyahu said, “those people who are responsible for more terrorism around the world than anyone else, those people are going to be lifted off sanctions. That’s what the Iranians are demanding.”
The former prime minister made his comments on the “Life, Liberty, and Levin” show.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
THEN DO something about it Net.. TAKE IRAN OUT.. Don’t wait on US to do it.
That’s part of the dummycrat plan. Let our enemies threaten nuclear war so the dummycrats can make the final transition toward communism for this this country to keep us “safe from democracy.”