Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) is among several members of Congress who are demanding answers on increased security measures at the Capitol. What was supposed to be a temporary stay of National Guard troops and other reinforcements after January 6 seems to be more permanent.
Republicans have called for the razor wire fencing and troop presence to come down if no credible and imminent threat of violence exists. Waltz said he has repeatedly requested the intelligence briefings that continually get cited, but are never shown.
“All I get back is, ‘well, there is online chatter,’” Waltz stated. “But there is no specific threat — that I am aware of that I have seen…or any other member of Congress that I’ve talked to has seen — that requires more soldiers than we have in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.”
Read more at One America News.
Laura Ingraham addresses both the invasion at the border and razor wire in Washington DC
Related Story: Capitol Police chief appeals for National Guard to stay
” — that requires more soldiers than we have in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.”
It would appear that the dishonorable, traitorous Democrat Congress members fear our own citizens more than anyone else?
Kinda makes one wonder Why the Democrat Congress fear our own citizens??
No we don’t wonder. We all know the Democrat Congress traitorous, destructive, dishonorable and immoral deeds.
Comparing the democrat administration to Nazi Germany usually gets people in trouble with their innocent awareness toward the obvious. Intolerant leadership calling all opposite thought as “hate” or “insurrections”. The bunker fortifications and throng of military , led by the SS (that still DOES mean “secret service”, right?) puts a very frightening image of our center of power. One can’t give all the credit to the party of Adolf. The communists and Nazis seemed to have bred together and the hybrid offspring is today’s democrat party. Control tactics and ideologies of both totalitarianisms combined. What’s a good name for this Frankensteining of 2 evils—Commudemzis?
AND it makes you wonder. HOW IS IT with all that security there, ANYONE CAN STILL be fearful of “an attack”??? OR are they saying the level of security they have is INSUFFICIENT?
Funny I am just learning about all what you posted in my college course I am taking. It is scary what these democrats are shooting for. But as in history, the opposing of good, had failed. The Nazi’s were taken out with the help of Russian allying with the US, and it took it down. With Ronald Reagan in office he helped stopped the Cold War, and brought the walls down. What will it take for us to take the walls down at the Capital? Its ok for them to have a wall there but not at our southern borders or sea port borders? The other scary thing is that with the Nazi’s they were exterminating the Jews, this time its against Christians. But in the end, it will be the good-Christians- that will defeat this evil regime, as it did in history.
All they do is promise illegals free things to get their votes. They do not care about those people. They want the wall at the border taken down yet, they put a wall up around the Capital building. They are such hypocritical people, but they do not care if they are called out in their evil games. There was no real threat for yesterday. They put this fabricated threat up, so they can quietly pass HR 8 this evil gun control law. They fabricated this, so no one would see what they are doing. Sad that they must lie to cover something else. They want illegals in, because its more women and children to be involved in sex trafficking. Sick minded people these democrats are.
Like they say, the bigger the gun, the smaller the man, even smaller when it is a Speaker of the House woman trying to act like one, and continually to fail miserably in the attempts.
The greater the planned illegal attempts to grab power, the greater the armed need to protect the guilty. There obviously is way more Pelosi planned political corruption to come. Hence the need for the troops. Funny how Trump got by with only a smattering of Secret Service men, who unlike Pelosi would take a bullet for him, like they did for Reagan. Nancy and Joe know it’s now open season on Cuckoo Birds and Vultures. Hence their run to cover like a collective of quail into a covey who surround themselves with strawmen and think themselves now safe from the incoming rounds of accountability.
AND you just know, they’ll keep these “unspecified threats” in the media, so as to justify keeping the troops there through 2024!
Amen. They know that the only way to get them out of office now, is by a revolt. We all know now that elections won’t do it, because they will rig them, steal them, and pay off judges to throw out cases for them. It does state in the Constitution and Bill of Rights that we the people have the right to take a party out if they are tyrannical. It doesn’t stay how, but that we do have the right to take out that corruption.
Is this what a military coup looks like?
No, not really…….. It is to prevent one of the reasons that we have a 2nd Amendment from having any affect.
IF It was a military coup, THE MILITARY WOULD BE DRAGGING their butts out, and such, NOT protecting them against we the people..
The communist police state and just remember, we Trump supporters will be hunted down, by the deep state corrupt intelligence officials (the Gestapo and Stasi) and we will all be jailed, as we are “white supremacists”.
Questions? Is the national guard the gestapo? Are they going to facilitate the destruction of this country on orders from traitors in power? Didn’t they take an oath to the Constitution? All questions that no one has answered at least to my satisfaction
IT seems their oaths, are JUST AS meaningless as the oaths the judges and such, who ROUTINELY RULE Against our constitution, have become…
For years many on this site, kept saying “JUst wait, if push comes to shove, the military would be on Our side”. BUT the reality seems to be exactly the OPPOSITE.
More FAKE NEWS is what has the National Guard in DC. Democrats already know they are destroying the country, so they need protection from the people whose lives they are destroying. At least that is what the disgusting democrats believe. Now that they have a totally corrupt moron in the white house.
I think they don’t trust any American no matter which party they represent, that their policies if they aren’t already over the top will be shortly be and they think the American people (Left or Right) will uprise. They have absolutely no concern for the American people or making America great and everything to do with their Communist agenda. I believe this is the beginning of their regime to take over ALL Americans. This must mean that things will be getting much worse………for this kind of fear. If you are a Democrat or Republican, be afraid this is the beginning of Communism.Taking away freedom of speech, our guns, in some cases they have removed the gas pumps, total loss of freedoms. If the lack of presidential presence isn’t scary you must have to believe that the people working in the background have your best interests at heart, they don’t. America is last again!
Liberals are afraid of the PEOPLE not just Republicans or supporters of Donald Trump. They have lost whatever control over BLM and Antifa they once thought they had. Their actions as mayors, county executives, governors, and now lastly the Presidency has eroded the confidence in what mot voters considered the party of the people, the workers, the disadvantaged. They have pandered to factions they themselves have created as special interests, often with opposing agendas the delivered little to any. The fantasy they have that everybody is out to get them may soon come true by their very own actions!
The soldiers should stay in place and issue orange jumpsuits to all
Communist democrats and RINOS, then clean the swamp from
the top down. Trials for treason being the reason………William
I keep hoping a house will fall on Nancy head or a flying monkey will take her away to a old folk home.
Or an alien takes her, to be exprimented on.
Or she just drops dead!
Biden (or should I say Harris?) et al will continue to find “credible threats” one after the other to keep the military there as long as it suits their agenda.
Then the military chain, should be DEMANDING TO SEE the evidence of said threat, OR WE LEAVE right now.
Funny that, with all these supposed threats that keep the fences up and the Guard in place, there haven’t been any attempts to storm the fences or throw things at (or over) them or even mass threateningly outside them, as was done all last year by BLM and antifa rioters outside fences in cities all over the country. An impartial observer just might assume that the “threats” are nonexistent.
Getting an impartial observer, in the press these days, is like finding a Gold egg laying chicken! IMPOSSIBLE!
Why does anyone demand answers for the NG troops still in DC? Anyone with one brain cell (that’s one more than senile Joe has) knows the answers. The first answer is that it’s a very feeble attempt to make Trump and his voters look bad. The second answer is that the dummycrats know the citizens know that they stole the election and the cowards are scared to death of the citizens.
ANd why are not MORE governors, demanding their troops come BACK HOME..