Attorney, author, and radio personality Clay Travis did not appreciate the PSA (view below) from groups including Sesame Workshop, the Ad Council, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
“No kid under five, in my opinion, should get the COVID shot,” Travis tweeted. “The fact that this propaganda aired on Sesame Street is indefensible.”
“It’s okay to have questions about COVID-19 vaccines for children!” the Sesame Workshop public service announcement tweet is captioned. “Elmo’s dad Louie talked to their pediatrician, and learned that Elmo getting vaccinated is the best way to keep him and his whole neighborhood safe and healthy!”
Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) also weighed in on Twitter, applauding “Sesame Street” for saying parents are allowed to have questions:
“You then have Elmo aggressively advocate for vaccinating children under five, but you cite ZERO scientific evidence for this.”
Former Representative Sean Duffy (R-Wisconsin) told the “Fox & Friends First” program that the program is advocating a vaccine for a pandemic that has waned.
“Parents put their kids in front of a television and think they’re going to be learning the ABCs and how to count to 10, but in reality, they’re trying to indoctrinate your children that they should go in and get a vaccine or tell their parents they should go get a vaccine,” said Duffy. “This is outrageous.”
He added that parents cannot trust the liberals at PBS or in the school system’s unions.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
Propaganda! Propaganda! Propaganda! The liberal left woke, one big mass of Marxist-socialism, is trying to inculcate American young people from the very younest age possible in the ‘government knows best’ philosophy, they should make it a TV series, oh!, they already have, to be good lemmings and follow the leader! Childrens’ shows in which there was interaction with adult role models are now animated with nary an adult in sight so the children are allowed to make their own right (liberal left) decisions on their own.
Well, the media used to be called “Programming!”
Now they’re trying to politicize the muppets and turn them into recruiters for government mandates. Nothing is sacred anymore.
Let children be children and enjoy their world of fantasy and imagination without adult interference—PLEASE!!!!!
IMO the muppets and seasamee street have been propagandized, for YEARS!
This is nothing new.
Defund, disinvest, Boycott…..
Let me think….What else does the Left do when they don’t like something?
Oh, yes, we all know….Well we cannot advocate for their type of response nor may we engage in that behavior without the threat of being confined without trial.
Not only may we not engage in “peaceful protests” but since Conservative Speech “is violence” we cannot even speak about it publicly.
Perhaps doxing the PBS brass and actors would have some effect? Probably not much though.
Conservatives have jobs or are too busy raising children to be a 24 hour a day threat like The Woke. Also they tend to be far less vindictive. It has something to do with Faith and a belief that God will square ALL things, in His time, to a degree that man is incapable of imagining.
Defund PBS!
DEFUND ALL GOvt propaganda networks. PBS especially.