Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) is urging his Utah counterpart Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) to endorse him in November’s Senate race, saying in an interview on Tuesday, “help me win reelection.”
“Well, I’ve asked him. I’m asking him right here, again, tonight, right now. Mitt, if you’d like to protect the Republican majority, give us any chance of seizing the Republican majority, once again, getting it away from the Democrats, who are facilitating this massive spending spree in a massive inflationary binge, please get on board,” Lee told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday.
Read more at The Charlotte Observer
Sen. Mike Lee to Mitt Romney: Support Me Over Evan McMullin If You Want A Republican Majority, It’s Not Too Late
Incumbent Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) warns Mitt Romney will produce another two years of Chuck Schumer as Senate Majority Leader if he continues to stay neutral in the general election for U.S. Senate in Utah. Evan McMullin, Lee’s opponent and Romney’s friend, is running as an independent and anti-Trump candidate.
Lee said Romney’s “tacit” assistance of McMullin is not helping and all 48 other Republican Senators have endorsed him for another term.
Read More at RealClear Politics
Trump says Mike Lee ‘abused’ by Romney
Former President Trump slammed Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Wednesday, accusing him of “abusing” his Utah colleague Sen. Mike Lee (R) following news that Romney has refrained from issuing an endorsement in Lee’s reelection campaign.
“Mike Lee is an outstanding Senator who has been abused, in an unprecedented way, by a fellow Republican Senator from his own State, something which rarely has happened in political History,” Trump said in a statement issued through his Save America PAC.
“Such an event would only be understandable if Mike did not perform his duties as a United States Senator, but he has, and he has performed them well,” the former president continued.
— Read more at The Hill
Related Story: The Shape-Shifting Evan McMullin
Why would the foolish Utah voters even have elected the treasonous Democrat RINO Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah)?
This disgraceful, treasonous, hateful Mitt Romney swamp creature has the same RINO character as Liz Chaney.
This kinda shines a light on the Utah potato head voters.
Why would the foolish Utah voters even have elected the treasonous Democrat RINO Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah)?
About 68% of the population is Mormon. Mike Lee probably won’t be elected unless their Mormon senator tells them to vote for him. It will be a good gauge of how strong his hold is on Utah. He’s up for reelection in 2024.
Apparently, Romney would rather keep Chuck Schumer in power with a never Trump senator instead of a conservative. I have even more disgust and contempt for Mitt Romney than I do for Liz Cheney and that’s really saying something.
Romney is probably a fake Mormon just as he is a fake Republican….
The disgraceful Mitt Romney is a RINO and a MINO (Mormon In Name Only)
AND why would a PROPER conservative, ever WANT Mitt Romney to endorse him??
That alone is making me hesitant on wanting Mike Lee..
Since I don’t live in Utah anymore, I don’t have a pressing need to defend Utah voters. That said, here are two factors to consider:
1) The senate race in Utah presented voters with a choice between two evils. Romney was arguably a better choice than his opponent.
2) Romney has done his worst damage while serving in this post.
I know for a fact that most conservative Utahns are deeply disappointing in Sen Romney’s actions and positions. He will not be re-elected. I agree with you… Romney is the worst kind of traitor to his State and the American nation.
Romney was arguably a better choice than his opponent.
Really? Was he running against Hitler or the devil?
From Wikipedia: “After reestablishing residency in Utah, Romney announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate seat held by the retiring Orrin Hatch in the 2018 election; he defeated state representative Mike Kennedy in the Republican primary and Democratic nominee Jenny Wilson in the general election.”
Kennedy was a weak candidate, and Wilson was, well, a Democrat.
Falling asleep at the wheel and crashing your car is not a case of insomnia. Failing to support the people of the party that brought you to the party is a state of being in Romneyia. This short term memory can can last for few days to few weeks and for some it can be chronic which lasts for more than a month,,,,way past the time of elections. Just how convenient or productive is that? Romney is only about and for Romney, not THE PEOPLE who he was elected to serve. When in doubt just watch him in action. Like Liz Cheney they prefer to live in their comfort zone of Hating Trump who exposed them, than do the right thing and enforce the will of THE PEOPLE who trusted them with the power they are soon to let slip away.
AND HOW was he the ‘better option’, when the PROOF IS HE HAS been an utter debacle for us as a nation?
Of course, there is a down side to an endorsement by Mitt Romney, given his record an endorsement by him could be the kiss of death to a candidate.
Exactly. IF lee really IS a conservative through and through, WHY THE HELL would he ever want Traitor Romney to endorse him?!?
romney was and still is a RAT.
Romney is no more than a DEMORAT !
I would consider that a compliment to Mike Lee…
I really think there is something mentally wrong with Romney. His comments and actions are completely off the beam. It’s like he is being purposely controversial in order to get attention. It just doesn’t mesh right with what I thought were his historical political positions. Maybe he and Fetterman have the same physician.
Mitty Romney needs to go RECALLED and Forstand a IMPEACH. This Rino is like his Sister Lazy Lizzy Cheney. That on November 8th , 2022 Will no longer be a Republican Rep. She will not ever be a Republican Rep. In the State of Wyoming. So she needs to join her kind of Parasites in the Democratic Socialist/Communist Party !
Can we do a trade. Give Romney to the Communists and we’ll accept Gabbard
If anyone is wondering, Utah has two senators, just like every other state, and Mike Lee is the good one…