Once again, it’s that 98 percent of Massachusetts judges giving the other 2 percent such a bad name.
Yes, those three judges out in Worcester who cut Jorge Zambrano loose to eventually murder an Auburn cop in cold blood — they’re all hacked up to the max. So what else is new? This is Massachusetts, where bust-out lawyers pay politicians for lifetime sinecures on the bench, after which they make absolutely atrocious decisions and innocent people die.
C’mon down, Judge Paul McGill. He was appointed by Mike Dukakis, so of course he’s a disgrace. Earned his judgeship the old-fashioned way — $200 to the Duke when he was running for president. Also gave $900 to his then-boss, Bob Rufo, the High Sheriff of Suffolk County, who would himself be appointed a state judge after the traditional nationwide search.
Up until now, McGill’s most famous moment on the bench had come when a gangbanger named Damien Bynoe stood before him, convicted of murdering two young boys in Roxbury, one of them just 11. Despite the heinousness of Bynoe’s crimes (he celebrated with a pizza after carrying out the hit), McGill called him “an all-American boy who made a mistake.” He sentenced Bynoe as a juvenile — the legal term is “wrist slap.”
On Jan. 25 McGill ran into another all-American boy named Jorge. Despite his 11-page rap sheet, Dukakis’ protege released c … on personal recognizance. After all, he had only tried to throw a Worcester cop into the back seat of his car, where he had a hungry pit bull waiting to pounce.
Another day, another wrist slap.
A month later Zambrano stood before Judge Andrew Mandell, a 71-year-old Republican hack with a state pension of $100,068 a year. Now he’s back, post-retirement, double-dipping on “recall.” This time Zambrano had threatened a state cop.
“This is troubling,” said Judge Mandell. But not so troubling that he didn’t cut the DA’s bail recommendation from $2,500 to $500 cash.
Mandell was appointed to the bench in 1999 by then-Gov. Paul Cellucci, to whom he and his wife had just given $2,500. He also ponied up for other GOP statesmen like Bill Weld ($250), Fat Matt Amorello ($200) and future Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito ($100).
After Mandell cut Zambrano loose, the future cop-killer told him, “I must apologize, I apologize, Your Honor. Thank you, Your Honor. Sorry about that!”
Now I guess we know why the Legislature put in a mandatory retirement age for these black-robed payroll Charlies.
The third judge cut the cop killer loose just last week, after he was pulled over in Kelley Square downtown driving unlicensed in an unregistered car with an another license plate attached. Judge Janet McGuiggan instantly recognized Zambrano as a good boy, a very good boy, an aspiring rapper no doubt.
She was appointed by Gov. Deval Patrick, and boasts an impeccable hack pedigree at Worcester City Hall. After her swearing-in in 2010, then Lt. Gov. Tim “Crash” Murray hosted a little reception for her in the Levi Lincoln Room.
Yes, the same Crash Murray who flunked the bar exam twice, and who would soon leave office in disgrace after a mysterious car accident at 108 mph., but before his top “fundraiser” Mike McLaughlin was slapped into federal prison, where he currently resides until March 2017.
As always, in the halls of the justice, the only justice is in the halls. That, and the fatherless children of all the dead cops killed by drug-addicted thugs who never should have been out on the street.
Listen to Howie from 3-7 p.m. today on WRKO AM 680.
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